


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……




1. 论 [lùn]2. 论 [lún]论 [lùn]分析判断事物的道理:~断。~点。~辩。~据。~者。议~。讨~。辩~。分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论:理~。舆~。专~。社~。学说,有系统的主张:系统~。看待:一概而~。衡量,评定:~……



汉语拼音:zhòng diǎn lùn






  1. Content of Development and Orientation of Marxism's Emphases


  1. 科学发展观的全面发展坚持了全面论和重点论的统一。

    Scientific development view is used to guide the social developing process.

  2. 核心竞技能力的提出,符合两点论与重点论的统一。

    The proposal of core competitive capacity is the unification of the doctrine that everything has two aspects and that everything has its key points.

  3. 论重点学科的信息服务

    On the Information Service of the Key Subjects

  4. 论重点建设工程得保卫工作。

    On Secnrity Work of Key Building Project.

  5. 论重点建设工程的保卫工作。

    On Secnrity Work of Key Building Project.

  6. 论重点理工大学哲学社会科学学科发展

    On the Discipline Development of Philosophy and Social Science in Key University of Science and Engineering

  7. 论林业重点工程的项目后评价

    Pay attention to evaluation of project result of forestry key engineering

  8. 论高校重点学科建设中的信息保障机制

    On the Protective Systems of Information Concerning the Key Faculties in Superior Educational Institutes

  9. 论地方性非重点高校办学特色的战略选择

    The strategic options of developing distinctiveness of regional higher education institutions

  10. 论破坏国家重点保护野生动物资源的犯罪

    Discuss on the Crime of Demolition Ravages Wild Animals Resource under Prior Protection of the State

  11. 重点论术了制氢机房的雷电防护设计。

    The article discussed the lightning proof design of hydrogen make machine room mainly.

  12. 论地方民族院校重点学科的培育

    On Constructing the Priority Field of Study in Local Colleges for Nationalities

  13. 下利证是伤寒论重点论述的病证。

    Diarrhea is one of the most important syndromes discussed in Treatise on Febrile Diseases.

  14. 论设计艺术教学的重点

    On the Key Points in the Teaching of Design Art

  15. 论当前收入分配政策的重点

    The Stress to the Current Income Adjustment Policy

  16. 论现阶段农村卫生工作的重点

    The discussion on the keystone of the rural health service at present

  17. 浅论高校重点实验室的实体化

    Discussion on entitative key lab built in higher educational institutions

  18. 试论门急诊医疗质量管理重点

    Key Points in Medical Quality Control of Emergency and Outpatient Services

  19. 试论计划体制改革的原则和重点。

    Probing on the Principles and the Focul Point of the Reform of the Planning System.

  20. 试论情报学的三大重点研究领域

    An Essay on the Three Main Fields of Information Science

  21. 论高校档案业务指导的重点, 难点及措施

    On the Focus, Difficulties and Measures in the Direction of File Management in Colleges and Universities

  22. 论协会规模与农技协组织的工作重点

    The Discussion on the Scale and Focus Point of the Rural Special Technology Association

  23. 论我国民事审判方式改革的原则及重点

    On the Principle and Emphasis of the Reform of the Civil Trial Styles

  24. 其中,齐物论和逍遥游的关系是考察的重点。

    The emphasis is the relation between the Equality of things and Peripateticism.

  25. 论对权力实施监督的核心重点及监督方式的战略转变

    On the Strategy Transformation of the Heart, Emphasis and Way of the Authority under Supervision

  26. 论中央企业年度报表决算的编制重点年度收支决算报告表

    On the Key Points of Establishment of Annual Final Accounting Report in the Central Enterprises

  27. 本课程重点是各种背景下认识论和制度的关系。

    Emphasis is placed on the intertwining of epistemology with institutions in various settings.

  28. 确保它成为你第一个主体段的重点,而不是泛泛而论。

    Make sure it provides a focus for your paragraph and it isn't general.

  29. 本课程的重点是数据分析以及概率论和统计学的理论基础。

    This course focuses on the analysis of data and the theories of probability and statistics.

  30. 浅论解决实践教学中重点,难点和薄弱环节的策略及方法

    A Discussion on the Teaching Strategies and Methods of the Key Points, Difficult Points and Weak Links