






1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……





汉语拼音:zhuāng fēng zuò shǎ







  • 【解释】:故意装成疯疯癫癫,傻里傻气。同“装疯卖傻”。
  • 【出自】:郑振铎《桂公塘》八:“贾余庆在饮酒中间,装疯作傻,诋骂南朝人物无所不至,用以献媚于铁木儿。”


  1. 网络
  2. a wise fool

  1. 别装傻了。

    Don't pretend you don't know.

  2. 你有意装傻。

    You pretend to be foolish intentionally.

  3. 别再装傻了!

    Stop acting the fool!

  4. 别跟我装傻。

    Don't play dumb with me.

  5. 别跟我装傻。

    Don't play dumb with me.

  6. 别跟我装傻。

    Don't play dumb with me.

  7. 有些人时常装傻。

    Some people act the fool now and then.

  8. 请别跟我装傻

    Please don't play dumb with me.

  9. 你是不是故意装傻?

    Are you being deliberately obtuse?

  10. 他要么是真傻,要么是故意装傻。

    He was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse.

  11. 别再装傻了, 干点实事吧!

    Quit playing the fool and get some work done!

  12. 别装傻了孩子,开个低价吧。

    Dont prat about son, just give the bottom line.

  13. 还是由于自己的种种缘故而装傻

    Or play the fool for our own sake

  14. 别再装傻了,我要和你说正事。

    Stop acting the fool, I'm trying to talk to you.

  15. 得了吧伙计们, 别装傻了, 好好听我说。

    Come on guys, stop playing the fool and pay attention to my words.

  16. 得了吧伙计们,别装傻了,好好听我说。

    Come on guys, stop playing the fool and pay attention to my words.

  17. 别被他的沉默骗了,他只不过是装傻。

    Dont let his silence fool you hes just playing possum.

  18. 别装傻了,我知道是你吃了最后一块蛋糕。

    Don't play dumb, I know you ate the last piece of cake.

  19. 他绝对就是在装傻。大家都知道就是他打碎玻璃的。

    Absolutely he is just playing possum. Everybody knows that he is the one who broke the window.

  20. 别再装傻了!我知道你清楚是谁吃的最后一块蛋糕。

    Stop playing dumb! I know you know who ate the last piece of cake.

  21. 开玩笑,呵痒,大笑,装傻。重新地去发现在你们之间的新的玩伴。

    Or get playful. Tickle, laugh, be silly. Rediscover the playmate in your partner.

  22. 装病。装疯卖傻

    sham Abraham

  23. 那个妇女只是装疯卖傻。

    The woman just acted the fool.

  24. 那时他别无办法,只好装疯卖傻。

    At that time he had no way out, but he had to feign madness and act like an idiot.

  25. 父亲叫孩子不要再装疯卖傻了。

    The father told the boy to stop playing the fool.

  26. 他装疯卖傻,好让所有人感觉良好。

    He's acting the fool,making everyone feel good.

  27. 我从没想到你是在装疯卖傻。

    I never realized there wassuch a method to your madness.

  28. 他常常装疯卖傻,弄得人人都讨厌他。

    He acted the fool so often that everyone got sick and tired of him.

  29. 你发现有个装疯弄傻的机会。

    You found a chance to hide behind insanity.

  30. 他在装疯卖傻,使每个人都感觉很好。

    He's acting the fool, making everyone feel good.

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