







汉语拼音:fú bǐ




写作上一种叙事的 表现技法。指作者在叙述中,对将要描叙的人物、事件预作提示或暗示,以求前后呼应。这种手法有助 于达到结构谨严、情节发展合理的效果。



  1. 文学作品前面对后面将要出现的内容预先所作的提示或暗示。

    《儿女英雄传》第十六回:“先分出个正传附传,主位宾位,伏笔应笔,虚写实写,然后纔得有个间架结构。” 洪深 《电影戏剧的编剧方法》第七章:“预示未来,又可以分‘预作伏笔’和‘制造空气’两项。” 茅盾 《无题》:“我是处处有呼应,--嗯,处处有伏笔。”



  1. 'The hype around what India has achieved so far tends to set the stage potentially for some disasters, ' he said.


  2. For a start, they have left too much of the task of preventing overheating to monetary policy, pushing up the cost of credit.


  3. Stand by, in other words, for another increase in interest rates at the bank's next rate-setting meeting on October 5th.


  4. indeed, previous attempts to avoid downturns may have created the conditions for this recession to be especially severe.


  5. Like gentle tidal pat body, like countless bright day and night to catch behind the foreshadowing, you fall into a dream.


  6. However, NASA's recently approved 2011 budget has left the door open to an additional shuttle flight in June.


  7. To that extent, at least, he had prepared the ground for Libya.


  8. Along the way are always is, around that moment of the fall of all over the world.


  9. Subversion. Results, is the beginning of foreshadowing.


  1. 伏笔与照应手法的运用。

    Foreshadowing and coordination are applied.

  2. 这是我惯用伎俩的伏笔。

    This is my usual trick of foreshadowing.

  3. 我们要做的就是埋个伏笔。

    All we got to do is plant the seed.

  4. 只是,她这个复出还是有伏笔的。

    Is only, her this resurfaces has the foreshadowing.

  5. 这为他们的失败埋下了伏笔。

    This sets them up for failure.

  6. 观点的冲突为严重的政治冲突埋下了伏笔。

    The clash of perceptions carries the seeds of serious political conflicts.

  7. 故事得开端为悲剧性得结尾埋下了伏笔。

    The beginning of the story foreshadows the tragic ending.

  8. 故事的开端为悲剧性的结尾埋下了伏笔。

    The beginning of the story foreshadows the tragic ending.

  9. 故事的开端为悲剧性的结尾埋下了伏笔。

    The beginning of the story foreshadows the tragic ending.

  10. 不要为陷入过去的生活埋下伏笔。

    Don't set yourself up for falling back into your old life.

  11. 侦探崇拜是否为公众国家的到来打下了伏笔?

    The sleuth cult foreshadows the arrival of the public state?

  12. 这件事为以后情节的发展埋下了伏笔。

    This episode carries a foreshadowing of what is to follow later on in the story.

  13. 滴血的伏笔成了剑, 陈吴项刘锦旗猎猎。

    Drop the foreshadowing of the blood became sword, CHEN WU XIANGs Lius ensign hunt.

  14. 伏笔后来变得重要的戏剧或记叙文中的评论或情节。

    A remark or an action in a play or narrative that becomes important later.

  15. 这件事为以后故事情节的发展埋下了伏笔。

    This episode carries a foreshadowing of what is to follow later on in the story.

  16. 这件事为以后故事情节得发展埋下了伏笔。

    This episode carries a foreshadowing of what is to follow later on in the story.

  17. 本土审美以及生态保护都隐埋了不和谐的伏笔。

    The mainland appreciates beauty and the ecosystem protection was all out of harmony foreshadowing.

  18. 耶稣,所以麦基洗德只是一个伏笔,他是耶稣的迹象。

    Well Jesus! So Melchizedek is simply a foreshadowing, he's a sign of Jesus.

  19. 这就为巨变埋下了伏笔, 如果政治家们胆敢一试的话。

    That sets the scene for big changes, if politicians dare.

  20. 这就为巨变埋下了伏笔, 如果政治家们胆敢一试得话。

    That sets the scene for big changes, if politicians dare.

  21. 我将非常乐于用几个主题为该讨论埋下伏笔。

    I will be happy to seed the discussion with a few topics.

  22. 同时,社会契约论也为现代的透明政府模式埋下一个大伏笔。

    At the same time, it laid down a big foreshadowing for the modern transparent government pattern.


  1. 问:伏笔拼音怎么拼?伏笔的读音是什么?伏笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伏笔的读音是fúbǐ,伏笔翻译成英文是 foreshadowing

  2. 问:伏笔条款拼音怎么拼?伏笔条款的读音是什么?伏笔条款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伏笔条款的读音是fú bǐ tiáo kuǎn,伏笔条款翻译成英文是 joker




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