




1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……



汉语拼音:gāo jǐ






  1. 高足的桌子。

    宋 梅尧臣 《和孙端叟蚕具·高几》:“桑柔不倚梯,摘桑赖高几,每於得叶易,曾靡忧校披。”《红楼梦》第四十回:“谁素日爱吃的,拣样儿做几样,也不要按桌席,每人跟前摆一张高几,各人爱吃的东西一两样。”



  1. How happy I would be if I were a few inches taller!


  2. Some of the better staff emigrated to Gulf countries, where salaries were many times higher.


  3. feelin' that with a few more ranks a'Knowledge(Religion), I'd be a lot more worried about all a'this.


  4. Ultimately, nanobots will replace blood cells and do their work thousands of times more effectively.


  5. People with AIDS, by contrast, are burdened with viral loads thousands of times higher.


  6. And the Acetobacter was mutated by this mutant, acid-forming capacity of the mutational strain is several times higher. . .


  7. It shows a thousandfold selectivity for fluoride over other common anions.


  8. Casey says that monthly pay in some factories he owns is several hundred RMB more than the local average.


  9. This storm hit at full moon which raises the tide there a couple of feet, so the storm set a record.


  1. 她比我高几英寸,漂亮得简直违背了自然规律。

    She was several inches taller than I was, and unnaturally blond.

  2. 对国际原油价格持续走高的几点看法

    Viewpoints on Continued High Oil Price Worldwide

  3. 这个男孩在这个夏天长高了几英寸。

    The boy sprouted up a few inches during the summer.

  4. 这个男孩在这个夏天长高了几英寸。

    The boy sprouted up a few inches during the summer.

  5. 那个架子太低了,因此我们把它架高了几英寸。

    That shelf was too low so we raised it a few inches.

  6. 数千立方米的氦气被灌入高达几米的银色气球中。

    Thousands of cubic metres of helium were pumped into the towering silver canopy of his balloon.

  7. 桥很高,被几个大木墩托起。

    The bridge was high, jacked up on wooden piers.

  8. 我们坐在酒吧的几个高脚凳上。

    We perched on a couple of high stools at the bar.

  9. 但那房子坐落的地方仅有海拔几英尺高。

    But that house had stood only a few feet above sea level.

  10. 然后把吊床捆绑在四棵树上, 离地面几英尺高。

    Then simply lash the cot to four trees a few feet off the ground.

  11. 要是我再高几寸, 我会好高兴。

    How happy I would be if I were a few inches taller!

  12. 金属的导热率比玻璃高几百倍。

    The thermal conductivity of metals is as much as several hundred times that of glass.

  13. 金属得导热率比玻璃高几百倍。

    The thermal conductivity of metals is as much as several hundred times that of glass.

  14. 要是能把显示屏升高几尺, 就太好不过了。

    A simple solution have been to raise them up a few feet andhave helped immensely.

  15. 它对氟离子的选择性比其它普通阴离子高几千倍。

    it shows a thousandfold selectivity for fluoride over other common anions.

  16. 高级住房常在建筑物顶层或最高几层的带有阳台的住宅。

    A residence, often with a terrace, on the top floor or floors of a building.

  17. 女孩中有几个个子高。

    A few of the girls are tall.

  18. 青烟和灰烬飞得老高,站在几里远的山包上都清晰可见。

    Smoke and ash fly high in the sky, standing on the hill a few miles are clearly visible.

  19. 今年每蒲式尔需要三美元, 而且价格最高几次达到四美元。

    This year it was three dollars, and prices topped four dollars at times.

  20. 有几个位高权重的朋友很有好处。

    It helps to have influential friends.

  21. 适应较高的海拔可能需要几周时间。

    Acclimatization to higher altitudes may take several weeks.

  22. 关于高电压绝缘试验时几个校正因数的讨论

    Discussion on Correction Factors Used in High Voltage Test

  23. 公司无法再承受让高管一次在外出差几个星期。

    Companies can no longer afford to have executives out on trips for weeks at a time.

  24. 其他钢铁制造商在亚洲, 也推高了价格在最近几个月。

    Other steel makers in Asia also pushed up prices in recent months.

  25. 就他的年龄来说,他已经长高了,还差几个月要满十六岁了。

    He had grown tall of his age, still wanting some months of sixteen.

  26. 矿工是极易患某几种胃癌的高风险人群。

    Miners are a high risk group for certain types of gastric cancer.

  27. 只有少数几个关键的高层次的叛徒将被集中清除。

    The purge will be concentrated on only a few key high level traitors.

  28. 这几天河面风大浪高, 我们只能从旱道上走了。

    We have to travel overland, since there are high winds and waves on the river.

  29. 这几天河面风大浪高,我们只能从旱道上走了。

    We have to travel overland, since there are high winds and waves on the river.

  30. 在未来几个月里高价格指数预测认为将没有政府干预。

    I presume we should get together tomorrow to go over a few final details before signing the contract.

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