


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……


总括,总起来:~一。~率(shuài)。~帅。~摄(统辖)。~考。~筹。~战。~共。~购~销。事物的连续关系:系~。血~。传(chuán )~。体~。……




1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……



汉语拼音:chuán tǒng wén huà






  1. It has a position in India and Southeast Asia similar to that of Latin and Greek in Europe, and is a central part of Hindu tradition.


  2. Filial piety has long been a tenet of traditional Chinese culture and is a core concept of Confucianism.


  3. At least from examples of the historical tradition, it may be concluded that hand washing is an old cultural heritage of human civilization.


  4. Similarly, "the traditional Chinese culture" is not always desirable, due to the "dross" of it precipitated in the "Big Well" .


  5. This problem nurtured by our traditional culture is worthy of our scrutiny, for it has affected the whole society, even up to now.


  6. The purpose of foreign students learning Wushu is to understand Chinese traditional culture and build the body.


  7. It was that hands-on iterative process which is so much like vernacular design and folk design in traditional cultures.


  8. Actually as a traditional cultural giant, he was also good at poetry and calligraphy. Meanwhile, he had a sense of responsibility.


  9. In every generation, there seems to be a counterculture that rejects traditional thinking while promoting their own causes.


  1. 首都传统文化生活

    the life of the Capital traditional culture

  2. 中华传统文化神韵

    great charm of the traditional Chinese culture

  3. 材质与传统文化韵味

    material and traditional cultural taste

  4. 即传统文化之间的关系。

    local conditions and traditions.

  5. 传统文化与弘扬民族精神

    Traditional Culture and Foster National spirit

  6. 中华传统文化底蕴深厚、博大精深。

    The traditional Chinese culture is rich, extensive and profound.

  7. 西方传统文化认为人性本恶。

    Western traditional culture holds that humans are basically evil.

  8. 阳朔西街的传统文化与外来文化

    Traditional Culture and Foreign Culture in Yangsuo West Street

  9. 高举传统文化的大旗奋进

    It Is High to Raise the Banner of Traditional Culture and to Advance

  10. 传统文化和技术是不相容的。

    Traditional culture and technology is incompatible.

  11. 对沉默权制度的传统文化思考

    The Traditional Culture vs. The System of Reticent Right.

  12. 太极推手中的传统文化内涵

    Traditional Culture Connotation of the Exercise of Pushing Hand in Taijiquan.

  13. 论黑非洲传统文化的基本特征

    Fundamental Features of the Traditional Culture in Black Africa

  14. 少数民族传统文化得到保护和光大。

    Ethnic minorities' traditional culture is protected and flourishing.

  15. 少数民族的优秀传统文化受到保护。

    The fine traditional cultures of ethnic minorities are being preserved.

  16. 保护和发展少数民族优秀传统文化。

    We will protect and develop the fine cultural traditions of ethnic minorities.

  17. 在课堂教学中渗透传统文化教育

    To Permeate Traditional Culture Education among Classroom Teaching

  18. 传统文化的现实价值与科学扬弃

    The Realistic Value and Scientific Sublate of the Traditional Culture

  19. 浅析传统文化下国人的思维心理

    On the Thinking Mentality of Chinese in the Framework of Traditional Culture

  20. 领导干部应从传统文化中汲取营养

    Leading cadres should deriving the alimentation from the traditional culture

  21. 可能这是西方的传统文化造成的吧。

    This is a traditional western culture.

  22. 书法艺术是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝。

    Calligraphy art is the Chinese traditional culture treasure.

  23. 科学地认识和扬弃藏族传统文化

    Developing What is Healthy in Traditional Tibetan Culture and Discarding What Is Not with Scientific Attitud

  24. 蒙学教材是传统文化的重要载体。

    Initiatory textbooks are important vehicles of traditional culture.

  25. 儒学传统文化中的道德修养与践履

    Virtue Training and Keeping Promise of Confucian Traditional Culture

  26. 优秀传统文化和科学精神是一致的

    Excellent traditional culture is coincident with attitude of science

  27. 传统文化对黑非洲政治发展的制约

    Restrictions of the traditional culture on political developments in black Africa

  28. 塑造北京宜居环境中的传统文化风景

    Molding Traditional Culture Scenery of Beijing as an Amenity City.

  29. 建设优秀传统文化传承体系,弘扬中华优秀传统文化。

    We should develop a system for carrying forward fine traditional culture and promote outstanding traditional Chinese culture.

  30. 教育的现代化离不开本民族的传统文化。

    The modernization of education is inseparable from the traditional culture.


  1. 问:传统文化拼音怎么拼?传统文化的读音是什么?传统文化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传统文化的读音是chuán tǒng wén huà,传统文化翻译成英文是 traditional culture




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