


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……




1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……





汉语拼音:guò dù zhèng fǔ






  1. 新的政府没有产生之前的临时性政府,新政府组成后即告终了。

    周恩来 《关于西安事变的三个电报》:“ 宋 ( 宋子文 )提议先组织过渡政府,三个月后再改造成抗 日 政府。”



  1. Our plan-of-first-choice is to carry out a first contact with a series of new transitional governments in place.


  2. Mr Odinga assumes he would be this figure in a transitional government and that half his cabinet would be party colleagues.


  3. Transitional government forces had put the body on show in a cold store in Misrata while they argued over what to do with it.


  4. He told reporters that if young people wanted him to lead a transition, he would not let them down.


  5. He is serving as a caretaker and remains involved in U. S. -brokered negotiations launched almost a year ago.


  6. A two-thirds majority is needed in the parliament for a transitional government of national unity to be a reality.


  7. Thousands of civilians continue to flee the capital Mogadishu where the militants are battling against the transitional government.


  8. As well as calling for a presidential council, the 13-member coalition of youth had demanded the formation of a transitional government.


  9. The opposition coalition announced a new interim government for Kyrgyzstan and said it would rule until elections are held in six months.


  1. 临时过渡政府

    interim government administration authority

  2. 看守内阁, 过渡政府

    Caretaker cabinet

  3. 看守政府, 看守内阁, 过渡政府

    caretaker cabinet

  4. 伊拉克过渡政府主要人物概况

    Main Figures in Iraqi Transitional Government

  5. 其中包括过渡政府和国家军队的组建。

    They include the formation of the Transitional Government and the national army.

  6. 过渡政府应当在全国和解进程中一马当先。

    The Transitional Government should take the lead in the national reconciliation process.

  7. 相反,卢旺达一直非常支持金沙萨新过渡政府。

    On the contrary, Rwanda has been very supportive of the new Transitional Government in Kinshasa.

  8. 鼓励过渡政府在建设司法机构能力方面取得进展。

    Encourage the Transitional Government to make progress on building the capacity of the judiciary.

  9. 阿拉维领导的过渡政府将于6月底进行权利移交。

    Allawi heads an interim government that is to take over at the end of June.

  10. 去年,人民联盟废除了由过渡政府监督选举的规定。

    Last year the League did away with the provision that caretaker administrations should oversee elections.

  11. 在这方面,新的过渡政府的成员已陆续到达金沙萨。

    In this regard, members of the new transitional Government have already begun to arrive in Kinshasa.

  12. 此外,我要感谢海地过渡政府的继续合作与信任。

    In addition, I wish to thank the Transitional Government of Haiti for its ongoing cooperation and trust.

  13. 安理会表示声援刚果人民,支持民族团结和过渡政府。

    It expresses its solidarity with the Congolese people and its support to the Government of National Unity and Transition.

  14. 他没有进一步说明过渡政府和立法机构将采取的形式。

    He didn't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take.

  15. 主要叛乱集团已同意参加会议讨论建立一个过渡政府。

    The main rebel groups have agreed to join in a meeting to set up a transitional government.

  16. 刚果民主共和国已经取得进展,成立了一个过渡政府。

    Progress has been achieved and a Transitional Government has been set up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  17. 利比里亚全国过渡政府继续改善与邻国的关系。

    The National Transitional Government of Liberia has continued to improve its relations with neighbouring countries.

  18. 欧洲联盟对最近成立的索马里民族过渡政府表示欢迎。

    The European Union welcomed the recent establishment of the Transitional National Government in Somalia.

  19. 国际社会的财政和管理专家应协助和监督过渡政府的机构。

    Financial and managerial experts from the international community should assist and oversee agencies of the National Transitional Government.

  20. 我们注意到过渡政府已采取措施释放被无理关押的人士。

    We note the steps taken by the Transitional Government to release unjustifiably detained persons.

  21. 与此同时,过渡政府已与海地各政治势力进行了初步磋商。

    Meanwhile, the Transitional Government has engaged in initial consultations with Haitian political forces.

  22. 希拉里呼吁联合国大会利比亚的席位应转移给过渡政府。

    She called for the Libyan seat at the United Nations General Assembly to be transferred to the interim government.

  23. 在这方面,过渡政府成员之间日益增加的党派之争令人不安。

    In this connection, the increasing factionalism among members of the Transitional Government is disquieting.

  24. 过渡时期政府

    caretaker government.

  25. 观光业被政府过渡保护,变得越来越没有竞争力。

    The tourist industry was coddled by the government and became less and less competitive.

  26. 我对以武力和暴力推翻过渡联邦政府的企图深为关切。

    I am deeply concerned by attempts to use force and violence to topple the Transitional Federal Government.

  27. 刚果民主共和国的过渡时期政府已经对他发出国际逮捕令。

    The Democratic Republic of the Congo transitional Government had issued an international arrest warrant against him.

  28. 过渡时期临时政府内阁人员已经做了一些调整。

    Several adjustments in personnel have been made to the composition of the first cabinet of the interim President.

  29. 并呼吁国际上支持阿富汗政府的过渡时期司法行动计划。

    There was also a call for international support for the Afghan Government's transitional justice action plan.

  30. 塞拉利昂和几内亚比绍均从战争过渡到了宪法政府。

    Sierra Leone and Guinea Bissau have likewise transitioned from war to constitutional Government.


  1. 问:过渡政府拼音怎么拼?过渡政府的读音是什么?过渡政府翻译成英文是什么?

    答:过渡政府的读音是guò dù zhèng fǔ,过渡政府翻译成英文是 transitional government

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