


1. 还 [huán]2. 还 [hái]还 [huán]回到原处或恢复原状:~乡。~俗。衣锦~乡。返老~童。回报别人对自己的行动。~手。~击。以眼~眼。以牙~牙。偿付:归~。偿~。~本。原物奉~。古同“环”,环绕。姓。还 [hái]依然,……





汉语拼音:hái cháo







  1. 返潮。

    周彭 等《江苏特产·南京鸭肫》:“鸭肫存放时,要挂在阴凉通风处,防止还潮。”

  2. 比喻某种错误思想一度消匿后又重新出现。



  1. The repayment strike is a rare black mark for an industry that has long been viewed as a social benefit.


  1. 事实上, 当时我的还觉得还挺潮的。但是, 呃。

    I actually thought I looked hot at the time.

  2. 这些衣服还有点潮。

    There's still damp in these clothes.

  3. 有时还会由于潮干器调量不妥变成颜色保留。

    Sometimes due to improper loop tube regulation change.

  4. 杭州的风景名胜,除西湖外,还有钱塘江潮。

    Of the many interesting sights in Hangzhou, there is besides West Lake the spectacular tide at the mouth of Qiantang River.

  5. 这个铺位的床垫很硬,毯子也很扎人,而且还有点潮。

    The bunk mattress was hard, the blankets prickly and slightly damp.

  6. 她还像其他很潮的女生一样把一头棕色的头发染黑烫卷。

    She dyed her brown hair black and got a perm like the other popular girls.

  7. 疲劳渐渐变成了精疲力竭,还伴随着头痛和潮热。

    Fatigue turned to exhaustion, joined by headaches and hot flushes.

  8. 她们还佩带监测器, 测量潮热时皮肤电传导改变。

    They also wore monitors that measured changes in skin conductance during a hot flash.

  9. 江潮还没有来,海塘大堤上早已人山人海。

    Koko has not come already packed on the seawall embankment.

  10. 是生命中的潮起潮落,还是似水华年无法挽留的遗憾?

    Life in the ebb and flow of the tides, or water Hua years unable to retain the regret.

  11. 但事实上它对量值大而周期短的假潮还颇适用。

    It is in fact quite serviceable for seiches of an appreciable magnitude and short period.

  12. 还对他冷潮热讽。

    Yet treat him with sarcasm.

  13. 岁末黄金潮明朝还再来?

    Where Does The Gold Market Go?

  14. 还有这里著名得潮汕工夫茶。

    Still tide with famous here Shan congou.

  15. 还有潮汕工夫茶更是响有盛名。

    Still have tide Shan congou is more sound have great reputation.

  16. 而且还有最具潮汕特色得工夫茶。

    Still have the tide Shan the congou of characteristic.

  17. 而且还有最具潮汕特色的工夫茶。

    Still have the tide Shan the congou of characteristic.

  18. 我们还有几个人潮流量大的好地点。

    We still have several prime spots in high traffic areas.

  19. 潮汕文化源远流长,其中最具特色还属潮剧。

    Tide Shan cultural source flow out length, in which, the characteristic still belongs to tide drama.

  20. 另外还有充满了潮汕地方风情的功夫茶。

    Additionally still have and have filled with tide Shan the congou of local flirtatious expressions.

  21. 他们还被发现生活在带有潮池的扁平的悬崖上。

    They were also found living in a tidal pool on the flat cliff.

  22. 另外, 汕头还有着鼎盛的茶文化, 潮汕工夫茶天下闻名。

    Additionally Shan Tou still have prosperous tea culture, tide Shan congou world famous.

  23. 不要刻意说你还爱我当看尽潮起潮落只要你记得我

    When watched the tide coming and going So long as you remember me Do not say you still love me sedulously

  24. 但她还没来得及开口,红潮就褪成死一般的苍白了。

    while, even before she had time to speak, the blush yielded to a deadly pallor.

  25. 本文还提出了利用模型梯度归算法来获取潮高序列的方法。

    This paper proposes and makes use of gradient law of the model to obtain tide high method of array, too.

  26. 也许你还没有听说,但是有人已经打开了兼并的八音盒,使兼并之潮以音速发展。

    Maybe you didn't hear it, but somebody turned on the merger music box and set it at Mach 1.

  27. 其他受潮汐影响的卫星还有土星卫星以及海王星卫星。

    Other moons affected by tidal forces are Enceladus and Triton.

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