




1. 丽 [lì]2. 丽 [lí]丽 [lì]好看,漂亮:美~。秀~。明~。绚~。富~。~质(女子美好的品貌)。风和日~。附着:附~。丽 [lí]〔高~〕朝鲜历史上的王朝,旧时习惯上沿用指称朝鲜。古同“罹”,遭遇。……



汉语拼音:fù lì







  1. 宏丽;华丽。

    唐 柳宗元 《李赤传》:“堂之饰,宏大富丽,椒兰之气,油然而起。” 明 谢榛 《四溟诗话》卷一:“作诗虽贵古淡,而富丽不可无,譬如松篁之於桃李,布帛之於锦绣也。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第三章:“山崖上矗立着一幢巍峨而富丽的洋楼。”

  2. 富饶美丽;丰富华丽。

    宋 苏轼 《策断二十五》:“ 契丹 自 五代 南侵,乘 石晋 之乱,奄至京邑,覩中原之富丽,庙社宫闕之壮而悦之;知不可以留也,故归而窃习焉。” 清 戴名世 《杨刘二王合传》:“ 崇禎 中, 陕西 羣盗起,天下大乱;而 滇 以僻远得脱,承平且三百年,其富丽拟於中原矣。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第三章:“战士们你一言我一语,说着 陇东 的高原, 陕北 的大山,黑压压的森林和富丽的河川。”

  3. 形容体态丰满美好。

    清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·小秦淮录》:“ 汤二官 ,不知其籍,其体富丽,其色华艳,善谐謔,后不知所终。”



  1. you are sumptuous , opulent , expensive , " her father rejoined , " you look as if you had eighty thousand a year .


  2. In terms of furniture, fabric, accessories, fully reflects the wave of the East where the wealth and style, enchanting atmosphere.


  3. The emperor introduced him to the eye - popping splendors of life in his two great palaces .


  4. They dressed the corpse of the woman in her richest robes and all her jewels, as if it had been her wedding_day;


  5. The president spoke from a teleprompter in the ornate Indian Treaty Room for a few minutes. Then Gov.


  6. Where could Tess possibly be, a cottage-girl, his young wife, amidst all this wealth and fashion?


  7. Its style is elegant, fresh and unique, full of poem cantabile , and with a rich Oriental charm.


  8. It would be for 20 centuries historical of a part, sumptuous and dazzling occasionally cool strong and heavy.


  9. Particularly exciting as sculpture are three studies of an obese woman with a magnificently swollen torso.


  1. 富丽新农村运动

    New rural amenities

  2. 绝妙的。富丽的。成功的

    Spectacularly excellent, opulent or successful

  3. 富丽图三代技术

    PhotoREt III precision technology

  4. 富丽时装制衣厂。

    Flora Fashions Factory Mellex Industries Ltd.

  5. 和富丽的红玫瑰色。

    and a tint of rich red rose

  6. 全都因富丽的羽毛而出名

    all famed for their spectacular plumage.

  7. 编织成富丽的凸花纹的原织物

    a heavy fabric interwoven with a rich, raised design

  8. 这些盘子都镶有富丽的金边。

    The plates were all edged with a rich border of gold.

  9. 这些盘子都镶有富丽得金边。

    The plates were all edged with a rich border of gold.

  10. 过着世俗王公的豪华富丽的生活。

    living in the opulent splendor of secular princes

  11. 叠作层层金声的富丽?你忍不忍?

    In folds of golden fulness at my door?

  12. 锦缎编织成富丽的凸花纹的原织物

    A heavy fabric interwoven with a rich, raised design.

  13. 富丽堂皇的家具,给人富丽堂皇的感觉。

    The furniture in majestic splendor strikes people as gorgeous.

  14. 神常在陋室中,而不常在富丽的皇宫中。

    God is oftener in little huts than in rich palaces.

  15. 神常在陋室中,而不常在富丽得皇宫中。

    God is oftener in little huts than in rich palaces.

  16. 通过此种方法制作得牡丹花更显富丽。

    The peony made through this kind of method shows even more richly.

  17. 他的房子宽敞而便利, 布置得富丽优雅

    His house is spacious and commodious, and furnished with profusion and elegance

  18. 她的服装富丽而不炫目, 举止威严而庄重。

    Her dress was rather rich than gay, and her manner commanding and noble.

  19. 那位衣饰富丽的年轻女郎在宴会上引人注目。

    The richly fig out young woman stand out at the party.

  20. 一个个宽大的大厅出口,都是精雕细刻的富丽门扉。

    At the wide entrances to the Hall are richly carved doors.

  21. 古晋富丽华购物中心,捐血活动的所在地。

    Boulevard Shopping Complex, Kuching, venue for the Blood Donation Campaign.

  22. 有富丽堂辉的宫殿和巨贾权贵的府第。

    There were palaces and wealthy houses filled with articles of luxury.

  23. 广东佛山剪纸色彩富丽,手法多变,装饰性强。

    The Foshan papercuts of Guangdong Province are colorful and decorative and utilize varied production skills.

  24. 植物染料蜡染制品色彩斑斓,富丽,用于服装,衣裙等。

    The plant dyestuff painted batiks is of rich colors and splendidness and it is used for making dress and skirt.

  25. 色彩中使用了沥粉贴金,取得了富丽而朴实的效果。

    Lek colors used in gold powder and achieved rich results and simple.

  26. 色彩中使用了沥粉贴金,取得了富丽而朴实得效果。

    Lek colors used in gold powder and achieved rich results and simple.

  27. 不像翡翠那样富丽,你们却似珍珠一样般的晶莹。

    You are not as elegant as jadeite, but glittering and translucent as the pearls.

  28. 即不作赋赞,其豪华富丽,观者诸公亦可想而知矣。

    If, on the other hand, I omit to write one my worthy readers can imagine its magnificence for themselves.

  29. 我得穿上富丽奢华的的衣服,而且猛一下子穿上还不行。

    I must get into sumptuous raiment, and it wouldn't do to run and jump into it.

  30. 豪华并不依存于阔绰和富丽,而是显而今不鄙俚之中。

    And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity.


  1. 问:富丽拼音怎么拼?富丽的读音是什么?富丽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:富丽的读音是fùlì,富丽翻译成英文是 Glorious, magnificent.

  2. 问:富丽堂皇拼音怎么拼?富丽堂皇的读音是什么?富丽堂皇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:富丽堂皇的读音是fùlìtánghuáng,富丽堂皇翻译成英文是 splendid

  3. 问:富丽华酒店拼音怎么拼?富丽华酒店的读音是什么?富丽华酒店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:富丽华酒店的读音是,富丽华酒店翻译成英文是 Furama Kempinski Hotel

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