


1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……




1. 炸 [zhà]2. 炸 [zhá]炸 [zhà]突然破裂:爆~。~药。~弹。~响。用炸药或炸弹爆破:轰~。发怒:他一听就~了。炸 [zhá]把食物放在煮沸的油中弄熟:~酱。~糕。~鱼。油~。……





汉语拼音:kōng qì zhà guō



  1. 网络
  2. Airfryer;PHILIPS;ribs

  1. 不粘锅的炸锅

    a frying pan with a nonstick surface.

  2. 开口桶炸锅的性能试验方法

    Test Method for Performance of Large Open Vat Fryers

  3. 油炸锅里得食油已经热了。

    The fat in the fryer had heated all right.

  4. 油炸锅里的食油已经热了。

    The fat in the fryer had heated all right.

  5. 附自动温度控制器电油炸锅

    electric fryer with automatic temperature control

  6. 肥油在炸锅里劈啪劈啪地响。

    Fat sputters in the frying pan.

  7. 所以,他到后面去清洗油炸锅了。

    So, he's out back cleaning the fryer.

  8. 一种食品炸锅,涉及食品加工机械类。

    The utility model discloses a pan for frying food, relating to the foodstuff processing machinery class.

  9. 真正的改进是在煤气炸锅的设计上。

    The real improvements have been in gas fryer burner design.

  10. 听到这一坏消息,全班同学马上就炸锅了。

    The whole class was in an uproar at the bad news.

  11. 也可选择带炸锅,烤锅等,满足贵族家庭需要。

    Optional also choose takes the scamper boiler, boiler that bake to wait, satisfy aristocratic family need.

  12. 找个二手的活动房屋买个炸锅,再来点夹心饼干

    Find a used trailer, buy a deep fryer and some oreos

  13. 油炸锅里的食油已经热了。肥油在炸锅里劈啪劈啪地响。

    The fat in the fryer had heated all right. Fat sputters in the frying pan.

  14. 肉丝坦的时候将会有一定大的机率被空气炸裂。

    MTs are now able to be targetted by Air Burst.

  15. 油热后放葱姜, 放排骨下锅炸黄。

    Fry chopped Onion and ginger, then put ribs in.

  16. 油炸直接在锅内热油或油状物中被烹调

    To be cooked in a pan over direct heat in hot oil or fat.

  17. 他将在续集中回归的消息让整个互联网炸开了锅。

    His return for the sequel sent a shiver of excitement across cyberspace.

  18. 这个消息如同惊天霹雳一般, 立刻在网络上炸开了锅。

    Break the news as simply general, the network immediately ripped the pot.

  19. 也许是阳光, 新鲜空气和一锅蔬菜汤使我活了下来。

    Perhaps the sunshine, the fresh air, and the pot liquor from greens kept me going.

  20. 一场全新的视频广告运动在老美的网上世界炸开了锅。

    Google has launched its first television advertising campaign across a range of US networks.

  21. 放到锅里炸至酥脆,颜色呈金黄色即可。

    Deep fry them until crispy and lightly golden in colour.

  22. 突然,场内炸开了锅,和张勇片刻间已是扭打在一起。

    Suddenly, an explosion inside the pot, and Zhang Yong is a scuffle between a moment together.

  23. 把一匙奶油面糊扔到煎锅里炸熟的烤饼。

    a scone made by dropping a spoonful of batter on a griddle.

  24. 豆腐, 鱼丸, 辣椒等在锅内大火煎炸一下。

    Tofu, fish balls, chillies etc were quickly deep fried in these huge woks before serving.

  25. 茄子洗净切条后, 拌少许干淀粉, 入锅炸至茄条软糯捞出沥油。

    Wash eggplant and cut it, mixed with a little dry starch, fried eggplant soft waxy to remove the oil Lek.

  26. 在锅里,用高温迅速地炸。

    Fry very quickly over high heat, as in a wok.

  27. 小型真空双锅油炸设备控制系统的设计

    Designing the Control System of the Small DoubleCauldron Vacuum Frying Equipment.

  28. 不用解冻,在175的油锅中炸34分钟后即可食用。

    No need defrost, fried in salad oil at 175 for 3 2 minutes.

  29. 双锅交替式真空油炸机控制系统的设计

    Designing the Control System of the Alternate Vacuum Double Fryer

  30. 压力油炸器和锅状油炸器性能的试验方法

    Test Method for the Performance of Pressure and Kettle Fryers




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