




1. 叨 [tāo]2. 叨 [dāo]叨 [tāo]承受:~光。~扰(谢人款待的话)。~陪。古同“饕”,贪。叨 [dāo]〔~~〕话多(后一个“叨”读轻声)。……



汉语拼音:xù dao









  1. 见“ 絮絮叨叨 ”。



  1. Every time during the pastor and his wife's visit, I would be moved by some of the stories they told me.


  2. Not until Lady Gaga will a woman with such a decent-size nose be this powerful again.


  3. I'm looking for a mentor who will show me how to get rich without boring me with a lot of advice.


  4. We've always found him to be a little whiny and self-pitying, but okay, who wouldn't be?


  5. I am not clear, such verbose whether once to have let your idea quite a lot, you tight have been shaking my hand, not once loosened.


  6. For most environmentalists, the answer to that depressing litany is to keep pushing the same message harder: cut carbon and cut it now.


  7. All this chatter about handing over crucial data and processes to places such as Amazon clearly annoys executives at the technology giants.


  8. Hyper-competition is good for natterers, of course: prices have fallen to a level the poor can afford.


  9. Don't be a bore; when you've said what you have to say, close the letter. Don't add postscripts.


  1. 向某人絮叨某事

    to nudge someone about something

  2. 谁耐烦你得絮叨?

    Who can bear the endless chatter of yours?

  3. 谁耐烦你的絮叨?

    Who can bear the endless chatter of yours?

  4. 一个冗长絮叨的讲演

    a garrulous speech.

  5. 她对孩子们总是絮叨不休。

    She always snaps at her children.

  6. 爱絮叨的老头儿、老太婆等。

    A gassy old man, woman, etc.

  7. 我不能到处把你絮叨。

    I cant natter you far and near.

  8. 我爱你超过酒鬼的絮叨。

    I love you more than gin rummy is a bore.

  9. 让我絮叨, 叫你耳惑神迷,

    Bid me discourse, I will enchant thine ear,

  10. 他老是絮叨个没完,大家都烦他。

    Everybody is fed up with his endless chatter.

  11. 他们絮絮叨叨谈了一小时。

    They yacked for an hour.

  12. 不用含意却絮叨相同的言词。

    And babble the same speech without need of meaning.

  13. 老人的本性使他们絮絮叨叨

    Old men are garrulous By nature

  14. 他老是絮叨个没完, 所以大家都烦他。

    Everybody is fed up with his endless chatter.

  15. 我们絮絮叨叨 不承认我们的渴望。

    We dabbled and babbled, Denying our thirsts.

  16. 他絮叨了半天,谁也没听进去。

    He waffled on for hours but no one was listening.

  17. 我不想当个刻薄又絮叨的妈妈。

    And I hate being the bitchy, naggy mom.

  18. 我不想当个刻薄又絮叨的妈妈。

    And I hate being the bitchy, knaggy mom.

  19. 我不想当个刻薄又絮叨的妈妈。

    And I hate being the bitchy, knaggy mom.

  20. 她絮絮叨叨, 我听得都厌烦了。

    How she went on! I was sick of the sound of it!

  21. 她絮絮叨叨,我听得都厌烦了。

    How she went on! I was sick of the sound of it!

  22. 我爷爷老是絮叨他小时候情况有多好。

    My granddad is always rambling on about how things were better when he was a boy.

  23. 这本书不停地重复絮叨,真让人窝火。

    This book is infuriatingly repetitious.

  24. 他听到她在他耳边顽皮絮叨的低语声。

    He heard her mischievous whispered voice in his ear.

  25. 这孩子絮叨不休地要我给他买新玩具。

    The child is always nagging me for new toys.

  26. 提起她得新皮大衣, 她就没完没了地絮叨起来。

    She chattered on and on about her new fur coat.

  27. 提起她的新皮大衣,她就没完没了地絮叨起来。

    She chattered on and on about her new fur coat.

  28. 麦克尼斯得诗歌冗长絮叨,思想深邃,并且富含形容词。

    His poetry is garrulous, intellectually incisive and adjectivally rich.

  29. 麦克尼斯的诗歌冗长絮叨,思想深邃,并且富含形容词。

    His poetry is garrulous, intellectually incisive and adjectivally rich.

  30. 我要花半个小时听那个凯迪絮絮叨叨

    I'd have to spend 28 minutes talking to that Caddy.


  1. 问:絮叨拼音怎么拼?絮叨的读音是什么?絮叨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:絮叨的读音是xùdao,絮叨翻译成英文是 go on

  2. 问:絮叨的拼音怎么拼?絮叨的的读音是什么?絮叨的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:絮叨的的读音是,絮叨的翻译成英文是 iterative

  3. 问:絮叨不休拼音怎么拼?絮叨不休的读音是什么?絮叨不休翻译成英文是什么?

    答:絮叨不休的读音是,絮叨不休翻译成英文是 natter



絮叨(xù dao),唠叨的,啰嗦的,也作“絮叨叨”、“絮絮叨叨”。或者唠叨 现代汉语词典(第五版)商务印书馆,第1540页,絮叨(dāo)

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