







汉语拼音:zhù mù








  1. 注视。集中目光看。

    三国 魏 曹植 《陈审举表》:“夫能使天下倾耳注目者,当权者是矣。” 宋 苏轼 《十八大阿罗汉赞·迦诺迦跂梨随闇尊者》:“扬眉注目,拊膝横拂。”《古今小说·单符郎全州佳偶》:“司户见了 杨玉 ,反觉有些避嫌,不敢注目,然心中思慕愈甚。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十八:“晚上,为躲着院中人的注目,她又出去在街上转。”

  2. 引申为注意,重视。

    南朝 梁 陶弘景 《与武帝论书启》之一:“前奉神笔三纸,并今为五,非但字字注目,乃画画抽心。” 张篁溪 《苏报案实录》:“﹝《苏报》﹞增入‘学界风潮’一栏,所载文章,素为东南学界所注目。” 聂绀弩 《创作口号和联合问题》:“作者提出了一个新的创作口号:‘民族革命战争的大众文学’。我以为这是值得我们注目的。”



  1. A striking silhouette shows off the lithe form of a cheetah approaching a tree for a late afternoon slumber.


  2. People stared at me wherever I went on campus, and I was asked to give inspirational talks to teenagers.


  3. They were both striking, and strikingly like a luxed-up version of the designer's ready-to-wear.


  4. In her day Friedel was a striking beauty, and that glamour and grace is still evident today.


  5. And all those who were in the Sanhedrin, looking at him, saw that his face was like the face of an angel.


  6. We looked at one another and smiled as the music flowed because we were all thinking the same thing: 'This is as good as I thought it was.


  7. He watched her with considerable curiosity at times, for she was still attractive in a way and men looked at her.


  8. It was not until even the dusty cloud was no longer to be seen, that the gazers dispersed.


  9. Immediately after she starred in a television series another "Xinzashikuang" in this movie in her acting skills began to receive attention.


  1. 注目的焦点

    the center of attraction.

  2. 他们行注目礼。

    They saluted with eyes.

  3. 虔诚且神圣的注目

    A pious and holy observation.

  4. 标新立异, 惹人注目

    make oneself conspicuous by acting differently

  5. 成为公众注目的中心

    to be in the limelight

  6. 戏剧性的。惹人注目的

    adv. highly effective or compelling dramatically

  7. 她太惹人注目了。

    She's far too prominent.

  8. 引起旅客们注目的东西不少。

    There is much to arrest the eyes of the travellers.

  9. 你会招徕注目暴露目标的。

    Lois You will stick out like a sore thumb.

  10. 她走到哪里都受人注目。

    She is limelighted anywhere she goes.

  11. 她炫示她的围巾以引我注目。

    Her flared her scarf to catch my eye.

  12. 她长得漂亮,很惹人注目。

    Her beauty makes her the focus of attention.

  13. 我非常喜欢注目凝视古老的教堂

    I really like looking at old churches.

  14. 她的外表, 漂亮标致, 惹人注目。

    Her aspect was fair and arresting.

  15. 你会很荣幸地受到她的注目。

    You will be honoured with some portion of her notice.

  16. 她的貌美吸引了许多男士的注目。

    Her good looks attract the stares of many men.

  17. 她那含情的注目简直使他受不了。

    He could not brook her loving gaze.

  18. 她长久以来在戏剧界受人注目。

    She has long held the limelight in the dramatic world.

  19. 她只想满足自己引入注目的欲望。

    She only wanted to gratify her own desire for attention.

  20. 你的注目凝视使她感到不自在。

    Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable.

  21. 这个班已有引人注目的进步。

    The class has made noticeable improvement.

  22. 为了避免别人注目,他们穿得很朴素。

    They dress in quiet colors so as not to call attention to themselves.

  23. 他是个不甘寂寞的人,常想招人注目。

    He is not a very quiet man and always wants to be to the fore.

  24. 你不是该招摇进场惹人注目吗?

    Weren't you supposed to enter so the others could see you?

  25. 只有鲜艳的红头发非常令人注目。

    Only the vivid red hair ever stood out.

  26. 当人们注目你的时候, 朝他们眨眨眼睛。

    When people give you that patronizing look, wink at'em.

  27. 我想这个女演员喜欢受到大家的注目。

    I think the actress enjoys being in the limelight.

  28. 最令人注目的是孩子们的机智聪明。

    What is immediately striking is how resourceful the children are.

  29. 你的新发明将使全世界为之注目。

    Your new invention will make the whole world sit up and take notice!

  30. 他们是令人注目的多产小说家。

    They are the remarkable productivity of novelists.


  1. 问:注目拼音怎么拼?注目的读音是什么?注目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:注目的读音是zhùmù,注目翻译成英文是 focus

  2. 问:注目礼拼音怎么拼?注目礼的读音是什么?注目礼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:注目礼的读音是zhùmùlǐ,注目礼翻译成英文是 the rite of watching

  3. 问:注目的拼音怎么拼?注目的的读音是什么?注目的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:注目的的读音是,注目的翻译成英文是 remarkable

  4. 问:注目显示拼音怎么拼?注目显示的读音是什么?注目显示翻译成英文是什么?

    答:注目显示的读音是zhù mù xiǎn shì,注目显示翻译成英文是 attention display




拼音:zhù mù

注音: ㄓㄨˋ ㄇㄨˋ 释义:注视。集中视线在一点上。

出处:《晋书·孙惠传》:“天下喁喁,四海注目。” 基本解释 [gaze at;fix one’s eyes on] 以目注视;目不视他物 注目礼 四海注目 详细解释 1. 注视。集中目光看。

三国 魏曹植《陈审举表》:“夫能使天下倾耳注目者,当权者是矣。” 宋苏轼《十八大阿罗汉赞·迦诺迦跂梨随闇尊者》:“扬眉注目,拊膝横拂。”《古今小说·单符郎全州佳偶》:“司户见了杨玉,反觉有些避嫌,不敢注目,然心中思慕愈甚。”《东周列国志》第七十九回:“吴兵从未见如此举动,甚以为怪,皆注目而观之,互相传语,正不知其何故。”老舍《骆驼祥子》十八:“晚上,为躲着院中人的注目,她又出去在街上转。” 2. 引申为注意,重视。

南朝 梁陶弘景《与武帝论书启》之一:“前奉神笔三纸,并今为五,非但字字注目,乃画画抽心。” 张篁溪 《苏报案实录》:“﹝《苏报》﹞增入‘学界风潮’一栏,所载文章,素为东南学界所注目。”聂绀弩《创作口号和联合问题》:“作者提出了一个新的创作口号:‘民族革命战争的大众文学’。我以为这是值得我们注目的。”

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