


抢,强取:抢~。掠~。巧取豪~。强(qiāng )词~理。争先取到:~得最后胜利。~魁。~冠(guàn )。冲开:~门而出。丧失,削除:剥~。褫~(剥夺)。~志(改变志向或意愿)。晃动:光彩~目。决定如何处理:请予裁~。漏掉(文字):第八行……





汉语拼音:duó mù








  1. 谓光彩耀眼。

    南朝 梁 闻人倩 《春日》诗:“林有惊心鸟,园多夺目花。”《警世通言·唐解元一笑姻缘》:“解元倚窗独酌,忽见有画舫从旁摇过,舫中珠翠夺目。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十八:“窗户间陈列的玩具和儿童的书,五光十色,极其夺目。”



  1. To him ( Dorian Gray) Life itself was the first, the greatest, of the arts. And for it all the other arts seemed to be but a preparation.


  2. "It would be as though the Earth clad itself in jewellery of brilliants and enamel. The splendour is absolutely unimaginable. "


  3. She had looked dazzling before in her silver dress, but in her dress of beaten gold she was more radiant.


  4. SO there she was with a stunning ring on each finger. To please her, I tried on her rubbish jewellery.


  5. All was as gaudy and blaring as a circus parade should be in a small town on a normal summer day.


  6. she was dressed in black velvet ; she looked high and splendid , as he had said , and yet oh so radiantly gentle.


  7. Peony as she was not nor yao Yan as dazzling peach, but it has a handsome, rustic, tranquil demeanor and charm.


  8. The common opinion seems to be that the Lakers made Odom an offer that was far above market value, and he turned it down.


  9. When bolts of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, followed by rumbles of thunder, thunderstorms are said to have occurred.


  1. 火光夺目。

    The glare of lights pained ones eyes with their brightness.

  2. 霓虹灯般夺目

    dazzling like a neon

  3. 闪电光辉夺目。

    The lightning was vivid.

  4. 光彩夺目, 不可逼视

    shine with dazzling brilliance

  5. 夺目争莲花

    dazzling anemone

  6. 民族服装,鲜艳夺目。

    National costume is attractively Brightcoloured.

  7. 色彩夺目, 迥然不俗

    colours are striking, yet not vulgar

  8. 女王夺目的纯洁

    The lady in brightest white

  9. 光辉夺目的文学作品

    works with a high literary shine

  10. 日落的色彩鲜艳夺目。

    The sunset glows with color.

  11. 光采夺目,不可逼视。

    At close range the glare dazzles ones eyes.

  12. 中午的太阳耀眼夺目

    the refulgent glory of the midday sun

  13. 璀璨夺目的蓝宝城

    A Lustrous City of Sapphire.

  14. 光辉夺目的文艺复兴时代

    the bright days of the Renaissance

  15. 停止了它夺目的光华。

    Should cease to shine its light.

  16. 她的钻戒闪耀夺目。

    Her diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy.

  17. 身穿加冕礼服而光彩夺目

    resplendent in coronation robes

  18. 乾木燃起夺目的火焰

    dry wood makes a good blaze

  19. 鲜艳夺目的优秀游戏。

    Excellent game with colourful the schedule.

  20. 干木燃起夺目的光焰。

    Dry wood makes a good blaze.

  21. 天空中群星闪烁, 灿烂夺目。

    The sky sparkled with brilliant stars.

  22. 璀璨夺目, 只因你们的汇集!

    Bright and brilliant, only because you gather!

  23. 这图案色彩鲜红, 灿烂夺目。

    The design was picked out in the bright red.

  24. 整修后的游乐场新姿夺目。

    The renovated amusement park has a brandnew image.

  25. 整修后的游乐场新姿夺目。

    The renovated amusement park has a brand-new image.

  26. 又像海底的珍珠, 光彩夺目。

    And like the bottom of the sea pearl, brilliant.

  27. 大佛贴金彩绘, 光艳夺目。

    Colors were applied to make the statue appear more beautiful and glorious.

  28. 花园里红色的花鲜艳夺目。

    The red flowers make a blaze of color in the garden.

  29. 这只钻石戒指闪耀夺目。

    The diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy.

  30. 你或许是一颗恒星,光彩夺目。

    Perhaps you are a star, brilliant.


  1. 问:夺目拼音怎么拼?夺目的读音是什么?夺目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夺目的读音是duómù,夺目翻译成英文是 dazzling

  2. 问:夺目地拼音怎么拼?夺目地的读音是什么?夺目地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夺目地的读音是,夺目地翻译成英文是 loudly

  3. 问:夺目杜鹃拼音怎么拼?夺目杜鹃的读音是什么?夺目杜鹃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夺目杜鹃的读音是duómùdùjuān,夺目杜鹃翻译成英文是 Rhododendron arizelum



谓光彩耀眼。 南朝 梁 闻人倩 《春日》诗:“林有惊心鸟,园多夺目花。”明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“内中有十来包珠子,又有几个小匣儿,都盛着新样簇花点翠的首饰,奇巧动人,光灿夺目。”《警世通言·唐解元一笑姻缘》:“解元倚窗独酌,忽见有画舫从旁摇过,舫中珠翠夺目。”《东周列国志》第七十九回:“真乃盈耳夺目,应接不暇,把鲁国君臣二人,喜得手舞足蹈,不知所以。”冰心《寄小读者》十八:“窗户间陈列的玩具和儿童的书,五光十色,极其夺目。”

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