









汉语拼音:zāo yù zhàn






  1. 谓敌对双方的军队在行动中相遇而发生的战斗。

    沙汀 《闯关》三:“从 肃宁 开出来搜刮财物、残害群众的一队敌人,同我军在 大义门 发生了遭遇战。”《解放日报》1945.2.10:“ 李兰溪 立刻辨别出这是队伍行军的声音,也就是说,他们就要和敌人发生遭遇战了。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第九章:“自从那回遭遇战后, 赵生水 同志和几名战士至今下落不明。”



  1. The battle was one of the bloodiest encounters of the war.


  2. The 48-year-old thinks Sunday's encounter is too close to call but he believes Liverpool may have one crucial advantage.


  3. Then we came to Center Point, and one of the more memorable encounters of my life in politics.


  4. Grace was thus unexpectedly worsted in her encounter with her old friend.


  5. There will also be a handful of "world" encounters that will require the server to band together and overcome a great foe.


  6. Boulahrouz plainly relished the encounters, though he admitted Ronaldinho had been his toughest opponent so far.


  7. Therefore the jungle warfare basic lays an ambush fights as well as the meeting engagement primarily.


  8. Due to the high quality of the items attainable through the Archavon encounter in Wintergrasp, we are going to be making some changes.


  9. Now, though, they may be headed for a collision as the two groups start to invade each other's territory.


  1. 与敌军的遭遇战

    an encounter with the enemy

  2. 激烈的海军遭遇战

    a tense naval encounter.

  3. 如果这次模拟是真实的遭遇战。

    If these drills simulate real world encounters.

  4. 很简单,是遭遇战的概率规则告诉我的。

    Simple, the laws of encounter probability tell me so.

  5. 可歌可泣的遭遇战、英勇的斗争、伟大的成就。

    An epic encounter, struggle, achievement.

  6. 于是丛林战基本以设伏战以及遭遇战为主。

    Therefore the jungle warfare basic lays an ambush fights as well as the meeting engagement primarily.

  7. 与敌人的另一场遭遇战耗尽了我们的力量。

    Another chance encounter with the enemy has depleted our resources.

  8. 与敌人的另一场遭遇战耗尽了我们的力量。

    Another chance encounter with the enemy has depleted our resources.

  9. 我们来复习一下新单词,从遭遇战这个词开始。

    Let's review the new words, take it form brush.

  10. 海上舰艇编队遭遇战中的通信对抗战术初探

    Studies on the Tactics of Communication Countermeasures During the Encounter Operation between Two Formations of Naval Vessels.

  11. 非典遭遇战虽然暂告结束,但却留下许多思考。

    Although the SARS war is over temporary, but it has left much thought.

  12. 这是那两军之间的一次激烈的遭遇战。

    It was a bloody encounter between the two armies.

  13. 这场遭遇战打得十分艰苦,敌我双方伤亡惨重。

    This contact battle is very hard. Both the enemy, and us have suffered heavy casualties.

  14. 这场遭遇战打得十分艰苦,敌我双方伤亡惨重。

    This contact battle is very hard. Both the enemy, and us have suffered heavy casualties.

  15. 那场战役是这场战争中最为残酷的遭遇战之一。

    The battle was one of the bloodiest encounters of the war.

  16. 你曾经指出会有需要公会规模力量的遭遇战。

    You've stated that there will be encounters which require a guild size force.

  17. 一支游击队和一支骑兵之间的一场小小遭遇战,算得了 什么

    What is a little brush between a guerilla band and a squadron of cavalry.

  18. 遭遇战对手的难度被调整了,同时一些物体和星门的名称。

    The encounter difficulty was modified, as well as some object names and gate types.

  19. 他吃了三十年俸禄,早已作好了打这场遭遇战的准备。

    He had been paid through thirty years to prepare for such an encounter.

  20. 冰冠要塞分为10人和25人版本,每个版本各有12次遭遇战。

    Icecrown Citadel features 10 and 25player versions of the raid dungeon, and each version has 10 encounters.

  21. 对阵米兰完全是一场遭遇战, 即使巴特的比赛也很重要。

    Against Milan it will be a direct encounter and even the against Bate is important.

  22. 对米兰将是一场遭遇战,对博里索夫的比赛也很关键。

    Against Milan it will be a direct encounter and even the match against Bate is important.

  23. 只要打一次小小的遭遇战,北方佬就会逃回田纳西去的。

    There'll be just one brief skirmish and the Yankees will skedaddle back into Tennessee.

  24. 在完成黑暗沼泽遭遇战以后刷新的怪物不会全部被引到了。

    After completing the Black Morass encounter, all the additional mobs zone will no longer all aggro.


  1. 问:遭遇战拼音怎么拼?遭遇战的读音是什么?遭遇战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遭遇战的读音是zāoyùzhàn,遭遇战翻译成英文是 an unexpected battle

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