







汉语拼音:sòng sǐ







  1. 犹送终。

    《礼记·礼运》:“以养生送死,以事鬼神上帝。” 汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·散不足》:“古者事生尽爱,送死尽哀。” 唐 鲍溶 《经秦皇墓》诗:“哀哉送死厚,乃为弃身具。”参见“ 送终 ”。

  2. 指自寻死路。

    《三国志·吴志·周瑜传》:“况 操 自送死,而可迎之邪?” 宋 曾巩 《侯荆》诗:“师迴拔剑不顾生,酒酣拂衣亦送死。” 杨朔 《雪花飘在满洲》:“这个时候,你倒敢回来送死?”

  3. 犹害死。

    《三国演义》第四七回:“ 庶 ( 徐庶 )曰:‘吾感 刘皇叔 厚恩,未尝忘报。 曹操 送死吾母,吾已説过终身不设一谋,今安敢破兄良策?’”



  1. He said: "Oh, they mock at me! They will go and tell. Oh! Why did I come here to cast away my life? "


  2. Adai's face was sad. 'He didn't want me to die, 'he said quietly. 'He was a good man. And now he's dead. '


  3. Professor: Although here, it's as if the government is electing by conscription certain citizens to go die for the sake of the whole.


  4. 'It is, ' cried the girl, writhing in agony of her mind; 'I cannot leave him now! I could not be his death. '


  5. We are against any war where black soldiers are sent to the front line to die for a country that hates them.


  6. But their father was delighted, for he was very sad to leave them to die.


  7. Colonel Ludlow: Samuel chose to be a soldier and soldiers die! Sent to their slaughter by men in governments! Parasites like you!


  8. China's burial with funerary objects, " Shi Ming" called " die of" , " to help students are killed, a terminal side" .


  9. Even so, young men had to do things that were dishonest or dishonourable to avoid being sent against their will to kill and die.


  1. 得克萨斯去送死。

    TexasTo get lynched

  2. 还是要我去送死。

    Or if you're trying to get me killed.

  3. 还是要我去送死。

    Or if you're trying to get me killed.

  4. 几乎把我给送死了。

    That almost got me killed.

  5. 又有敌人来送死了!

    More enemies for the slaughter!

  6. 总是让蠢货先去送死。

    Always send booby first.

  7. 那你就是去那里送死。

    And you're gonna get yourself killed.

  8. 她让你出去打头阵送死。

    She had you do everything.

  9. 我等于是让他去送死。

    I've sent him to his death.

  10. 我不希望阿岱也来送死。

    I don't want Adai to die, too.

  11. 你和你儿子会等着送死。

    You and your sons would have died waiting for help.

  12. 显然你想让我们过去送死

    And clearly you want us to go so we can get ourselves killed.

  13. 我很奇怪他们居然选择送死。

    I find it strange they choose to die.

  14. 我很奇怪他们居然选择送死。

    I find it strange they choose to die.

  15. 你两个来送死,还想走?

    You've walked right into it. don't try to run away!

  16. 为一个仇恨他们的国家送死。

    To die for a country that hates them.

  17. 啊!我为什么要上这儿来送死呢?

    Oh! Why did I come here to cast away my life?

  18. 她不会看着我送死,你看不出来吗?

    She was never going to let me die. Don't you see?

  19. 如今又把我们引到这货仓来送死。

    Got us to this warehouse to get us killed.

  20. 却要我去送死救特里已亡女友?

    While I go on the suicide mission to rescue terry's already dead girlfriend?

  21. 他是怎么也不想再让年轻人去送死。

    How he did not want to send any more young men to die.

  22. 雾这么大, 你要这人出车等于要他去送死。

    You might as well ask a man to walk the plank as drive in this fog.

  23. 所以,如果我因试图越狱被抓住,我肯定会被送死囚室。

    So if I get busted for attempted escape, Ill throw in a homicide, no problem.

  24. 他们会把我送进死囚空。

    I'll be transferred back to death row.

  25. 它意识到我无法逮住活企鹅 于是,它把企鹅咬死送过来

    And then so she realized I couldn't catch live ones, so she brought me dead penguins.

  26. 生命里留了许多罅隙, 从中送来了死之忧郁的音乐。

    Gaps are left in life through which comes the sad music of death.

  27. 生命里留了许多罅隙,从中送来了死之忧郁得音乐。

    Gaps are left in life through which comes the sad music of death.

  28. 所以这只蓝鲸以肥死快递送到。

    So it's delivered overnight by FedUp.

  29. 当他们走到家门口时,却发现送牛奶的死在了他们的门槛上。

    When they arrived home they found the milkman dead on their doorstep.

  30. 接受挑战并把那些不死生物送回地狱!

    Accept the challenge and send the undead back to hell!


  1. 问:送死拼音怎么拼?送死的读音是什么?送死翻译成英文是什么?

    答:送死的读音是sòngsǐ,送死翻译成英文是 court death

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