


1. 塞 [sāi]2. 塞 [sài]3. 塞 [sè]塞 [sāi]堵,填满空隙:堵~漏洞。~尺。~规。堵住器物口的东西:活~。~子。塞 [sài]边界上险要地方:要~。关~。~外。边~。~翁失马。塞 [sè]义同(一),用于若干书面语……


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:sāi shàng






  1. She also holed up in her bedroom with a 12-gauge shotgun and a pistol, while she put a bottle in her three-month-old son's mouth.


  2. My hometown Linze is known as the "Frontier of small Jiangnan" place, where the growth of a variety of fruit trees.


  3. After placement of the bottom stopper, the valve on the top stopper was closed and the core was withdrawn from the surrounding sediments.


  4. see wine stopper identity: opening the wine bottle, wine cork stuffed in the text to see whether the same text on the bottle label.


  5. Plug on air since the Great Wall, temples have been the first spot mirror. It holds a table method, the thousand years who between brothers.


  6. Today, my 16 year-old daughter tried to convince me that tampons don't actually work, all because she can still pee with one in.


  7. We slipped a nipple over a pop bottle full of warm milk and stuck it into his mouth.


  8. Is usually the stomach stuffed with turkey, a variety of sauces and Banhao food, then grill bags wrap roasted out.


  9. put the essential oil bottle fully into the Golf Car from the bottom and plug the cover.


  1. 他把耳朵塞上了。

    He stopped his ears.

  2. 柱塞上螺边

    plunger upper helix.

  3. 她塞上酒瓶。

    She stoppered the wine bottle.

  4. 塞上你的耳朵。

    Plug your ears.

  5. 钻孔已塞上了塞子。

    A plug had been inserted in the drill hole.

  6. 给漆桶塞上塞子

    to stopper a paint bucket

  7. 咱们把这个洞塞上。

    Let's fill in the hole.

  8. 柱塞阀柱塞上凹槽

    valve spool

  9. 在洗涤槽里塞上塞子

    Put a plug in a sink

  10. 边界要塞上得观察所。

    an observation post in a border fortress.

  11. 边界要塞上的观察所。

    An observation post in a border fortress.

  12. 用这软布把桶塞上。

    Use this wad of cloth to plug the barrel.

  13. 在三通开关上塞上无菌塞子。

    Plug stopcocks with sterile plugs.

  14. 陶瓷涂层在柱塞上的应用

    Application of ceramic coating on the surface of the piston

  15. 从电热塞上拔下电热塞接头。

    Pull the glow plug connectors off the glow plugs.

  16. 温水瓶是先灌水再塞上塞子。

    Lukewarm water bottle is first fill water fills in again on plug.

  17. 她把水槽的塞子塞上,注满凉水。

    She put the plug in the sink and filled it with cold water.

  18. 他的耳朵里塞上了原棉,听觉突然丧失了。

    His ears were stuffed with cotton wool and his sense of hearing had suddenly failed.

  19. 塞上耳朵吧,这就是百老汇的方式。

    Plug your ears and this could be Broadway.

  20. 他的外套塞上垫肩看起来平整而方正。

    The shoulders of his jacket were padded out to make them look square.

  21. 只有在这里,才能看到如此壮丽的塞上风光。

    Only here can one see such a splendid view of the frontier areas.

  22. 地面上的地漏等要用塞子塞上或用挡板档上。

    Etc. on the ground floor drain plug stuffed or use files on the tailgate.

  23. 你也可以在手套里塞上一些一次性的热袋。

    You can also tuck disposable heat packets into your mittens.

  24. 我要是没到场,就请你把我的名字给塞上好不好?

    You just shove in my name if I'm not there, will you?

  25. 等离子喷涂金属陶瓷材料在液压柱塞上的应用

    The application of plasma spraying metal ceramic material in the hydraulic plunger

  26. 两个绑匪备,蒙上了她的头,塞上车,绑架了她。

    0 bind bandit to have and received top her head, fill to get on the car, kidnap her.

  27. 警卫员把犯人捆起来, 并在他们嘴里塞上布条。

    The guards tied up and gagged the prisoners.

  28. 塞上瓶塞以后, 这些瓶子就被装进桶里, 搬到架子上。

    Once corked the bottles are put into baskets and carried to the racks.

  29. 这几堵墙的每个裂缝都用油灰补塞上了。

    Every crevice in these walls has been filled with putty.

  30. 这几堵墙得每个裂缝都用油灰补塞上了。

    Every crevice in these walls has been filled with putty.


  1. 问:塞上拼音怎么拼?塞上的读音是什么?塞上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:塞上的读音是sàishàng,塞上翻译成英文是 The region around the Great Wall.

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