


牵引,拉,拽:~车。~船。~累(lěi )。~儿带女。耷拉着:~着辫子。延长时间:~延。~欠。~债。……


1. 拽 [zhuài]2. 拽 [zhuāi]3. 拽 [yè]拽 [zhuài]拉,牵引:~住。~不动。拽 [zhuāi]用力扔:把球~过来。胳膊有病,转动不灵。拽 [yè]同“曳”。……



汉语拼音:tuō zhuài






  1. 见“ 拖曳 ”。



  1. Panning around the map is as easy as clicking and dragging the map around, just as you would a paper map.


  2. Note that some of these countries are above the Mediterranean, as the plate border through the Mediterranean would be tugging at them, too.


  3. A woman he bitten and dragged remains hospitalized recovering from her injuries.


  4. And, I'll tell you, we look right away to see if the body was dragged in after and maybe a knife got put into the corpse's hand.


  5. Try this word matching for winter below. You might have to pre teach some of the vocabulary first.


  6. This beam was to be shot at one of the republic ships and drag it into a Hammerhead-class capital ship, destroying both.


  7. user of the website is able to compose the garden (2D view only) by drag&drop of elements like tree, bench, light, pond, etc.


  8. To add a picture or any other kind of file to a wave, you just have to drag and drop it onto a wave from your desktop.


  9. It transforms your browser into a 3-D photo wall allowing you to zoom, click and drag photos easily in a slick format.


  1. 拖拽拖拽的行为

    The act of trailing.

  2. 拖拽打捞锚

    towing anchor.

  3. 拖拽方腔流

    lid driven cavity.

  4. 加入支持拖拽功能。

    Add support for drag and drop functionality.

  5. 拖拽的行为或过程

    The act or process of hauling.

  6. 人们拖拽着货物慢慢前行。

    The draft moved slowly behind these people.

  7. 人们拖拽着货物慢慢前行。

    The draft moved slowly behind these people.

  8. 又大又重的东西来拖拽。

    And find something big and heavy to drag.

  9. 可以拖拽和重排标签序列。

    Drag and drop reordering for browser tabs.

  10. 活动住房用汽车拖拽的住所。

    A trailer or dwelling place on wheels.

  11. 活动住房用汽车拖拽得住所。

    A trailer or dwelling place on wheels.

  12. 那条狗正使劲地拖拽皮带。

    The dog is straining at its lead.

  13. 拖拽矩形时擦除并重绘它。

    Erases and redraws a rectangle as it is dragged.

  14. 鼠标拖拽链接现在应该工作正常了。

    Mouse drag and drop function should work fine now.

  15. 鼠标拖拽链接现在应该事情正常了。

    Mouse drag and drop function should work fine now.

  16. 在地形上点击并拖拽来绘制地形纹理。

    Click and drag on the terrain to draw the Terrain Texture.

  17. 噢, 他知道我所拖拽着的鬼魂吗?。

    Oh does he know the ghosts I drag.

  18. 民主党的上升只会拖拽外贸的脚步。

    The ascendant Democrats would merely drag their feet on trade matters.

  19. 下午的训练包括抓举和或挺举, 拖拽。

    Afternoon workouts consist of snatch andor clean jerk and pulls.

  20. 起锚机钩子上拖拽锚缆的嘎嘎歌谣

    The songs at the capstan at the hooker warping out,

  21. 散发着蒸汽的老式火车头拖拽着空车皮。

    Old fashioned locomotive emitting steam, locked onto empty cars.

  22. 将这三个合作精选拖拽到这个图表上。

    Drag the three collaborations onto this diagram.

  23. 接着, 通过这根线在底部拖拽来捕虾。

    And this just drags over the bottom , in this case to catch shrimp.

  24. 只要拖拽, 转向, 动作迅速, 像水手们做的那样。

    Just haul and tack and ball the jack like the waterlubbers do.

  25. 接下来,点击这个图框并将它拖拽到生命线。

    Next, click the diagram frame and drag it to the lifeline.

  26. 可以将站点拖拽到任务栏上将其钉住。

    Websites can be pinned by dragging them into the taskbar.

  27. 用户可以通过拖拽天空看到头顶上得星际。

    Users can drag and drop the sky seen through the head of the Star.

  28. 可以通过拖拽这个列边缘将它展开来解决。

    This can be resolved by dragging the column edge and expanding it.

  29. 用户可以通过拖拽天空看到头顶上的星际。

    Users can drag and drop the sky seen through the head of the Star.

  30. 拖船同样也用来拖拽驳船、报废的船或其他拖船。

    Tugboats are also used to tow barges, disabled ships, or other equipment like towboats.



拖曳 : tuō yè 1.亦作"拖拽"。





分开解释 拖 tuō 牵引,拉,拽:拖车。拖船。拖累(l噄 )。拖儿带女。



拽 zhuài 拉,牵引:拽住。拽不动。

拽 zhuāi ㄓㄨㄞˉ 用力扔:把球拽过来。


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