




动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:sòng mìng








  1. 送死;断送性命。

    《西游记》第六六回:“妖王笑道:‘那猴儿计穷力竭,无处求人,断然是送命来也。’” 洪深 《赵阎王》第一节第一幕:“今儿的世界,做大大的坏事,是升官发财;做小小的坏事,是挨骂送命。”



  1. He dared her to jump across a wide ravine which might have meant serious injury or death if she had slipped.


  2. But I shall lay his death at the door, as long as I live, and die I know he will.


  3. "American troops are going to continue to fight in Iraq, " he said. "They're going to continue to die in Iraq. "


  4. Even if Wolovitz found a matching bone-marrow donor, he knew that a marrow transplant would make him feel sicker , or even kill him.


  5. I'll tell you my way of it-life or death, and a close run.


  6. Sneaking into a droid foundry on the planet, Anakin barely escaped the dangerous machines of the assembly line.


  7. If you don't tell the climber of the danger, you may have sent him to his death.


  8. If This Won't Kill Them, What Will? Shotguns to the face, explosions, a heck of a hiding, the Terminator can withstand just about anything.


  9. They all told me that I would die. They begged me not to have a baby.


  1. 醉汉下海险送命

    Drunkard nearly drowned in the sea

  2. 你会让我们送命!

    You'll get us killed!

  3. 你会让我们送命!

    You'll get us killed!

  4. 你女儿因你而送命。

    Your daughter is six feet under because of you.

  5. 如果做不到,就会送命

    If you don't, you will end up losing your life.

  6. 她和其他人一样送命了。

    She's dead just like the rest of them.

  7. 我们跑来这儿会送命的。

    What are we doing here? We'll get killed.

  8. 犹豫不决就会送命。

    It would have been fatal to hesitate.

  9. 不过估计八成是送命的活。

    But serious potential for death.

  10. 这会让我俩都送命的!

    You're going to get us both killed!

  11. 你以为我们会让你送命吗?

    And do you suppose by any chance that we are going to let you lose yours?

  12. 他要我们都送命才肯罢休。

    He will not quit until we are all dead.

  13. 我欠你, 差点害你送命。

    I owe you. I almost got you killed twice already.

  14. 她难道这么一下子就会送命!

    I am not at all afraid of her dying.

  15. 乱开车甚至会使你送命。

    Reckless driving may even cost your life.

  16. 再往前一步, 你就要送命了。

    One step further and you are lost.

  17. 搞不好这会让你送命。

    Sometimes it gets you killed.

  18. 如果你跑得太快,你会送命的。

    If you run too fast you will break your neck.

  19. 哪有小伤风就会送命的道理。

    People do not die of little trifling colds.

  20. 他差点让你和孩子送命。

    He almost killed you and your son.

  21. 因为那会让我送命, 也许你也会。

    Because it would cost me my life and possibly yours.

  22. 那种勇气会让我们全部送命的。

    The kind of guts that can get us all killed.

  23. 就在这个早上托尼送命了,不是吗??

    The last morning of Tony Braun's life ?

  24. 但我不会让他因为这而送命

    Let's move this gurney right now.

  25. 他不能一个人去,他会送命的。

    He cannot go alone. He will be killed.

  26. 你这辆汽车有朝一日会叫你送命的。

    You'll break your neck in that car of yours one day!

  27. 那些德州子弟兵本可不用送命。

    Those Texas boys didn't have to die.

  28. 在拿到它之前,你会在墓地送命的!

    You'll die in the graveyard before you get it!

  29. 有人尝试做这样的事结果送命了。

    People have died trying to do this kind of thing.

  30. 你要钱, 而我不要任何人送命。

    You want the money, I don't want anyone else to die.


  1. 问:送命拼音怎么拼?送命的读音是什么?送命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:送命的读音是sòngmìng,送命翻译成英文是 lose one’s life



词目送命 拼音sòng mìng 基本解释 [lose ones life;get killed] 指无价值地丧失性命 白白送命 详细解释 送死断送性命 西游记第六六回妖王笑道那猴儿计穷力竭无处求人断然是送命来也 洪深 赵阎王第一节第一幕今儿的世界做大大的坏事是升官发财做小小的坏事是挨骂送命

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