


1. 慌 [huāng]慌 [huāng]急忙,不沉着:~张。~忙。~乱。~急。恐惧,不安:惊~。~恐。心~意乱。表示难以忍受:累得~。……





汉语拼音:huāng máng








  1. 急忙。

    元 王晔 《桃花女》楔子:“三更前后,不知是什么人叫我三声,我在睡梦中应了三声,慌忙走出窰来看时,这窰便忽的倒了。”《说唐》第十六回:“ 雷明 看 司马超 这把大刀,神出鬼没,自己招架不住,慌忙要走。” 林海音 《城南旧事》:“妈妈慌忙的又从匣子拿出别的玩意来哄我。”



  1. The AGA is nodded hurriedly, as though occasional mistake a good student, with two hundred percent out of the principal's office.


  2. Chu sun flurried find tissue for me until I unrecoverable wiped, deep down, he with a sigh, looking at me, Mimi.


  3. There was a reason why the slow turtle overtook the hare in the race, you know.


  4. One night while getting ready to go onstage, Dana was frantically searching through his contact bag.


  5. In a fuss, he found only an axe, saw, hammer and a pair of scissors were available in the kit.


  6. Hurriedly Alan struggled out of his sleeping bag and began to search the grounds of the monastery.


  7. His Mom let me into his room. When the door was opened, Liu hurriedly powered off his computer.


  8. As the police were dressed in civilian clothes, hurried to escape the man to see them.


  9. When a teacher came in and made an inspection, then the boy behind me would poke my back, I raised my head quickly and called my desk mate.


  1. 慌忙赶到现场

    rush to the spot

  2. 胡将军慌忙后撤。

    General Hu beat a hasty retreat.

  3. 我慌忙站起身。

    I stand up in a hurry.

  4. 我们慌忙坐进汽车。

    We all bundled into a car.

  5. 他们非常慌忙地离去。

    They hurried off in great confusion.

  6. 别慌忙,时间多的是。

    Don't rush; there is plenty of time.

  7. 百利子慌忙表示同意。

    Prissy agreed fervently

  8. 敌军调动慌忙, 举措失当。

    The enemy manoeuvred his troops in a disorderly way and made false moves.

  9. 请不要慌忙的寻找我。

    Do not I look for the hurried.

  10. 我慌忙赶到格鲁门那里。

    I streaked off to Grumman.

  11. 我老是忙, 但决不慌忙。

    I am always in haste, but never in a hurry.

  12. 孙小姐红了脸,慌忙道歉。

    Miss Sun blushed and hastily apologized.

  13. 他慌忙作了肯定的回答。

    In a hurried manner he replied in the affirmative.

  14. 她慌忙地把他推进出租汽车。

    She bundled him into the taxi.

  15. 马特慌忙躲进他的办公室。

    Matt ducked into his office.

  16. 我慌忙将它插到花盆里。

    I put it to the inside of the flower pot flurried.

  17. 听到尖叫声, 她慌忙坐起来。

    Hearing a scream, she sat up in alarm.

  18. 我们进来时, 他慌忙站起身。

    He scrambled to his feet as we came in.

  19. 他慌忙回家,心里充满了恐惧。

    A He hurried home, full of fear.

  20. 我下楼,看见他们在慌忙擦拭。

    So. I went down to the room and I saw them cleaning it up.

  21. 我下楼,看见他们在慌忙擦拭。

    So. I went down to the room and I saw them cleaning it up.

  22. 我下楼,看见他们在慌忙擦拭。

    So. I went down to the room and I saw them cleaning it up.

  23. 在项目完成前他一直慌忙苦干。

    He banged away at the project until it was finished.

  24. 不要慌忙或因病或过于迟疑不决。

    Dont mumble or rush or be too hesitant.

  25. 你为什么慌忙拿起提包往外奔?

    Why did you catch up your bag and dash out?

  26. 她慌忙地把盘子从桌上拿走。

    She the dishes the table hurriedly.

  27. 他看了一下腕表。他慌忙赶到火车站。

    He looked at this watch. He hurried to station.

  28. 侄女问何故,风叔慌忙找理由掩饰。

    His niece asked why. Fung tried to find other excuses.

  29. 四大娘也慌忙从蚕房里钻出来。

    Ah S''s wife hurried from the shed.

  30. 他慌忙倾身抓它,一下子失去平衡。

    He lunged for it, lost his balance.


  1. 问:慌忙拼音怎么拼?慌忙的读音是什么?慌忙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:慌忙的读音是huāngmáng,慌忙翻译成英文是 hurried

  2. 问:慌忙的拼音怎么拼?慌忙的的读音是什么?慌忙的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:慌忙的的读音是,慌忙的翻译成英文是 hurried




【拼音】huāng máng



【解释】[in a great rush;in a flurry] 紧张、急迫的样子。

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