


1. 戏 [xì]2. 戏 [hū]戏 [xì]玩耍:游~。儿~。嬉~。~豫(嬉游逸乐)。二龙~珠。嘲弄,开玩笑:~言。~弄。~谑(用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑)。演员在舞台上化装表演故事的艺术:~剧。~文。~码(戏曲演出的节目)。~剧性。指具体剧……





汉语拼音:xì xià






  1. 谓在主帅的旌麾之下。引申为部下。戏,通“ 麾 ”。

    《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“及 项梁 渡 淮 , 信 杖剑从之,居戏下,无所知名。” 裴駰 集解引 徐广 曰:“戏,一作麾。”《汉书·李广传》:“ 广 歷七郡太守,前后四十餘年,得赏赐,輒分其戏下,饮食与士卒共之。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·九山王》:“借大王威福,加臣三寸舌,诸山莫不愿执鞭靮,从戏下。” 清 夏燮 《中西纪事·粤东要抚》:“ 英 师乘胜长驱,直泊 乌涌 , 湖南 镇筸 总兵 祥福 拒战不克,与其戏下二将赴敌死之。”



  1. There will be a further performance of the opera next week.


  1. 他们说这台戏下个月要出去巡回演出。

    They say this show is going on the road next month.

  2. 这出新戏将在下个月上演。

    The new play will go on the boards next month.

  3. 她的下一部戏是个鲜明的对比。

    Her next play was a real contrast.

  4. 我保证下出戏我们会赚回来的, 查尔斯。

    We'll get them with the next one, charles, I promise.

  5. 原定今天开拍的决斗戏被推迟至下个礼拜。

    The scheduled duel for today has been postponed until next week.

  6. 我的下一个把戏

    And for my next trick.

  7. 我们来讨论下第一场戏

    let's gather up and discuss the first shot.

  8. 宝贝看着他们拆下戏蓬

    Baby saw that when they pulled that big top down

  9. 在他的导演下, 这出戏演得活龙活现。

    The play came to life under his direction.

  10. 回到温暖的阳光下嘻戏。

    Return to the warm sun with happiness.

  11. 这场戏你从右边的旁门下。

    In this scene, you exit stage right.

  12. 昨晚得影戏真是催人泪下。

    The movie last night was a real tearjerker.

  13. 昨晚的影戏真是催人泪下。

    The movie last night was a real tearjerker.

  14. 下一场戏的幕布随时可能揭开。

    At any moment the curtain may go up on the next act of the drama.

  15. 他们为下一场戏放下了布景幕。

    They dropped in the scenery for the next act.

  16. 下周日我们打算在凤凰剧院上演这场戏。

    We're putting the play on at Fenghuang. Theater next Sunday.

  17. 这下他非打给我不可了的老把戏

    The old Now he has to call me insurance policy.

  18. 台上的在演戏, 台下的在看戏, 演戏的是疯子, 看戏的是傻子。

    Playing dram on the stage and watching dram under the stage. People playing dram are madmen and people watching dram are foolish.

  19. 她被那出戏深深感动了,禁不住流下了眼泪。

    Deeply moved by the play, she could hardly keep back her tears.

  20. 那部上演的戏备受好评,让观众潸然泪下。

    The production received ecstatic reviews and had audiences weeping.

  21. 虽然下着毛毛细雨, 演员们还是坚持在露天把戏演完。

    Despite the drizzle, the actors played out the opera in the open air.

  22. 再者,她和她的戏为这个尚在启蒙的媒介下了定义。

    She and her show, moreover, helped define a still nascent medium.

  23. 渐渐地,人们慢步走回剧场去看下半场戏。

    Gradually people trickled back into the theatre for the second half.

  24. 匪徒作见证戏笑公平,恶人的口吞下罪孽。

    A worthless witness mocks at justice and the mouth of the wicked devours iniquity.

  25. 这是要有一点勇气的,就是要把戏台上的那个架子放下来。

    It takes some courage to do so, because theatrical pretensions have to be discarded.

  26. 做菜时放些炒腊肠, 我可以一顿吞下维加的一千五百出戏。

    I could gobble up the fifteen hundred plays of Lope de Vega in one sitting.

  27. 好的作品具有使读者从一段读到下一段的生动性,而它也不是一个把作者'个人化'的把戏的问题。

    Good writing has an aliveness that keeps the reader reading from one paragraph to the next, and it's not a question of gimmicks to ' personalize ' the author.

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