


1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……


1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……





汉语拼音:nǚ zhǔ ren






女主人 [nǚ zhǔ ren]
  1. 对家庭主妇的尊称。 




  1. It was the kind of party which makes you wonder why the hostess has troubled to bid her guests, and why the guests have troubled to come.


  2. But all this was just adjust heroine ZhiQingDian team leader cow flowers to see in the eye.


  3. He made a point of thanking his hostess before he left the party.


  4. When this woman opened the door with a sneer on her face he felt even more solitary than before.


  5. Naisha: I have a bad feeling about this, mistress. It's too quiet. It feels as if we're walking into a trap.


  6. She looked sternly at him and said, "Jervis, if I ever catch you wearing my stuff again, you're fired! "


  7. MotheR was doing heR best to be the gracious hostess, but I could tell this was especially hard for heR.


  8. The lady of the house invited him in and served him a bowl of soup by the fire.


  9. Remember to call your hostess the next day, or write her a short 'thank you' letter.


  1. 女主人十分好客

    The hostess keeps open house.

  2. 女主人冷藏啤酒。

    Two ices The hostess iced the beer.

  3. 这房子的女主人

    the mistress of the house.

  4. 女主人介绍了他们。

    The hostess introduced them.

  5. 太太家庭中的女主人

    The mistress of a household.

  6. 女主人应该待客殷鸹。

    A hostess should be courteous to her guests.

  7. 女主人热情款待我们。

    The hostess gave us a warm welcome.

  8. 女主人富足的大家庭的女主人

    The mistress of a large, fashionable household.

  9. 女主人应该待客殷勤。

    A hostess should be courteous to her guests.

  10. 你家女主人在家吗?

    Is your mistress at home?

  11. 女主人催促我进去。

    The hostess urged me in.

  12. 女主人简直急疯了。

    The hostess was beside herself.

  13. 女主人冰了瓶啤酒。

    The hostess iced a bottle of beer.

  14. 女主人向我送秋波。

    The lady of the house gave me the glad eye.

  15. 临时上场当女主人

    for pinchhitting as hostess.

  16. 女主人示意我们坐下。

    The hostess motioned us to sit down.

  17. 女主人催促客人吃鱼。

    The hostess pressed fish on her guests.

  18. 请求女主人的引见

    seek an introduction from the hostess

  19. 女主人的笑十分热情。

    The hostess wore a cordial smile on her face.

  20. 女主人热忱地欢迎我们。

    The hostess gave us a cordial greeting.

  21. 女主人周旋于宾客之间。

    The hostess circulated among her guests.

  22. 或者观察女主人怎样用。

    Or watch the hostess and do what she does.

  23. 女主人招待得十分周到。

    The hostess is profuse in her hospitality.

  24. 我是今晚的女主人。

    I'll be your hostess this evening.

  25. 女主人对衣着十分讲究。

    The hostess had exquisite taste in clothes.

  26. 别忘了你是女主人。

    You must remember your duties as hostess.

  27. 女主人迫使女仆日夜工作。

    The hostess kept her maid at work day and night.

  28. 女主人叫我们尽兴吃喝玩乐。

    The hostess bade us to make good cheer.

  29. 现在去告诉你的女主人。

    Go now and tell your mistress.

  30. 现在去告诉你得女主人。

    Go now and tell your mistress.


  1. 问:女主人拼音怎么拼?女主人的读音是什么?女主人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女主人的读音是nǚzhǔren,女主人翻译成英文是 hostess; mistress

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