




1. 趋 [qū]2. 趋 [cù]趋 [qū]快走:~走。~进。~前。~奉。~翔(快走像鸟展翅飞翔)。~炎附势(奔走于权贵,依附有权势的人)。~之若鹜(像野鸭子一样成群地争着去,含贬义)。归向,情势向着某方面发展:~向。~势。大势所~。鹅……







汉语拼音:rì qū jī liè



  1. Therefore, the rim states have been drastically contending to seek sovereignty or seizing actual masterdom over this place in recent years.


  2. At the same time of entering the WTO, we shall wake up to that the boiled market competition will following with the opportunity.


  3. Individual insurance sales continued to be impacted by a softening Canadian economy and an increasingly competitive Universal Life market.


  4. The debate about whether rising house prices are the result of a mania or rational calculation intensifies.


  5. The controversy became so intense that Mr. Kennedy went on television to ask Massachusetts voters whether he should resign from office.


  6. With the daily fury of market competition, the quality of product has been a crucial factor of the enterprise survival.


  7. with the rapid development of snack , the competition should be very severity between chinese ami western snack day by day.


  8. With the reform of education system and well growth of market economy system, the competition of universities would be gradually vigorous.


  9. Enterprises must take new marketing methods to meet the demand of society in a situation that the competition is becoming fierce day by day.


  1. 申请居住在放射岗位竞争日趋激烈。

    Applying for residency positions in radiology has become increasingly competitive.

  2. 进入二十一世纪,全球化竞争日趋激烈。

    The global competition growing keen in the 21 st century.

  3. 随着备考行业的发展,这些争论日趋激烈。

    The issue has intensified as the test preparation industry has grown.

  4. 酒店数量的扩张使酒店之间的竞争日趋激烈。

    Cabaret expansion makes the competition between different cabarets become intensive.

  5. 统治阶级内部争权夺利的斗争也日趋激烈。

    Within the ruling class, the struggle for right and interest was becoming increasingly fierce.

  6. 证券行业的竞争日趋激烈,从暴利走向微利。

    The competition in security industry is getting drastic and the profit margin is getting small.

  7. 宣传战日趋激烈了,各方虚张声势,试图先声夺人。

    The propaganda war was becoming intense, with both sides bluffing in the hope of gaining an advantage.

  8. 但是, 选战正在日趋激烈。参议员麦凯恩说, 他仍然有信心获胜。

    But the race is tightening and John McCain says he is still confident of victory.

  9. 当然这只是往坏处想。不过,随着软件制造商争夺汽车仪表板空间的竞争日趋激烈,操作系统一词正在被赋予一种全新的含义。

    Of course, this is just a bad fantasy, but as software makers vie for space on your dashboard, the words ' operating system ' are taking on a whole new meaning.

  10. 在竞争日趋激烈的背景下,在过去四年中,为维护自身利益,传统电话公司开始疯狂组建同业联盟。

    Against the backdrop of heightened competition traditional phone companies have spent the last four years in a frenzied, defensive effort to form alliances with each other.

  11. 这是一场势均力敌的激烈角逐, 正在日趋白热化。

    It was a close race and a hot one, and getting hotter every day.

  12. 这是一场势均力敌得激烈角逐, 正在日趋白热化。

    It was a close race and a hot one, and getting hotter every day.

  13. 在客车同置化日趋严重的今天, 行业竞争也日益激烈。

    Today, as coaches are becoming increasingly homogenized, competition within this industry is heating up.

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