







汉语拼音:yíng shū







  1. 谓担负输送任务。

    唐 元稹 《唐故使持节万州诸军事万州刺史赐绯鱼袋刘君墓志铭》:“君始受命,指赢输之白四足者谓予曰:‘君为我识之,此马苟无死,不復易矣。’”



  1. Stempel memorably referred to the contract as a "win-win" when it actually was a "win-lose. "

  2. Cricket is a man bo dou winning or losing the tool.

  3. i swear to god , boy , win , lose or draw .

  4. In the former case I'm into win-lose.


  1. 我们能不能转台看赢输还是平手?

    Can we switch the tv over and watch win, lose or draw ?

  2. 有些比赛的赢输就是因为天气不好之故。

    Some games are won or lost just because the weather is bad.

  3. 赢输对风险备择项的影响要大于对模糊备择项的影响。

    The impact of losing or winning scenario on the risky alternative should be more than on the ambiguity alternative.

  4. 非全赢全输

    Not a Game to Win All or Lose All

  5. 我不在乎谁赢谁输。

    I don't care who wins this thing.

  6. 你是赢是输都无所谓。

    It doesn't matter if you win or lose.

  7. 他不在乎是否他赢或输。

    He does not care whether he wins or loses.

  8. 我们赢或输的可能性均等。

    It is a tossup whether we will win or lose.

  9. 我们赢或输的可能性均等。

    It is a tossup whether we will win or lose.

  10. 这场圣书之战,谁赢谁输?

    And who is winning the battle of the books?

  11. 不管你赢或输,我都是你的。

    This is yours, whether you win or lose.

  12. 这事情的关键是看谁赢谁输。

    The name of the game is someone wins and someone loses.

  13. 掷骰子赌输赢掷骰子赌博来赢或输

    To win or lose by gambling with dice.

  14. 竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。

    A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose.

  15. 我们是赢是输,仍是一笔糊涂帐。

    There was some confusion as to whether we had won or lost.

  16. 必须双赢,谈判并非你赢我输或你输我赢。

    Negotiation neither means I win you lose nor you win I lose?

  17. 有赢有输,但你会一直战斗到底。

    You win a few, you lose a few, but you keep on fighting.

  18. 无论他们是赢是输,人们都给他们鼓掌。

    People give them applause no matter they win or lose.

  19. 无论赢,输,还是平局,游戏会一直继续。

    Win, lose or draw, the game is in progress.

  20. 没有纪律,未能好好处理赢或输的心态。

    Lack of discipline, can not handle either win or lose emotionally.

  21. 不管她是赢是输, 这是她的最后一次锦标赛

    Whether she wins or whether she loses, this is her last tournament.

  22. 他对足球不感兴趣, 也从不关心谁赢谁输

    be indifferent to He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses.

  23. 那么无论你在和别人的竞争中是赢是输, 你好是赢的!

    Then, whether you win or lose against others, you still win!

  24. 在这场辩论中她保持中立,不在乎谁赢谁输。

    She is neutral in this argument; she doesn't care who wins.

  25. 队员们因为是他决定谁赢谁输,而不是我们的对手。

    Burgess Because he decides who wins or loses. Not my opponeent.

  26. 零和游戏游戏者有赢有输,但整个游戏的总成绩永远为零。

    Nil Game for the gambler, there are win and loss, but the overall score always is nil.

  27. 英国为了争地, 在法国打了很多仗, 结果有赢有输。

    England numerously for land in France and ended up winning and losing.

  28. 交易者的任务就是找出这些地方,并等着瞧瞧谁赢谁输。

    Your task as a trader is to find those places and wait to see who wins and who loses.

  29. 该队赢10场输2场。

    The team chalked up the ten victories against two defeats.

  30. 我们约定正面赢,背面输。

    Let's call heads a success and tails a failure.


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