


1. 塞 [sāi]2. 塞 [sài]3. 塞 [sè]塞 [sāi]堵,填满空隙:堵~漏洞。~尺。~规。堵住器物口的东西:活~。~子。塞 [sài]边界上险要地方:要~。关~。~外。边~。~翁失马。塞 [sè]义同(一),用于若干书面语……


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……




1. 南 [nán]2. 南 [nā]南 [nán]方向,早晨面对太阳,右手的一边,与“北”相对:~北。~方。~面。~国(指中国南部)。~陲(南部边疆)。~极。~半球。姓。南 [nā]〔~无(mó)〕佛教用语,意思是合掌稽首,表示对佛尊敬或……



汉语拼音:sāi shàng jiāng nán







  • 【解释】:原指古凉州治内贺兰山一带。后泛指塞外富庶之地。同“塞北江南”。


  1. Located on the upper-middle reaches of the Yellow River, Ningxia is noted for its advantageous natural conditions.


  1. 她塞上酒瓶。

    She stoppered the wine bottle.

  2. 塞上你的耳朵。

    Plug your ears.

  3. 给漆桶塞上塞子

    to stopper a paint bucket

  4. 在洗涤槽里塞上塞子

    Put a plug in a sink

  5. 用这软布把桶塞上。

    Use this wad of cloth to plug the barrel.

  6. 在三通开关上塞上无菌塞子。

    Plug stopcocks with sterile plugs.

  7. 温水瓶是先灌水再塞上塞子。

    Lukewarm water bottle is first fill water fills in again on plug.

  8. 她把水槽的塞子塞上,注满凉水。

    She put the plug in the sink and filled it with cold water.

  9. 塞上耳朵吧,这就是百老汇的方式。

    Plug your ears and this could be Broadway.

  10. 你也可以在手套里塞上一些一次性的热袋。

    You can also tuck disposable heat packets into your mittens.

  11. 警卫员把犯人捆起来, 并在他们嘴里塞上布条。

    The guards tied up and gagged the prisoners.

  12. 只要适时往嘴里塞上一片新型减肥药就万事大吉。

    To simply insert a new type of diet pill into the mouth at the right time would work just fine.

  13. 你要是喝够了我就塞上瓶子,剩下的可以以后再喝。

    If you've drunk enough I'll cork the bottle and we can have the rest later.

  14. 每天早晨,我们洗脸盆里塞上得传单,就出自他之手。

    Every morning it was he who put handbill in our washbowl.

  15. 每天早晨,我们洗脸盆里塞上的传单,就出自他之手。

    Every morning it was he who put handbill in our washbowl.

  16. 你可以在鞋子里塞上报纸, 这样在不穿的时候保持鞋型。

    You can stuff your shoes with newspapers to keep their shape when you're not wearing them.

  17. 而他却会用干草和芦苇织成小网,然后塞上羽毛和苔藓。

    Instead he would weave dry grass and reeds into small nets, stuffing them with feathers and moss.

  18. 当下次你需要冷静一下的时候, 试试在你嘴里塞上全麦饼干。

    Next time you need to calm down, try stuffing graham crackers into your mouth.

  19. 用合适的冲头,将橡皮塞上的锁止片压入支架上的孔中。

    Press locking lug on rubber stop into the bore on the support using a suitable drift punch.

  20. 我们赶忙在装满温牛奶的汽水瓶上塞上奶嘴, 送进它嘴里。

    We slipped a nipple over a pop bottle full of warm milk and stuck it into his mouth.

  21. 我在裤腰上塞了个枕头!

    I stuck a pillow inside my trousers!

  22. 他使橡胶塞牢固地塞进盖上的排气孔。

    He presses the rubber stopper firmly down on the vent.

  23. 将塞规涂上薄薄一层粘度小的润滑油。

    Lubricate the setting plug gage with a thin film of light viscosity oil.

  24. 抽油泵柱塞防断上阀罩的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Break Prevention Top Valve Housing for Oil Well Pump Plunger

  25. 她看着乱七八糟地塞在书架上的那些书。

    She looked at the books jammed haphazardly in the shelves.

  26. 他向书架上又塞了一些书。

    He crowded more books onto the shelf.

  27. 飞机没有被塞进车厢上得开销十多越野飞行。

    Not being stuffed into airplane overhead compartments on a dozen cross country flights.

  28. 飞机没有被塞进车厢上的开销十多越野飞行。

    Not being stuffed into airplane overhead compartments on a dozen cross country flights.

  29. 他把那捆报纸塞在肩膀上斜挂着的袋子里。

    He had his bundle of papers in a bag slung across his shoulder.

  30. 景观风貌上淡妆浓抹出江南山水,强调景观对比。

    It represents the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River and highlights the contrast of landscapes.

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