


1. 争 [zhēng]争 [zhēng]力求获得,互不相让:~夺。竞~。~长论短。力求实现:~取。~气。~胜。方言,差,欠:总数还~多少?怎么,如何(多见于诗、词、曲):~不。~知。~奈。……





汉语拼音:zhēng míng






  1. 竞相鸣叫。

    唐 司空图 《连珠》:“翔必以时,肯争鸣而作怪?动惟中矩,寧受嗾以噬人?” 明 刘基 《升天行》:“谁能与蟪蛄,争鸣秋草间?”

  2. 犹言竞相出名。

    《明史·文苑传序》:“ 归有光 颇后出,以 司马 、 欧阳 自命,力排 李 、 何 、 王 、 李 ,而 徐渭 、 汤显祖 、 袁宏道 、 钟惺 之属,亦各争鸣一时。”

  3. 比喻在学术等方面,各种看法和观点进行争辩。

    毛泽东 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》八:“百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针,是促进艺术发展和科学进步的方针,是促进我国的社会主义文化繁荣的方针。”



  1. Science advocates academic democracy and freedom, but Evolutionism is above suspicion. Evolutionism, just a theory, is described as a fact.


  2. It was good enough to contend amid the incredibly close top nine teams in the West until Bynum went down with a knee injury in January.


  3. All the factory chimney emitted thick smoke, into the sky. A clear, The rumble MaDaSheng everywhere debate.


  4. We advocate free academic debate under a lively academic atmosphere, where curiosity-driven exploration is encouraged and failure tolerated.


  5. Alarm-bells ringing, drums beating, the sea raging and thundering on its new beach, the attack began.


  6. The government and the scholars have to concern and contend much to the reason of inefficacy of Chinese college student aid system.


  7. The constitution theory of Civil Juristic Acts (CJA) which is an important system in civil law science causes widespread debate.


  8. An essential prerequisite for criminal law construction is to allow for different viewpoints in the field.


  9. In 1957, as the anti-rightist struggle started and expanded, hundred schools contending transformed into two schools contending.


  1. 银戈铁马,战鼓争鸣。

    Yin Ge, Iron Horse, drums contention.

  2. 百花吐艳,百鸟争鸣。

    Flowers bloom and birds sing.

  3. 动物利他行为的研究进展及争鸣

    The Progress on Altruism Research of Animals and Its Debate

  4. 转型期的现实主义文学争鸣及其反思

    The Argument of Realistic Literature in Transition Period and Its Reflection

  5. 波浪在愤怒得飞沫中呼叫, 跟狂风争鸣。

    The wave calls in the angry priming, contends with the strong winds.

  6. 波浪在愤怒的飞沫中呼叫,跟狂风争鸣。

    The wave calls in the angry priming, contends with the strong winds.

  7. 资本论第一卷教学与研究中的学术争鸣

    Academic Contending in the Course of Teaching and Studying Volume One of on Capital

  8. 心理健康标准研究的争鸣综述及其思辩

    A General Comment and Further Disputation on Contention of Psychological Health Standard

  9. 儿科寒温两派学术争鸣的源流与影响

    Origin and influence of academic contending from cold school and warm school of paediatric

  10. 事实表明,学术必须在批评与争鸣之中发展。

    Evidence shows that healthy academic development must proceed in the atmosphere of criticism and contention.

  11. 魏晋自由争鸣之风对哲学辩才的孵化作用

    Breeding Effect of Free Debate Atmosphere on Philosophy Talent During Weijin Dynasty

  12. 希望学术界开展本文论点的讨论, 争鸣和深化研究。

    And sincerely this point of view can be discussed and investigated in academia area.

  13. 关于新世纪初期道德形而上主义的争鸣及其反思

    Rethinking the Debate on Moral Metaphysics at the Beginning of the New Century

  14. 略论民国时期的武术研究及在学术问题上的争鸣

    A General Review on Wushu Research and Academic Arguments in the Period of the Republic of China

  15. 正是百鸟争鸣人与戏,浪花卷处竞渔帆。

    Contend with birds is the drama, spray volume King Department fisheries fan.

  16. 金元时期是我国医学流派争鸣、学术创新的繁荣时期。

    The prosperity of medicine during the Jin and Yuan Dynasties are marked by medical dispute and innovation.

  17. 期待学人指点抑或是学术争鸣, 同将庄学研究推向前进。

    Looking forward to being taught or arguing the for the further research!

  18. 本文从几个方面阐明东林非党这一论点,以期引起争鸣。

    The writer testifies that Tunglin was not a political party and expects an academic contention of thoughts.


  1. 问:争鸣拼音怎么拼?争鸣的读音是什么?争鸣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:争鸣的读音是zhēngmíng,争鸣翻译成英文是 contend



唐 司空图 《连珠》:“翔必以时,肯争鸣而作怪?动惟中矩,宁受嗾以噬人?” 明 刘基 《升天行》:“谁能与蟪蛄,争鸣秋草间?”

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