


1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……









汉语拼音:sī wéi dìng shì






  1. Wong said he'd changed many Americans' stereotypical view that Chinese lack a sense of humor and are always buried in work.


  2. Mr. Obama said the U. S. must rid itself of the stereotype that China just takes U. S. manufacturing jobs.


  3. Everyone's personality and the way they act are different so if I tried to sum it up I would just be stereotyping.


  4. "If an hour on the piano gets you out of a mental rut, then it's a benefit for the business. "


  5. A brand new automobile braking device jumps out of the thinking set that automobiles can be braked only by tyres.


  6. What oriental people care is not deduction which western people matter but induction in terms of devices of organizing passage.


  7. So many things in this world happen due to convention or habit, so thinking like a child helps to break this pattern.


  8. It'd be great if you could think out of the box and generate some radical ideas.


  9. "Contrary to gender stereotypes, women were actually more likely to talk about it, both during the movie and after, " Harris said.


  1. 三要素思维定势

    three factor thinking habit

  2. 创造性思维与思维定势

    Creative Thinking and Fixed Pattern of Thinking

  3. 发明须破思维定势

    Invention Needs to Break Thought Set

  4. 这是传统的思维定势。

    That is the conventional wisdom.

  5. 临床护理思维定势负面探讨

    Discussion on the Negative Respect of Clinical Nursing Thinking Set

  6. 论系统思维定势的自然基础

    On Natural Basis of System Thought Mode

  7. 英语学习中思维定势的突破

    A Breakthrough from Fixed Thinking in English Learning

  8. 数学教学中如何突破思维定势

    How to Break Through Fixed Trend of Thinking in Math Teaching

  9. 谈思维定势与物理教学的关系

    Relations Between Thinking Patten and Physical Education.

  10. 浅谈数学教学中思维定势的两重性

    On the Dual Characteristics of Thinking Mode in Maths Teaching.

  11. 思维定势的消极影响及施治对策

    Negative Impact of Regular Thinking Tendency and its Prevention

  12. 高中生物理问题解决中的思维定势研究

    The Study of the Mental Set of High School Students in Physics Problem Solving

  13. 浅谈初中物理教学中如何打破思维定势

    A discussion on how to break the set habit of thinking in middle school physics teaching

  14. 谈思维定势在数学教学中的消极影响

    The Negative Effects of the Stereotyped Thinking on Mathematics Teaching

  15. 主队球员的思维定势对裁判员判罚的影响。

    The influence of the host teams'players'fixed mode of thinking on the referees'penalization.

  16. 我们应该跳出思维定势来解决这个问题。

    We should think outside the box to solve the problem.

  17. 谈数学教学中思维定势负面影响及其对策

    On the Thinking Set in Maths Teaching and Its Solutions

  18. 论政治思维定势与东林党人的困境

    The fixed pattern of political thinking and the dilemma of Donglin Party

  19. 突破思维定势在物理知识迁移中的妙用

    Magical effect of thinking position breakthrough in physics knowledge transference

  20. 高职生外语学习如何克服母语思维定势

    How to Get Rid of Distractions and Habitual Thinking from the Native Language in FL Acquisition of Higher Vocational College Students

  21. 人们思维定势认为体重是健康的最终晴雨表。

    They're stuck in this paradigm that weight is the ultimate barometer for fitness.

  22. 思维定势让你有种感觉到你的目标已经达到。

    The mind is kind of tricked into feeling that it's already done.

  23. 这种思维定势构成了我们对自然秩序的认识。

    This kind of thinking frames our sense of the natural order.

  24. 另一个原因是数学归纳法应用中的思维定势。

    Another reason is the application of mathematical induction set thinking.

  25. 论思维定势对理工科大学发展文科教育的影响

    The influence of habitual thinking in the way of liberal arts education development in the science and engineering institutions

  26. 你难道不需要改变一下自己的观念和思维定势吗?

    Do you need to change your perception or your procedures?

  27. 如果你可以突破思维定势,有一些创新的想法就更好了。

    It'd be great if you could think out of the box and generate some radical ideas.

  28. 解释在术语倒错, 失常和偏离定义之下的定势思维。

    Explain the silent assumptions underlying the terms perversion, aberration, and deviation.

  29. 思维不应定势

    Thinking should not be Directed.




思维定势(Thinking Set),也称“惯性思维” ,是由先前的活动而造成的一种对活动的特殊的心理准备状态,或活动的倾向性。在环境不变的条件下,定势使人能够应用已掌握的方法迅速解决问题。而在情境发生变化时,它则会妨碍人采用新的方法。消极的思维定势是束缚创造性思维的枷锁。

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