


1. 含 [hán]含 [hán]衔在嘴里,不吐出也不咽下:~一口水。~漱剂。~英咀(jǔ)华(喻反复琢磨体味文章的妙处)。~饴弄孙(含着糖逗小孙子,形容老年人的乐趣)。藏在里面,包容在里面:包~。~义。~量。~苞。~蕴。~混。~垢纳污(指……









汉语拼音:hán bāo yù fàng








  • 【解释】:苞:花苞;欲:将要;放:开放。形容花将开而未开时的样子。


  1. Beyond him, ready to come on the stage, was the age of crowded cities and a restless, burgeoning vitality.


  2. In this lovely flowers next three Hanbaoyufang buds are surrounded it, as if dancers do to it!


  3. A warmth is the most beautiful woman, when a woman hearts of the Treasures of Eros, her heart is in the spring of magnolias , Hanbaoyufang.


  4. He felt like a prince returned from exile, and his lonely heart burgeoned in the geniality in which it bathed.


  5. I am curious to ask her mother: "Mum many of What is the flower children" ?


  6. A: I particularly love the sound of the birds and the flowers when they are just beginning to bloom. They are so inspiring!


  7. Near my home in a small yard , as if there is a small half-life is necessary to bloom .


  8. Now for me life is coming to bud again as if in eternal spring.


  9. I feel my soul look for you , like a flower blooming . When this whole world gets to crazy. And there's nowhere left to run.


  1. 另一些人,爱正含苞欲放。

    For others, new love will bloom.

  2. 另一些人,爱正含苞欲放。

    For others, new love will bloom.

  3. 春天嫩芽初绽,正是花蕾含苞欲放之时。

    The new buds begin to appear in spring, when plants come into bud.

  4. 一朵含苞欲放的玫瑰, 一个娇美羞涩的少女!

    A rose in bloom, a shrinking violet ?

  5. 枝头上那些含苞欲放得红色小花是什么花?

    What are those small red flowers sprouting up in the branches?

  6. 枝头上那些含苞欲放的红色小花是什么花?

    What are those small red flowers sprouting up in the branches?

  7. 在这首诗里含苞欲放的花朵是指青春。

    In this poem the budding flower means youth.

  8. 您看到那些含苞欲放的红, 白梅花了吗?

    Do you see those red and white plum blossoms blooming?

  9. 当花儿含苞欲放时, 春天也就随之而来了。

    When flowers have budded, spring is just round the corner.

  10. 现在, 我得生命宛如在永久得春天里又再一次含苞欲放。

    Now for me life is coming to bud again as if in eternal spring.

  11. 现在,我的生命宛如在永久的春天里又再一次含苞欲放。

    Now for me life is coming to bud again as if in eternal spring.

  12. 但是空气中有野蒜和酢浆草的香味,玉兰花正含苞欲放。

    But the fragrant dank beckoned with wild garlic, wood sorrel and magnolia still tight in the bud.

  13. 假如婚礼用的花朵含苞未放, 我们会捏上一把汗。

    We should cold sweat if a flower is in bud and not fully open.

  14. 它把你含苞欲放的美名污染!

    Doth spot the beauty of thy budding name!

  15. 它把你含苞欲放的美名污败!

    Doth spot the beauty of thy budding name!

  16. 一盆含苞欲放的菊花,能带给我们由衷的喜悦。

    One chrysanthemum be in bloom can bring us pleasure by heart.

  17. 在草坪上含苞欲放的那些黄色和白色的小花是花?

    What are those small yellow and white flowers sprouting up on the lawn ?

  18. 你会看到它的美含苞欲放,藏在你生命的瞬间里。

    You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life.

  19. 你会看到它含苞欲放的美丽,藏在你生命的瞬间里。

    You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life.

  20. 在草坪上含苞欲放的那些黄色和白色的小花是什么花?

    What are those small yellow and white flowers sprouting up on the lawn?

  21. 哪个运动欲终止种放歧视

    What movement tried to end racial discrimination

  22. 就近找个花儿含苞欲放的花园,让你的孩子给它们拍照。

    Find a neighborhood garden where flower shoots are sprouting. Have your child take a photograph of them.

  23. 你会看到它含苞欲放的美丽,藏在你生命的每一个瞬间。

    You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life.

  24. 玫瑰含苞待放。

    The roses are in bud.

  25. 花儿含苞待放。

    It's the time when flowers start to bloom.

  26. 桃花正含苞待放。

    The peach flowers are now in bud.

  27. 玫瑰花正含苞待放。

    The rosebushes are budding.

  28. 玫瑰丛正在含苞待放。

    The rosebushes are budding.

  29. 枝头的花朵含苞待放。

    The flowers on the branches are in bud.

  30. 仿佛海底待放的花蕾含苞。

    And, like unfolded flowers beneath the sea.



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