




1. 服 [fú]2. 服 [fù]服 [fú]衣裳:~装。制~。穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。……







汉语拼音:zhēng fú shì jiè



  1. And I worship him, that is kind of him to take risks, dare to conquer the world spirit.


  2. The lurking dangers stored up in complacency during the Premier League's world-conquering boom have finally broken to the surface.


  3. If I could win your hand , I would be on the top of the world , I love you with all my heart forever! !


  4. The usual arguments in favor of Mandarin education say that he should be on his way to conquering the world.


  5. You used to be so cocky. You were going to go out and conquer the world.


  6. Alexander the Great's conquest of the world with a huge fleet is not essentially different from a pirate's robbery made with a single ship.


  7. So don't start out trying to conquer the world. Just conquer something exceedingly small.


  8. Roman Empire has conquered the world for three times with its force, religion (here refers to Christianism) and its laws.


  9. Nothing says "evil genius with a scheme for world domination" like a wall map with light-up pushpins.


  1. 征服世界的变态工具

    in pursuit of global conquest.

  2. 基督教开始征服世界了。

    Christianity had set out to conquer the world.

  3. 征服世界上所有的王国。

    To conquer all the kingdoms of the world.

  4. 但你可以忘了你的征服世界梦想。

    But you can forget your dreams of world domination.

  5. 这支乐队现在要出发去征服世界。

    The band is now setting out to conquer the world.

  6. 那个独裁者抱有征服世界的痴心妄想。

    The dictator was obsessed with the illusion of a world conquest.

  7. 看着他们征服世界真是激动人心呢

    It's so exciting watching them conquer the world.

  8. 有我的外表和智慧, 我可以征服世界。

    With my appearance and intelligence, I can take over the world.

  9. 此声明完全暴露了他征服世界的野心。

    The statement laid bare his ambition for world conquest.

  10. 但是掌握着征服世界的方法不再是秘密。

    But the plants master plan for world conquest is no longer a secret.

  11. 这项声明完全暴露了它征服世界的野心。

    The statement laid bare its ambition for world conquest.

  12. 你曩昔是多么狂妄,就像将要去征服世界。

    You used to be so cocky. You were going to go out and conquer the world.

  13. 顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。

    There are not any high peaks that fierce determination not conquer.

  14. 你认为萨维奇是通过股权交易征服世界的吗?

    You think Savage takes over the world by trading stocks?

  15. 他们的外交原则将他们要征服世界的野心暴露无遗。

    Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their ambitious for world conquest.

  16. 这一声明充分暴露了他们企图征服世界的野心。

    The statement completely laid bare their ambition for world conquest.

  17. 他的王国是一个本国品牌大杂烩, 难以征服世界。

    His empire is too much of a mishmash of domestic brands to conquer the world.

  18. 从某种意义来说,我们自我的使命就是征服世界。

    In one sense, our egos'mission is to conquer the world.

  19. 我以为我的无敌的权力会征服世界,使我有无碍的自由。

    I thought my invincible power would hold the world captive leaving me in a freedom undisturbed.

  20. 到底一个半身人的日记怎么能记录征服世界的秘密?

    MitS How the heck does the diary of a halfling hold the secret to world conquest.

  21. 短笛大魔王开始实施他恢复青春和征服世界的邪恶计划。

    King Piccolo has begun his sinister plot to restore his power and take over the world.

  22. 严重的危险是纳粹将会生产出原子弹, 而确实又想征服世界。

    The grave danger was that the Nazis would produce atomic bombs and literally conquer the world.

  23. 世界革命已进入高潮,到目前为止,犹太世界征服。

    The World Revolution has been the climax, so far, of judaic world conquest.

  24. 死亡纵将征服整个世界,

    Where, whenas Death shall all the world subdue,.

  25. 亚当一号想要征服这个世界。

    Adam I wants to conquer the world.

  26. 征服了世界,杀害了我的妻儿

    conquered the world and murdered my wife and child.

  27. 他已用他的方式把世界征服了,这是克利福所求之不得的。

    In his way he had conquered the world, which was what Clifford wanted to do.

  28. 他们担心极权主义者会征服整个世界。

    They feared that totalitarians might yet conquer the entire world.

  29. 我生活在这个世界上,是为着来征服这个世界。

    I live in this world for the purpose of conquering life.

  30. 我们征服了世界上最高的山峰,对吗?

    We have really conquered the highest mountain in the world, yes or no?



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