


歪倒(dǎo ),反转,变动位置,改变:推~。~车。~卷。~滚。~腾。~工。~阅。~身。~地。~修。~建。~改。~脸。人仰马~。~江倒海(形容水势浩大,多喻力量或气势非常壮大)。~云覆雨(喻反覆无常或玩弄手段)。数量成倍的增加:~番。越过:……




1. 番 [fān]2. 番 [pān]番 [fān]遍数,次,回:三~五次。轮流更代:轮~。更(gēng )~。称外国的或外族的:~邦。~茄。~薯。倍:产量翻了二~。番 [pān]〔~禺〕地名,在中国广东省。……



汉语拼音:fān yī fān






  1. 增加一培。如:他提议将明年的指标再翻一番。



  1. We have estimated that this is going to be close to double in the last five years, and we expect further increase for 2010-2020.


  2. The British prime minister said he wants to double the amount of trade between Britain and Turkey in the next five years.


  3. It would be surprising if these sectors did not double in the coming five years simply through market forces.


  4. The Hairdresser: Li Jiayong is making twice as much as an entrepreneur as he was as a vice president at one of Shanghai's biggest chains.


  5. He said earnings of A share companies would have to double this year to justify current levels.


  6. The country will not be able to meet its energy demand, which is projected to nearly double by 2030, with clean energy alone, he said.


  7. In fact, he said he hoped two-way trade would reach that figure by 2010, and that foreign investment would double, both of which are likely.


  8. Twice as many nurses should get PhDs and all nurses should do residencies, the sort of practical training that new doctors do.


  9. Clint application must be very Simple, either it connects automatically on windows logon, or client 've to double click on Desktop shortcut.


  1. 你们至少得翻一番。

    You should double it at least.

  2. 世界人口每隔35年翻一番。

    The world population is doubling every 35 years.

  3. 让我们力争上游,把产量翻一番。

    Let's aim high and double the output.

  4. 今年我们将使工业产量翻一番。

    We shall double the output of our industry this year.

  5. 我们期望着把我们的钱至少翻一番。

    We are expecting to at least double our money.

  6. 另外,吸烟可以使中风的概率翻一番。

    In addition, smoking doubles the likeliness of a stroke.

  7. 去年, 出口势头强劲, 约较上年翻一番。

    Last year, exit momentum is powerful, about relatively on year break up one time.

  8. 到2025年,老年人口的总数预计会翻一番。

    The population of elderly people is expected to double by 2025.

  9. 到2025年,老年人口的总数预计会翻一番。

    The population of elderly people is expected to double by 2025.

  10. 自从引进了新的技术,公司的利润翻一番。

    Cornpany profits have doubled since the introduction of new technology.

  11. 预算可立即翻一番,会产生很好的效果。

    This budget could be doubled immediately, to very good effect.

  12. 在今后20年内,世界经济的规模将翻一番。

    Over the next 20 years,the world economy will double its size.

  13. 在过去4年中,公司营收差不多每年翻一番。

    Revenues have roughly doubled in each of the past four years.

  14. 这项盈利记录有望在不久得将来翻一番。

    It is expected to even double that figure in the future.

  15. 这项盈利记录有望在不久的将来翻一番。

    It is expected to even double that figure in the future.

  16. 于是, 俄罗斯正酝酿着将啤酒消费税翻一番。

    So it is that Russia is considering plans to quadruple excise duties on beer by 2012.

  17. 第二个翻一番的目标计划用十二年完成

    Our second goal of doubling the GNP again is to be achieved in 12 years.

  18. 科学家们估算, 在本世纪末世界人口将翻一番。

    Scientists have calculated that the world's population will double by the end of the century.

  19. 我认为我们可以在一个月内把利润翻一番。

    I think we can double our profits in one month.

  20. 按这一增长率,塞内加尔人口每25年翻一番。

    At that rate, Senegals population will double every25 years.

  21. 假如我们得到独家代理权, 我们保证销售量可翻一番。

    If we are granted the sole agency, we can assure you that we'll double the turnover.

  22. 我们需要兑现到2010年把对非洲的援助翻一番的承诺。

    We need to live up to the promise to double aid for Africa by2010.

  23. 我们需要兑现到2010年把对非洲得援助翻一番得承诺。

    We need to live up to the promise to double aid for Africa by2010.

  24. 很好的优化程序可以翻一番甚至翻两番, 这个数字。

    Really well optimized programs might be able to double or even quadruple that number.

  25. 适度得要求就是确实保证这十年能够再翻一番。

    An appropriate rate is one that will enable us to redouble the GNP in this decade.

  26. 适度的要求就是确实保证这十年能够再翻一番。

    An appropriate rate is one that will enable us to redouble the GNP in this decade.

  27. 两国政府希望在今后5年内使这个数字再翻一番。

    The two governments are aiming to double that again in the next five years.

  28. 他们遇见到2002年因爱滋病而死亡的人数将翻一番。

    They anticipate that deaths from AIDS will have doubled by2002.

  29. 风电的装机容量以每三年翻一番的速度快速增长。

    Wind power capacity increases rapidly, doubled every three years.

  30. 这个名单可能有人嫌长而反对,但也可以再翻一番。

    The list could be quarrelled with.It could also be doubled.

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