







汉语拼音:zāo shòu








  1. 犹受到。

    汉 王充 《论衡·命义》:“在母身时,遭受此性, 丹朱 、 商均 之类是也。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十八章:“遭受重大损失的旅部带一个团部,经 泥沟子 逃回 吴家山 。” 闻捷 《海燕》:“过分自信就是骄傲,就会疏忽大意,就可能遭受失败。”



  1. Mr. Barnett said he did not yet have specifics on the amount of financial loss suffered by consumers.


  2. I may be under a bit of a cloud at present, but I will not be laughed at by a woman like you!


  3. Too timorous to protest the disrespect with which she was being treated, the young woman could only accept it with resignation.


  4. When you think of the massacre that befell this quiet college town, those are the memories Peter Read wants you to remember.


  5. He made a strong pitch for America's own vision of religious freedom, and called for understanding of the historical suffering of Jews.


  6. However, other activities plus the fact that prices are not as they used to be have really taken their toll on my finances.


  7. Now as a reward for his good-nature he had been removed after all his victories in the moment of defeat.


  8. Mr. Hayward said he didn't think his job was on the line over the disaster but said "that, of course, might change. "


  9. He said he often became angry and suffered from psychosomatic pain.


  1. 遭受的剧痛

    Suffered exquisite pain.

  2. 她遭受虐待。

    She was ill treated.

  3. 遭受非法劫持

    act of unlawful seizure

  4. 遭受殴打的

    a refuge for battered wives, alcoholics, etc

  5. 一再遭受灾祸

    suffer disaster on disaster

  6. 遭受毁损通知书

    blight notice

  7. 遭受虐待,1500万。

    are abused every year, 13 million.

  8. 阵地遭受猛袭。

    The position was stormed.

  9. 遭受苦难的年月

    locust years

  10. 遭受战争的灾难

    to scourge the war

  11. 遭受苦难的民族

    a suffering people

  12. 使颠倒使遭受倒置

    To subject to inversion.

  13. 遭受霜冻的幼芽

    growing shoots nipped by frost

  14. 遭受致命的伤害。

    sustained a fatal injury.

  15. 他遭受百般疼痛。

    He suffered aches and pains.

  16. 少遭受一些痛苦。

    in less suffering for others.

  17. 遭受失败或损失

    To suffer a defeat or disadvantage.

  18. 侵害使遭受伤害

    To inflict an injury or injuries on.

  19. 使饥饿使遭受极度饥饿

    To cause to endure severe hunger.

  20. 我们遭受敌人围攻。

    We were beset by enemies.

  21. 遭受终生监禁/ 创伤

    to be jailed/ scarred for life

  22. 如同遭受高温遭受危险。

    As in run a temperature, run a risk.

  23. 美国谷物遭受干旱

    Grain Crops in US Are Hit By Drought

  24. 他们遭受重大伤亡。

    They have taken heavy casualties.

  25. 遭受冰川运动影响

    To subject to or affect by glacial action.

  26. 遭受极大的苦难

    suffer acute hardship

  27. 遭受霜害的植物

    Plants touched by frost.

  28. 他遭受很大不幸。

    He suffers great ills.

  29. 遭受支气管炎折磨的。

    suffering from or prone to bronchitis.

  30. 他们就会遭受惩罚。

    They are punished.


  1. 问:遭受拼音怎么拼?遭受的读音是什么?遭受翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受的读音是zāoshòu,遭受翻译成英文是 suffer

  2. 问:遭受某事拼音怎么拼?遭受某事的读音是什么?遭受某事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受某事的读音是Zāoshòu mǒushì,遭受某事翻译成英文是 to be on the receiving end of something

  3. 问:遭受水灾拼音怎么拼?遭受水灾的读音是什么?遭受水灾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受水灾的读音是Zāoshòu shuǐzāi,遭受水灾翻译成英文是 be hit by floods

  4. 问:遭受损失拼音怎么拼?遭受损失的读音是什么?遭受损失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受损失的读音是zāo shòu sǔn shī,遭受损失翻译成英文是 Suffer Losses

  5. 问:遭受风险拼音怎么拼?遭受风险的读音是什么?遭受风险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受风险的读音是zāo shòu fēng xiǎn,遭受风险翻译成英文是 incur a risk

  6. 问:遭受冰河作用拼音怎么拼?遭受冰河作用的读音是什么?遭受冰河作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受冰河作用的读音是,遭受冰河作用翻译成英文是 glaciate

  7. 问:遭受地震地带拼音怎么拼?遭受地震地带的读音是什么?遭受地震地带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受地震地带的读音是zāo shòu dì zhèn dì dài,遭受地震地带翻译成英文是 nervous earth

  8. 问:遭受电磁辐射拼音怎么拼?遭受电磁辐射的读音是什么?遭受电磁辐射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受电磁辐射的读音是zāo shòu diàn cí fú shè,遭受电磁辐射翻译成英文是 Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation

  9. 问:遭受偶然事件袭击拼音怎么拼?遭受偶然事件袭击的读音是什么?遭受偶然事件袭击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受偶然事件袭击的读音是zāo shòu ǒu rán shì jiàn xí jī,遭受偶然事件袭击翻译成英文是 Overtaken by Events

  10. 问:遭受突然事件袭击拼音怎么拼?遭受突然事件袭击的读音是什么?遭受突然事件袭击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受突然事件袭击的读音是zāo shòu tū rán shì jiàn xí jī,遭受突然事件袭击翻译成英文是 Overcome/Overtaken by Events

  11. 问:遭受敌军火力责任特别补偿拼音怎么拼?遭受敌军火力责任特别补偿的读音是什么?遭受敌军火力责任特别补偿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭受敌军火力责任特别补偿的读音是zāo shòu dí jūn huǒ lì zé rèn tè bié bǔ cháng,遭受敌军火力责任特别补偿翻译成英文是 Special Pay for Duty Subject to Hostile Fire...



zāo shòu suffer 词义:受到

【不幸或损害】 犹受到。 汉 王充 《论衡·命义》:“在母身时,遭受此性, 丹朱 、 商均 之类是也。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十八章:“遭受重大损失的旅部带一个团部,经 泥沟子 逃回 吴家山 。” 闻捷 《海燕》:“过分自信就是骄傲,就会疏忽大意,就可能遭受失败。”

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