




1. 载 [zǎi]2. 载 [zài]载 [zǎi]年;岁:千~难逢。三年两~。记录;刊登;描绘:记~。连~。转~。载 [zài]装,用交通工具装:~客。~货。~重。~体。装~。满~而归。充满:怨声~道。乃,于是(古文里常用来表示同时做两……


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……



汉语拼音:jiā zǎi zhōng



  1. The game has no loading zones, in order to keep the feeling of immersion and to allow you to see the horizon, 50 kilometres away.


  2. We have encountered applications that under load return the wrong answer perhaps 0. 1% of the time.


  3. Nodes that are still loading are labeled working.


  4. Enter the original value noted in test result 2 again at punch load.


  5. Mesoscopic Numerical Model for Heterogeneity Concrete and Its Application Under Double-Edge-Notched Loading


  6. The Application Study of Neural Network Decoupling Control Method for Synchro-loading


  7. A study on the electrical characteristics of a loading center-fed whip antenna


  8. Application of single neural PSD controller to bit self-feeding simulation loading


  1. 页面加载中请稍候。

    Page surface load addition in, please wait.

  2. 世纪俄罗斯贵族战士图片加载中,请稍候。

    Noble Russian Warrior XIV Century.

  3. 请在浏览器中加载该网页。

    Load the Web page in a browser.

  4. 文本替换允许你在一个文本文件中加载。

    Text Substitution allows you to load in a text file for versioning.

  5. 这样就在功能测试项目视图中加载了项目。

    This should load the project in the Functional Test Projects view.

  6. 这将避免在工作空间中加载不必要的项目。

    This avoids unnecessary projects being loaded in the workspace.

  7. 属性设置为要在查看器中加载的挖掘模型。

    Set the Model property to the mining model to be loaded in the viewer.

  8. 显示在该应用程序中加载的应用程序域的当前数目。

    Displays the current number of application domains loaded in this application.

  9. 微喷加载装置中爆轰波阵面的测量

    Measurement of Shock Wavefront Produced by Ejecta Loading Device

  10. 分析了合金在循环加载过程中,应变变化的特点。

    The variation of cycled strain of the alloy was discussed during the cyclic loading process.

  11. 自适应差分滤波在减摇鳍加载系统中的应用

    The Application of Adaptive Differential Filter in Fin Stabilizer Loading System

  12. 选项将图像加载到列中。

    Option to load the image into the column.

  13. 程序集仅在需要时才加载到内存中。

    Assemblies are only loaded into memory if they are required.

  14. 不加载该文件中包含的任何测试和运行配置。

    None of the tests and run configurations contained in that file will be loaded.

  15. 轴向加载条件下中碳钢疲劳缺口系数的研究

    Investigation on Fatigue Notch Factor for Medium Carbon Steel under Axial Loading.

  16. 某些分析器在文档加载到内存中时自动扩展实体。

    Some parses automatically expand entities when a document is loaded into memory.

  17. 绘图仪中未加载纸张规格

    Form not loaded in the plotter

  18. 只需选择现成的模块,然后加载到系统中就行了。

    Just take the module the shelf and drop it into the system.

  19. 在浏览器中再次加载该网页。

    Load the Web page again in a browser.

  20. 这种错误出现于您刚刚放入窗体中或刚刚加载得组件中。

    This is an error in the component you just placed on the form or loaded.

  21. 这种错误出现于您刚刚放入窗体中或刚刚加载的组件中。

    This is an error in the component you just placed on the form or loaded.

  22. 当再次运行此程序时,重映射表会被加载到内存中。

    When the application is run again, the remapping table will be loaded to the memory.

  23. 静态轴向压缩加载下永冻层中各个叠层的标准试验方法

    Standard test method for individual piles in permafrost under static axial compressive load

  24. 通过写值到数据寄存器中来加载计数器的值。

    Eachcounter is loaded with the value written to the data register immediately.

  25. 卸载作业可以和同一项目中的加载作业组合在一起。

    Unload jobs can be grouped together with load jobs in the same project.

  26. 动态库原子处理模块是在逻辑控制程序中动态加载的。

    In dynamic library mode, atomic processing module is loaded dynamically in logic control program.

  27. 中的过程, 并检查窗体加载事件处理程序中的代码。

    And examine the code in the formload event handler.

  28. 结果表明,在快速加载条件下材料中有绝热剪切带生成。

    There are two type of adiabatic shear bands theand the transformed bands.

  29. 检查过程中的数据加载。

    Check the data during loading.

  30. 检查过程中得数据加载。

    Check the data during loading.

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