




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


两性结合:~偶。~种(zhǒng)。相互分工合作:~合。~器。用适当的标准加以调和:~料。~制。~伍。~药。~色。~餐。有计划地分派、安排:~备。~置。~给(jǐ)。分~。搭~。把缺少的补足:~套。~乐(yuè )。装~。衬托,陪衬:~搭。……



汉语拼音:wǒ bù pèi



  1. I am not able to be a bright lamb, and then let me be a piece of firewood.


  2. In any case, stinginess is often tied to a warped sense of self-worth: "I don't deserve to spend any money. "


  3. Tears choked, I thought, I believe, why is always to me, perhaps I, not qualified happiness.


  4. 19I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.


  5. Lord I know I don't deserve it, but you want me to see.


  6. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.


  7. FAMOUS LINES: "I don't want anything I don't deserve, (but) if they offer me more money, I'm not a-stupid. " "I am just a guitar player. "


  8. For who am I to serve you? I know I don't deserve you. And that's the part that burns in my heart and keeps me hanging on.


  9. I am not fit! I am just a filthy woman who has an affair before marriage!


  1. 我只是觉得我不配

    I just don't feel like I deserve it.

  2. 我不配得到这些赞誉。

    I dont deserve all the praises bestowed on me.

  3. 我不配得到这些赞扬。

    I do not deserve all the praises bestowed upon me.

  4. 我不配获得这样的荣誉。

    I am unworthy of such an honour.

  5. 虽然我不配拥有这个头衔

    Even though I don't deserve that title.

  6. 我不配。我什么都配不上。

    I don't deserve it. I don't deserve anything.

  7. 我明白了!我不配坐出租汽车。

    I see! I'm not good enough to have a taxi.

  8. 我不配叫你一声哥哥。

    I am not worthy of calling you a brother.

  9. 我不配, 也不想写小说。

    I have neither aptitude nor inclination for fiction.

  10. 难道我们不配被救吗?我不配吗?

    Don't we deserve to be saved? Don't I?

  11. 你知道吗?, 我不配得到这些。

    You know what? I don't deserve this.

  12. 我不配得到你所提议的荣誉。

    I am unworthy of the honour you propose.

  13. 我是谁怎配侍奉你?我深知我不配。

    For who am I to serve You? I know I don't deserve You.

  14. 他们认为我不配当佐拉的母亲

    They don't think I should be Zola's mother.

  15. 我认为我不配或甚至会带着警惕心。

    I suppose I felt undeserving or perhaps even cautious.

  16. 乔治, 既然你觉得我不配, 我不想你娶我。

    George, I don't want you to marry me because you think I'm now worthy of you.

  17. 主,我知道我不配得,但是你却让我看到。

    Lord I know I don't deserve it, but you want me to see.

  18. 我不配做一盏明灯, 那么就让我做一块木柴罢。

    I am not able to be a bright lamb, and then let me be a piece of firewood.

  19. 我不配!我只是个还没结婚就开始搞外遇的肮脏贱女人!

    I am not fit! I am just a filthy woman who has an affair before marriage!

  20. 我可不配做王子的妻子。

    I am no wife for a Prince.

  21. 我根本不配做你的搭档。

    I don't deserve to be your partner.

  22. 我不知道配电盘在什么部位。

    I'm not sure where the distributor is.

  23. 哎呀, 没有。我不知道配电盘在什么部位。

    Oh gosh, no. i'm not sure where the distributor is.

  24. 我知道我是不配的, 但是我要感激您没有让他知道啊!

    I know I'm not worth it but thank You for not letting her know.

  25. 天空不会看愉快地再的最新神色,因为我不会配比。

    Later looks that the sky will not look up to happily again, because I will not match.

  26. 不过我并不认为没有你们的凭证我就不配和他作伴。

    But I don't feel unworthy to keep his company, without any passport from your hand.

  27. 但是一位比我更强大的要来,我都不配给他解鞋带。

    But One mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose.

  28. 我是说,我配不上你。

    I mean, I don't deserve you.

  29. 让她觉得我配不上她

    and convince her that I wasn't good enough.

  30. 你太好了, 我配不上你。

    You are great, but I am not good enough for you.



“我不配”是个多义词,它可以指我不配(邰正宵音乐专辑), 我不配(周杰伦:2007年演唱歌曲), 我不配(周杰伦歌曲《我不配》)。

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