


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……


1. 尉 [wèi]2. 尉 [yù]尉 [wèi]古代官名,一般是武官:县~。都~。卫~。太~。军衔的一级,在校以下:~官。少~。上~。〔~氏〕地名,在中国河南省。姓。尉 [yù]〔~迟〕复姓。〔~犁〕地名,在中国新疆维吾尔自治区。……



汉语拼音:zhōng wèi






  1. 官名。

    战国 时 赵 置,负责选任官吏。 秦 汉 时为武职,掌管京师治安。 汉武帝 时更名执金吾, 汉 诸王国皆置中尉。 唐 后期为宦官领禁兵的专职。

  2. 军衔的一级。低于上尉、高于少尉的下级军官。

    王西彦 《人的世界·第五家邻居》:“他的姓名叫做 卢国忠 ,在退伍以前是中尉排长。”



  1. Back in the jungle, the lieutenant says he's received word that LRA fighters are heading his way.


  2. Once more the stretcher was slid into an ambulance, and I found myself in company with a young subaltern of the K----'s.


  3. Sarah: [describing how she became the French Lieutenants mistress] He took me to a private sitting room, ordered food.


  4. Lieutenant Oliver is the company's Forward Observer; take him out and they won't be able to call any Fire Missions.


  5. "You tell me. " Willetts stood up and reached for his hat. " Let's go in the office. Lieutenant Boyd wants to see you after a while. "


  6. The captain of the company, tucking his sword under his arm, produced a handkerchief and began to bind with it the lieutenant's wound.


  7. When Looney heard the news of his friend's death, he was in Navy SEAL training and unable to leave.


  8. "Quite right, " the officer replied as he showed the lieutenant the coin which had heads on both sides.


  9. Lieutenant Colonel Beard had had all the excitement and danger he could stand by the age of thirty-three. Angela had to have hers.


  1. 不必了,中尉

    Don't bother, Lieutenant.

  2. 皇家空军中尉

    Flying Officer

  3. 晚上好,中尉。

    Good evening, Lieutenant.

  4. 你,中尉,你叫什么?

    You, lieutenant, what is your name?

  5. 她的军衔为中尉

    She made lieutenant.

  6. 是得中尉什么事?

    Yes, lieutenant, what is it?

  7. 是的中尉什么事?

    Yes, lieutenant, what is it?

  8. 你该洗澡了,中尉。

    It's time for your bath, Lieutenant.

  9. 中尉,是的,长官,中

    Uh, Lieutenant. Yes, sir, Lieu.

  10. 我将通知中尉上校。

    I'll inform the Lieutenant Colonel.

  11. 中尉的级别高于中士。

    Lieutenants rank sergeants.

  12. 我听说中尉有个女儿。

    The lieutenant has a daughter.

  13. 他被晋升为陆军中尉。

    He was preferred to lieutenant.

  14. 我当然认识他了中尉。

    Of course I knew him, lieutenant.

  15. 我要单独和中尉谈话。

    I need to speak with the lieutenant, alone.

  16. 他被提升为陆军中尉。

    He was promoted to be a lieutenant in the army.

  17. 我该是丹泰勒中尉。

    I was Lieutenant Dan Taylor.

  18. 干得好,柯博恩中尉

    Well done, Lieutenant Coburn.

  19. 保罗 费希尔陆军中尉

    Lieutenant Paul Fisher

  20. 只等柯博恩中尉辞职

    Once Lieutenant Coburn resigned.

  21. 我对凯恩中尉说谎了。

    I lied to lieutenant caine.

  22. 他们说我是一名中尉。

    They said I'm a lieutenant.

  23. 约翰森中尉是我的父亲。

    Lieutenant Johnson was my father.

  24. 中尉承认, 通风设备很糟糕。

    The ventilation is poor, the lieutenant admits.

  25. 丹中尉很了解他的下属。

    Lieutenant Dan sure knew his stuff.

  26. 我听中尉的丈夫去世了。

    The lieutenants husband passed away.

  27. 现在那是中尉丹。中尉丹!

    Forrest Now thats Lieutenant Dan. Lieutenant Dan!

  28. 酬劳是一个中尉的收入。

    The pay is that of a first lieutenant.

  29. 斯卜内中尉难受得要命。

    Lieutenant Spooney was cut to the heart.

  30. 我是一名海军中尉军官。

    I was a naval officer, lieutenant junior grade.


  1. 问:中尉拼音怎么拼?中尉的读音是什么?中尉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中尉的读音是zhōngwèi,中尉翻译成英文是 lieutenant; lieutenant junior grade; sublieu...

  2. 问:中尉之职拼音怎么拼?中尉之职的读音是什么?中尉之职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中尉之职的读音是,中尉之职翻译成英文是 lieutenancy

  3. 问:中尉枪炮长拼音怎么拼?中尉枪炮长的读音是什么?中尉枪炮长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中尉枪炮长的读音是zhōng wèi qiāng pào zhǎng,中尉枪炮长翻译成英文是 Gunner Sub-Lieutenant

  4. 问:中尉水手长拼音怎么拼?中尉水手长的读音是什么?中尉水手长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中尉水手长的读音是zhōng wèi shuǐ shǒu zhǎng,中尉水手长翻译成英文是 Boatswain Sub-Lieutenant



“中尉”是个多义词,它可以指中尉(常钺主演电影), 中尉(中国古代官职), 中尉(中尉军衔)。

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