









汉语拼音:gōng jiàn shǒu






  1. 即弓手。

    宋 梅尧臣 《田家语》诗序:“凡民三丁籍一,立校与长,号弓箭手,用备不虞。” 宋 苏辙 《论前后处置夏国乖方札子》:“唯所言 定西 、 通西 、 通渭 等城外弓箭手耕种地,远者七八十里,近者三四十里。”参见“ 弓手 ”。

  2. 操弓箭的士卒。

    苏曼殊 《随笔》:“酋出必以夜,喜以生花缀其身,画眉傅粉,侍从甚盛,復有弓箭手。” 欧阳予倩 《木兰从军》第十一场:“命你带领一班弓箭手,埋伏此地。”



  1. With bitterness archers attacked him; they shot at him with hostility.


  2. At the front are a pair of generals, next come two archers, then a couple of infantrymen followed by a cavalryman and his horse.


  3. One day some archer will put an arrow through his chest, or ten men will fall on him with spears and swords and axes, ten would-be heroes.


  4. A bowman took aim at an Eagle and hit him in the heart.


  5. All thy rulers are fled together, they are bound by the archers: all that are found in thee are bound together, which have fled from far.


  6. Just as an archer needs bow and arrow, or a draughtsman pen and paper, so Charsi needs the Horadric Malus with which to ply her trade.


  7. The ancient bones are referred to as "the archer, " because, whoever he was, he was buried with several arrows.


  8. The basic legion might have attached cavalry, archers, engineers, and artillery, depending on the task before it.


  9. So Chinese armies had a huge pool of skilled archers to pick from, European armies did not.


  1. 弓箭手到城垛去!

    archers to the battlements!

  2. 弓箭手到城垛去!

    Archers to the battlements!

  3. 弓箭手把箭射了出去。

    The archers sent their shafts through the air.

  4. 他是国内最好的弓箭手。

    He was the best bow in the country.

  5. 所有的弓箭手都抛弃了我们。

    All the archers have deserted us.

  6. 弓箭手用弓和箭射击的人

    One that shoots with a bow and arrow.

  7. 使用大弓的英国中世纪的弓箭手。

    A medieval English archer who used a longbow.

  8. 这是一个经典得弓箭手动作!

    A classic archer figure, she NOCKS another arrow.

  9. 这是一个经典的弓箭手动作!

    A classic archer figure, she NOCKS another arrow.

  10. 成为声名赫赫的骑手或者弓箭手!

    Become the caballero with illustrious reputation or bow hand!

  11. 弓箭手拉紧弓弦将箭瞄准靶子。

    The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.

  12. 绑在弓箭手弓臂上得防护垫。

    A protective pad strapped to the bow arm of an archer.

  13. 绑在弓箭手弓臂上的防护垫。

    A protective pad strapped to the bow arm of an archer.

  14. 在可恶的精灵弓箭手面前展示你的技能!

    Show them your skill in targeting those wretched Elven Archers!

  15. 到最后一轮的时候,只剩下三个弓箭手。

    By the final round, only three archers were left.

  16. 射箭运动员,弓箭手用弓箭射击的技艺,运动或技巧

    The art, sport, or skill of shooting with a bow and arrow.

  17. 农民弓箭手拿着的是他们打猎时用的弓。

    Peasant Archers are accustomed to using their bow for hunting.

  18. 任务完成后, 西天的弓箭手的药丸, 使他不朽。

    Once the task was accomplished, Goddess of Western Heaven rewarded the archer with a pill that would make him immortal.

  19. 身着板甲得他们善于冲击弓箭手和步兵。

    Protected by plate armour these units are very good at riding down archers and infantry.

  20. 身着板甲的他们善于冲击弓箭手和步兵。

    Protected by plate armour these units are very good at riding down archers and infantry.

  21. 通常人们会觉得弓箭手是十足的完美主义者!

    Ordinarily, one would expect the archer to be a perfectionist to the core!

  22. 为了保护国王,穆斯林团体提供了卓越的弓箭手。

    Valuing the protection of the King, the Muslim community provides the army with excellent archers.

  23. 干掉他们的弓箭手。我会和你们在战场中央会合的。

    Take out their archers. I'll meet you in the middle.

  24. 任务完成后,西天的上帝将给弓箭手长生药。

    Once the task was accomplished, Goddess of Western Heaven rewarded the archer with a pill that would make him immortal.

  25. 对弓箭手的骨骼分析表明他来自阿尔卑斯山。

    Analysis of the Archer's bones showed he was from the Alps.

  26. 好的弓箭手就应该用好的弓。我这个人箭无虚发。

    A good archer deserves a good bow. I never miss.

  27. 他们具有高度纪律性,是马背上技艺高超的弓箭手。

    They were highly disciplined and masters with using the bow and arrow on horseback.

  28. 与火枪手相比,弓箭手依赖的是自身体能。

    The bowman is dependent for real efficiency on his bodily strength much more than the arquebusier.

  29. 弓箭手射箭。

    The archer bent a bow.

  30. 一群弓箭手

    A group of archers.


  1. 问:弓箭手拼音怎么拼?弓箭手的读音是什么?弓箭手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弓箭手的读音是,弓箭手翻译成英文是 archer




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