








1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:yī tiān zǎo shǎng



  1. It was a miracle he did not die one morning when he tried to catch the shortsighted parrot, who had climbed as high as the water barrels.


  2. One morning, I shuffled downstairs and was startled to see a snowplow clearing my driveway and the bent back of a woman shoveling my walk.


  3. One morning a woman was walking out of her front door, when she notices a strange little man at the bottom of her garden.


  4. July, Gatsby's gorgeous car lurched up the rocky drive to my door and gave out a burst of melody from its three-noted horn.


  5. Awakening early on that first morning, I slipped on a dressing gown provided by the hotel and went out on to the veranda.


  6. One of the turning points for me was when Mum came into my room one morning to wake me up and said the room smelled of rot.


  7. Then one morning the bear said, "Goodbye, dear children, now that spring is here I must leave you and I shall not return all summer. "


  8. Ray Blankenship looked out his window one morning to see a girl being swept along in the rain-flooded drainage ditch beside his home.


  9. There came a fine cold morning when for a change the sun shone in a cloudless sky.


  1. 有一天早上, 陈先生有一个想法。

    One morning Mr. Chen had an idea.

  2. 你就一天早上醒来然后说

    you just woke up one day and said.

  3. 一天早上, 林肯太太起床很早。

    One day Mrs. Lincoln get up early in the morning.

  4. 一天早上,我问他钓鱼的情况怎么样。

    I asked him one morning how the fishing was going.

  5. 一天早上, 他突然没有去商铺工作了。

    One morning, he failed to go to work.

  6. 有一天早上他叫苏跟他到玄关处。

    One morning he asked Sue to follow him into the hall.

  7. 一天早上我醒过来后感觉有些不对劲。

    One morning I woke up and felt something was wrong.

  8. 一天早上拜伦醒来, 发现自己成了名。

    Byron awoke one morning to find himself famous.

  9. 一天早上,我决定去看一支这样的武工队。

    One morning I decided I would like to see one of these teams, so Mr.

  10. 卡拉一天早上醒来, 感觉有点不对劲。

    Carla wakes up one morning feeling that something is wrong.

  11. 有一天早上我醒來的時候,想到一個好主意

    And, you know, I woke up one morning with a pretty good idea.

  12. 一天早上, 我瞥了一眼报纸上的大字标题。

    One morning, I cast a glance at the headlines of the newspaper.

  13. 在六月里的一天早上,天气晴朗,译词推陈出新。

    On one sunshiny morning in June,.

  14. 有一天早上,老人决定要上山去捡一些木材。

    One morning, the old man decided to go to the mountain to gather firewood.

  15. 一天早上当我醒来的时候,我发现我已成名了。

    One morning I awoke to find myself famous.

  16. 一天早上两点钟, 一位老先生时仍处于表酒吧。

    At two o'clock one morning, one old man was still at a table in the bar.

  17. 一天早上, 快乐的狮子发现饲养员忘了关房门。

    One morning the happy lion found that his keeper had forgotten to close the door of his house.

  18. 一天早上我醒来很早,顺手摇开了一家电视频道。

    One morning I woke up early and flipped on a movie channel.

  19. 几周后的一天早上这只象就从家里消失了。

    One morning after several weeks the animal disappeared from the house.

  20. 一天早上, 他正睡在一棵树边, 伊亥来到了他身边。

    Yhi went to him one morning as he slept near a grass tree.

  21. 一天早上, 他醒过来, 自己仰躺在一块突出的石头上。

    He awoke one morning, lying on his back on a rocky ledge. In a painful effort, he rolled over on his side.

  22. 一天早上, 艾伦在门廊风化的地板上发现一只小狗崽。

    One morning Aaron found a pup on the porchs weathered planking.

  23. 一天早上我收拾行李的时候, 把企鹅扔进了箱子里。

    One morning when I was packing, I tossed the penguin in my suitcase.

  24. 这独立个体每一天早上六点钟慢慢地沿着河边跑步。

    The man runs slowly by oneself the river at six o'clock eVery abundance morning.

  25. 一天早上,蚱蜢醒来后惊讶地发现昨天晚上下雪了。

    One morning, the grasshopper woke up and was surprised to see that snow had fallen during the night.

  26. 一天早上我醒来很早, 顺手摇开了一家电影屏道。

    One morning I woke up early and flipped on a movie channel.

  27. 一天早上, 一个小男孩蹲在花园的草地上, 久久不动。

    One morning a small boy squatted motionless on the grass in the garden for a long time.

  28. 有一天早上,猪猪在他的园子里发现了一个特别大的萝卜。

    One morning, Pig found an especially large turnip in his garden.

  29. 一天早上,当我整理行李时,我把小企鹅放到了手提箱里。

    One morning when I was packing, I tossed the penguin in my suitcase.

  30. 一天早上,当渔船队出海的时候,一条船离我们太近了。

    One morning, as the fishing fleet passed by on its way out to sea, a boat came too close to our ship.

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