







汉语拼音:jiān kǒu








  1. 《孔子家语·观周》:“ 孔子 观 周 ,遂入太祖 后稷 之庙,庙堂右阶之前,有金人焉,三缄其口,而铭其背曰:‘古之慎言人也。’”后因谓闭口不言为“缄口”。

    汉 蔡邕 《铭论》:“ 周 庙金人,缄口以慎。” 隋 王通 《中说·礼乐》:“汝将闭门却扫歟?不知缄口而内修也。” 清 沉起凤 《谐铎·屏角相郎》:“妯娌间有乞其谈相者,缄口不道一字。” 叶蔚林 《蓝蓝的木兰溪》:“伙房的大师傅和通讯员 小安 正在井边咬耳朵,看见她走过来就立即缄口了。”



  1. For years she never came to me for advice but I continued to submit it.


  2. At this point, John of Gaunt ordered him to be silent.


  3. Some Western hawks find it unsettling that this is even being debated within China, but it is better to talk about it than not.


  4. The hedonimeter was never invented, and for a century or so economists fell silent about both weights on man's scales.


  5. The White House has remained conspicuously silent and NASA has provided even fewer details than Chinese state media about Gen.


  6. It was only a substantial meal that could induce in him even a passing taciturnity.


  7. Any dissenting investors are probably appeased by the meteoric rise in the company's share price, which has tripled since 2007.


  8. Facing the most intense scrutiny are groups which have complained about repression, a muzzled press and a lack of civil liberties.


  9. But, not to suggest more obvious reasons, it may be that they are kept silent by the very constitution of their nature.


  1. 他立誓缄口保密。

    He is under a vow of silence.

  2. 黄金说话,人人缄口。

    Where gold speak, every tongue is silent.

  3. 他始终缄口不言。

    He remained silent from first to last.

  4. 不知缄口的不善言

    He that knows not how to hold his tongue knows not how to talk

  5. 她用皱眉使反对者缄口。

    She frowned down all her opponents.

  6. 最明智的对策是缄口不语。

    The wisest course would be to say nothing.

  7. 她对自己的成就缄口不言。

    She is so reticent about her achievements.

  8. 不懂得如何缄口的人, 不懂得如何开口。

    He that knows not how to hold his tongue, knows not how to talk.

  9. 我应该缄口不言,但偏偏与此相反。

    I should have shut my mouth, things headed south.

  10. 军事分析人士们对这个题目缄口不言。

    Military analysts are mute on the subject.

  11. 他缄口不语,只是把想法写了下来。

    He held his tongue and committed his thoughts to paper only.

  12. 这伤害了他的自尊, 于是他缄口不语了。

    It wounded his dignity, and he locked himself up in silence.

  13. 他跟我谈他的工作,而我对我的工作缄口不言。

    He talks to me about his work. I shut up about mine.

  14. 大家都发誓对所发生的事缄口不言。

    Everyone was sworn to secrecy about what had happened.

  15. 他来, 我们欢迎, 但缄口不谈西藏的事情

    How can they allow China to flaunt its economic prosperity without dirtying it with some smudges.

  16. 在这一点上刚特人约翰曾下令命他缄口。

    At this point, John of Gaunt ordered him to be silent.

  17. 那些知道佩尔塞福涅下落得神灵们,全都缄口不言。

    Persephone who knows the whereabouts of the gods were all silence.

  18. 那些知道佩尔塞福涅下落的神灵们,全都缄口不言。

    Persephone who knows the whereabouts of the gods were all silence.

  19. 我们缓缓地往前走, 动作呆板, 手足僵硬, 缄口不语。

    We drifted forward with rigid motions, limbs stiff and voices silent.

  20. 过着夫妻般平静的生活, 都缄口不言他的家庭。

    As husband and wife lived a quiet life, not all Jiankou statement his family.

  21. 过着夫妻般平静得生活,都缄口不言他得家庭。

    As husband and wife lived a quiet life, not all Jiankou statement his family.

  22. 多年来她都缄口不提此事, 但是我仍继续给她建议。

    For years she never came to me for advice but I continued to submit it.

  23. 只有实实在在的一顿饭才能使他暂时缄口无言。

    It was only a substantial meal that could induce in him even a passing taciturnity.

  24. 在警察面前鹦鹉缄口不言, 可等过了几天后却兽医聊起来。

    He kept mum with the cops, but began chatting after a few days with the vet.


  1. 问:缄口拼音怎么拼?缄口的读音是什么?缄口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缄口的读音是jiānkǒu,缄口翻译成英文是 hold one’s tongue


缄口,汉语词汇。拼音:jiān kǒu释义:〈书〉闭着嘴(不说话):~不语。

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