











汉语拼音:xū yǒu qí biǎo





空有好看的外表,实际不行。唐郑处诲《明皇杂录》记载,唐玄宗(李隆基)让萧嵩草诏,既成,不中意,掷其稿于地并说:“虚有其表耳。” 表:外貌。



  • 【解释】:虚:空;表:表面,外貌。空有好看的外表,实际上不行。指有名无实。
  • 【出自】:唐·郑处诲《明皇杂录》:“嵩既成,上掷其草于地,曰:‘虚有其表耳。’”
  • 【示例】:表面看上去他挺精明的,可实际上却是~,什么事也办不好。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. It's a celebration of shoddiness, which seems to be one of the features of our system.


  2. in his turning , the center of the whole earth shifted , making of space a sheer void and a mockery of order , and balance , and time.


  3. Their affluence is more apparent than real, ie They are not as rich as they seem to be.


  4. Honesty is no longer a slick slogan, but a reality.


  5. is most important in this world to be pushing, but it is fatal to seem to.


  6. She thinks I'm nothing but an unqualified himbo.


  7. The power of kings skin deep, is a national symbol, the political system of so called parliamentary constitutional monarchy.


  8. They held down second jobs in restaurants, bars, hair salons and temp offices and were rewarded with glossy titles the longer they stayed.


  9. Their marriage had become a complete sham.


  1. 虚有其表的人物

    a shoddy character

  2. 虚有其表的伪君子

    a specious hypocrite

  3. 他漂亮的衣著只是虚有其表而已。

    His fine clothes are a mere facade, facade.

  4. 我以为我只是虚有其表,在各个方向摇摆不定。

    I thought I was one shuck and jive away in every direction.

  5. 虚有其表的女人,就像金环戴在猪鼻上!

    The impressive on the outside but lacking substance woman, looks like ring on the pig nose!

  6. 这世上最要紧的是有冲劲,但虚有其表则要命了。

    It is most important in this world to be pushing, but it is fatal to seem so.

  7. 绣花枕头, 虚有其表。

    A pillow with an embroidered cast looks impressive but lacks of need worth.

  8. 绣花枕头,虚有其表。

    A pillow with an embroidered cast looks impressive but lacks of need worth.

  9. 至虚有盛候

    symptoms of excess in extreme deficiency.

  10. 得长枕头,虚有其表。

    A pillow with an embroidered cast looks impressire but lacks of need worth.

  11. 他们的富有是虚有其表。

    Their affluence is more apparent than real.

  12. 你觉得谢博德只是徒有其表

    You thought shepherd was just a haircut.

  13. 他们的婚姻关系已虚有其表。

    Their marriage had become a complete sham.

  14. 怕被认为虚有漂亮的外表。

    otherwise they're afraid of being considered dumb blondes.

  15. 那部车的坚固外观只是虚有其表。

    The car's sturdy appearance lied.

  16. 那部车得坚固外观只是虚有其表。

    The car's sturdy appearance lied.

  17. 大多数人都认为我们的经理虚有其表。

    Most people think our manager is cheap and nasty.

  18. 我看她也没什么真本事,徒有其表罢了。

    I think she has no real ability, just an unwarranted reputation.

  19. 我看她也没什么真本事,徒有其表罢了。

    I think she has no real ability, just an unwarranted reputation.

  20. 这些工作有主有次, 有虚有实, 相互关联。

    These jobs have advocate have second, have empty solid, mutual correlation.

  21. 奥巴马的许多成就不过是徒有其表而已。

    Many of Mr. Obama's achievements have a Potemkin quality.

  22. 有者担心会是一只白象,虚有其表。

    Others worried that the corner would turn out a mere matter of form.

  23. 他各方面都是徒有其表,身体虚胖,心灵虚夸。

    He is swollen in everything, in body and in mind.

  24. 世间最重要的是有进取心,但徒有其表是致命的。

    It is most important in this world to be pushing, but it is fatal to seem so.

  25. 虚有其表得女人, 就像金环戴在猪鼻上!

    The impressive on the outside but lacking substance woman, looks like ring on the pig nose!

  26. 永远不要直接饮用伏特加,因为它只是虚有其表。

    Vodka is the overrated alcohol, a drink you should never drink straight.

  27. 你这个人好像很精明,能骗一些人,可是虚有其表。

    You wear a superficial brightness that Can fool some people, but underneath you're empty.

  28. 出售黄金的承诺就越来越变得虚有其名了。

    The promise to sell gold became increasingly hollow.

  29. 你这个人好象很精明, 能唬得了人, 可是虚有其表。

    You have a superficial brightness that can fool some people but underneath you're empty.

  30. 他死后,我的生活就成了一个徒有其表的空壳子。

    My life has been an empty shell since he died.


  1. 问:虚有其表拼音怎么拼?虚有其表的读音是什么?虚有其表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚有其表的读音是xūyǒuqíbiǎo,虚有其表翻译成英文是 to look impressive but is worthless; not as...

