


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


鸟类的一属,形状略像鹅,群居水边,飞时排列成行:~行(háng )。~序。~阵(雁行整齐,如同军队布阵)。~过拔毛(喻为牟利不放过任何机会)。……


1. 塔 [tǎ]塔 [tǎ]佛教特有的高耸的建筑物,尖顶,多层,常有七级、九级、十三级等,形状有圆形的、多角形的,一般用以藏舍利、经卷等:宝~。佛~。像塔形的建筑物或器物:水~。灯~。纪念~。金字~。~楼。姓。……



汉语拼音:dà yàn tǎ






  1. 在 陕西省 西安市 城南 大慈恩寺 内。

    唐 永徽 三年, 玄奘 为贮藏从 印度 取回的经像而建。塔高五层。 武则天 时重修,增高为十层,后经兵火,只存七层,高六十四米。历代曾屡加修葺。为全国重点文物保护单位。



  1. The other landmark like Big Wild Goose Pagoda mirrors China "s long history. Xi'an is undoubtedly one of the must-visit cities. "


  2. What was the original purpose of building the Dayan Pagoda in Xi'an?


  3. The quite charming scenery of Big Wild Goose Pagoda It's well-preserved ancient building and a holy place for Buddhists.


  4. Among other interesting sites are the Great Wild Goose Pagoda, the Drum Tower and the Tomb of Huangdi(Yellow Emperor).


  5. With so much background information, now I feel quite different when I see the Dayan Pagoda again.


  6. Visit The Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the Forest of Stele. Fly back to Shanghai. The pleasant tour ends.


  7. After lunch we went for a drive to the Big Goose Pagoda.


  8. Wide Goose Tower belongs to national preservation unit, and Cien Temple is also an historic cultural relic.


  9. Terra-Cotta Warriors, Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang, Banpo Neolithic Village, Big Wild Goose Pagoda 1- Day Coach Tour.


  1. 大雁塔的公园

    From Big wild goose pagoda.

  2. 参观大雁塔广场

    Visiting Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda

  3. 大雁塔隐隐在望。

    The Wild Goose Pagoda was dimly visible.

  4. 大雁塔广场地下通道

    Underground channel in Big Wild Goose Pagoda Square

  5. 大慈恩寺与大雁塔

    The Great Loving Kindness Temple and the Big Goose Pagoda

  6. 原来大雁塔是这么来的。

    Oh, that's how the pagoda came into existence.

  7. 可是为什么要叫大雁塔呢?

    Why is it named Big Wild Goose Pagoda?

  8. 大雁塔初建时只有五层。

    Wild Goose Pagoda built in the early hours, only five.

  9. 大雁塔是唐代的时候建造的。

    The Dayan Pagoda was built in the Tang Dynasty.

  10. 这大雁塔呢又叫大慈恩寺塔。

    The Dayan Pagoda is also called Daci'en Pagoda.

  11. 大雁塔和法门寺砖材保护研究

    The deterioration and consolidation of Dayan Pagoda and Famen Temple

  12. 西安大雁塔原来是做什么用的呢?

    What was the original purpose of building the Dayan Pagoda in Xian.

  13. 大雁塔,鼓楼是唐代留下来的建筑

    Other interesting sites include Dayan Ta and Gu Lou, both erected in the Tang Dynasty.

  14. 游览西安大雁塔, 碑林, 飞往上海, 游程结束。

    Visit The Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the Forest of Stele. Fly back to Shanghai. The pleasant tour ends.

  15. 午饭后我们乘车到大雁塔去了一趟。

    After lunch we went for a drive to the Big Goose Pagoda.

  16. 大雁塔的得名还有一段有趣的故事呢!

    It is said that Master Xuan Zang once stayed in a Mahayana temple in India.

  17. 人们一提到西安就会联想到大雁塔和兵马俑。

    People always connect an with the Big Goose Pagoda and Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

  18. 我来到大雁塔,这是西安的又一代表性建筑。

    I came to another symbol of Xian, the Big Goose Pagoda.

  19. 参观大雁塔,结束后,送各位游客返回自己的酒店。

    Visit the Big Wild Goose Pogoda finish the trip, drive tourists back to their hotels.

  20. 了解了这么多,再看这大雁塔,感觉又不一样。

    With so much background information, now I feel quite different when I see the Dayan Pagoda again.

  21. 西安的其它名胜古迹还包括大雁塔,鼓楼和黄帝陵。

    Among other interesting sites are the Great Wild Goose Pagoda, the Drum Tower and the Tomb of Huangdi.

  22. 这下你了解了玄奘大师的故事和大雁塔的来历了吧?

    Now you understand the story about Master Monk Xuanzang and why the Dayan Pagoda was built?

  23. 大雁塔的迷人风景,它是保存完好的古代佛教寺院建筑。

    The quite charming scenery of Big Wild Goose Pagoda Its wellpreserved ancient building and a holy place for Buddhists.

  24. 看来啊,我得给你好好讲讲这玄奘和大雁塔的故事了。

    It seems necessary for me to tell you the story about Xuanzang and the Dayan Pagoda.


  1. 问:大雁塔拼音怎么拼?大雁塔的读音是什么?大雁塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大雁塔的读音是,大雁塔翻译成英文是 Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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