





  1. 亦作“ 璀粲 ”。光彩绚丽。

    汉 王延寿 《鲁灵光殿赋》:“汩磑磑以璀璨,赫燡燡而爥坤。”《文选·曹植<洛神赋>》:“披罗衣之璀粲兮,珥瑶碧之华琚。” 张铣 注:“璀粲,明浄貌。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·香玉》:“牡丹高丈餘,花时璀璨似锦。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十六:“最美的是冰珠串结在野樱桃枝上,红白相间,晶莹向日,觉得人间珍宝,无此璀璨。”

  2. 光彩绚丽之物。指珠玉珍宝。

    宋 叶适 《齐云楼》诗:“王公占上腴,邸观角奇致;是邦聚璀璨,四顾尽憔悴。”



  1. The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one. Yet the light of the bright world dies with the dying of the sun.


  2. Your house of transformation is brilliantly lit, and surgery is often the way we transform into a much healthier state.


  3. He told her that a great future was in store for her; all she had to do was learn English in three months.


  4. SO there she was with a stunning ring on each finger. To please her, I tried on her rubbish jewellery.


  5. Located in the Yellow Sea coast known as a bright pearl of Yancheng said the Dafeng City.


  6. In addition to other decorative filigree, carved into a few exceptionally bright diamonds look like an angel.


  7. It sort of looked like a bad home economics project. It just didn't -- it just didn't flatter her at all.


  8. The desert receive lower, the moon drunk lotus, the vast bright civilization is still in how much is sparking.


  9. Today would be fruitful, he thought-this would be the day that he would fulfill his place in the galaxy of racing heroes.


  1. 璀璨的宝石

    glittering jewels.

  2. 璀璨未来吗

    And his bright bright future?

  3. 宫殿灯光璀璨。

    The Palace glittered with lights.

  4. 水晶璀璨指甲油

    water shine diamonds diamond shine nail color

  5. 仰望璀璨的星空

    Looked up into the television sky

  6. 星斗万千, 夜空璀璨。

    The night sky is now gorgeous with billions of stars.

  7. 星斗万千,夜空璀璨。

    The night sky is now gorgeous with billions of stars.

  8. 璀璨夺目的蓝宝城

    A Lustrous City of Sapphire.

  9. 夜空繁星点点,璀璨闪烁。

    The sky was full of stars dancing and twinkling.

  10. 钻石的璀璨来自其色度。

    The splendid diamond from its chromaticity.

  11. 璀璨的明珠, 被诗话的神话

    The Splendid Vatican, The poeticized Myth in Athens

  12. 璀璨得明珠, 被诗话得神话

    The Splendid Vatican, The poeticized Myth in Athens

  13. 璀璨夺目, 只因你们的汇集!

    Bright and brilliant, only because you gather!

  14. 我王冠上最璀璨的宝石

    The brightest jewel in my crown

  15. 能否把你比做夏日璀璨

    Shall I compare thee to a summers day

  16. 钻石的璀璨来自其切工。

    The splendid diamond cutting jobs from its.

  17. 双唇如星光璀璨,闪耀动人!

    Make lips as shining as starlight!

  18. 星星有了你,显得更加璀璨。

    And brighten stars with splendid glory.

  19. 比拥有王冠的明星更加璀璨。

    Than the stars of diadems.

  20. 香港得未来必会更为璀璨。

    The future of Hong Kong will certainly be even brighter.

  21. 香港的未来必会更为璀璨。

    The future of Hong Kong will certainly be even brighter.

  22. 南京秦淮河畔灯火璀璨醉游人

    Qinhuai River in Nanjing bright lights drunken visitors

  23. 璀璨宝石, 神韵骑楼, 山水梧州!


  24. 苍天得明眸偶然泻出璀璨,

    Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines

  25. 苍天的明眸偶然泻出璀璨,

    Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines

  26. 整个长长的一天里阳光璀璨。

    The whole long day was a blaze of sunshine.

  27. 人生增添了几多的温馨和璀璨。

    The life increased so much warm and bright.

  28. 世界杯将会因非洲球员而璀璨。

    The World Cup will be set alight by African footballers.

  29. 有了贾巴尔,星光璀璨了很多。

    Had Jiabaer radiantly, the star light many.

  30. 师父加持, 光明城更加璀璨耀眼

    The City of Light Shines More Brightly after Hearing Masters Words


  1. 问:璀璨拼音怎么拼?璀璨的读音是什么?璀璨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:璀璨的读音是cuǐcàn,璀璨翻译成英文是 dazzling

  2. 问:璀璨天空中的寂静拼音怎么拼?璀璨天空中的寂静的读音是什么?璀璨天空中的寂静翻译成英文是什么?

    答:璀璨天空中的寂静的读音是,璀璨天空中的寂静翻译成英文是 Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa



“璀璨”是个多义词,它可以指璀璨(歌手李健演唱歌曲), 璀璨(汉语词汇), 璀璨(歌手周华健演唱的歌曲), 璀璨(公会名称)。

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