







汉语拼音:wèi guó



  1. Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, which will fundamentally change the war situation.


  2. He had died when Kostya was still young, but Kostya could recall sitting with him as he related stories of the Great Patriotic War.


  3. Sure enough, the people of Wei with the help of the State of Chen overthrew Zhou Xu and killed him in less than a year.


  4. Student of Confucius, zi gong is wei man, but he did not think hole take deserve high as evaluation.


  5. But he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of every man and woman.


  6. In two days the 60th anniversary of the great victory of the war of defending the country will arrive.


  7. The joyous celebrations for the victory brings our memories to that 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War.


  8. Zi Lu! Tell others not to feel nervous. My fate has been arranged. How it should be, the local people can't change it.


  9. After the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union's nuclear fission research have no news.


  1. 壬辰卫国战争

    Korean Im Jim War of Safeguard State

  2. 网络卫国战

    fight on line for defending the country.

  3. 柬埔寨建国卫国统一阵线

    Kampuchean United Front for National Construction and Defence

  4. 抗美援朝保家卫国

    The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

  5. 多谢你服兵役保家卫国

    Thank you for your service.

  6. 最后, 他作了卫国的公爵。

    Eventually, Zhou Xu became duke himself.

  7. 西周卫国为方伯考

    A Study of the State of Wei in Western Zhou Dynasty

  8. 他们在保家卫国上做出许诺。

    They made a promise to our country to be its defenders.

  9. 卫国战争前夕苏联对法西斯势力的绥靖

    Appeasement of Soviet Union to Fascist Forces before World War

  10. 卫国道是天津的迎宾主干道。

    Weiguo Road is the main boulevard in Tianjin for welcoming guests.

  11. 卫国道是天津的迎宾主干道。

    Weiguo Road is the main boulevard in Tianjin for welcoming guests.

  12. 我能否敬你一杯,感谢你保家卫国?

    Can I just thank you for keeping our country safe?

  13. 小张十八岁时参加过卫国战争。

    Xiao zhang took part in the war to defend his homeland when he was 18 years old.

  14. 方卫国博士,副研究员,出生于1975年5月。

    Dr. Weiguo Fang, Associate Researcher.

  15. 今夜让我们缅怀那些浴血卫国的勇士。

    Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country.

  16. 卫国抗敌是每个士兵应尽的光荣职责。

    It's the glorious duty for every soldier to defend our country against enemies.

  17. 卫国战争爆发后, 苏联核裂变研究陷入停滞。

    After the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Unions nuclear fission research have no news.

  18. 论苏军最高统帅部在卫国战争中的作用

    On the Roles of Soviet Supreme Command in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany

  19. 他们为了塑造你将来为保家卫国的守卫者角色。

    They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the Nation's defense.

  20. 女性如今有能力打击犯罪,更能在战时保家卫国。

    Women now have the ability to fight crime and defend their countries in war.

  21. 保家卫国难啊,帝王之子和百姓之子也得上战场。

    His hearth difficult, Kings son and the son of the people also get on the battlefield.

  22. 这是肩负战略威慑职责的军事领袖们保家卫国的需要。

    This is what the military leaders, charged with responsibility for our strategic deterrent, need in order to defend our country.

  23. 到了舍卫国,他看见有父子二人在田里耕种。

    When he arrived, he saw there were a father and a son working on the field.

  24. 在卫国, 被人误认为阳虎而遭困, 差点儿丢了老命。

    In the state of Wei, he was besieged and almost killed since he was regarded mistakenly as Yanghu.

  25. 如果需要,大部分年轻人愿意参加军队服兵役以保家卫国。

    If needed, most youngsters are ready to serve in the army to defend their countries.

  26. 为何卫国家而战死者, 是死中最有名誉, 最光荣的。

    He who died fighting for his country is the most honourable and glorious among the dead.

  27. 颜回去卫国的决心, 并没有因为老师这一席话而丝毫动摇。

    29 What Confucius said couldnt dissuade Yanhui yet.He went on saying, I will be upright inside and deferential outside.

  28. 汪精卫国民政府成立后,沿袭了南京国民政府的政治体制。

    The national government of WangJingwei inherited political system from Nanjing national government after come into existence.

  29. 朱可夫元帅为伟大卫国战争胜利做出的贡献无人能及。

    Marshal Zhukovs contribution to the Great Patriotic War is unparalleled to anyone.

  30. 他说,现在轮到阿富汗的青年为保家卫国承担起责任了。

    Karzai said it is now up to the youth of Afghanistan to take over the responsibility for security in the country.


  1. 问:卫国拼音怎么拼?卫国的读音是什么?卫国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卫国的读音是wèiguó,卫国翻译成英文是 To defend one’s country.

  2. 问:卫国战士拼音怎么拼?卫国战士的读音是什么?卫国战士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卫国战士的读音是,卫国战士翻译成英文是 Humat ad Diyar



“卫国”是个多义词,它可以指卫国(中国移动通信系统技术专家), 卫国(云南省南涧县无量山镇卫国村), 卫国(中共大同市委常委、政法委书记), 卫国(黑龙江省铁力市卫国乡), 卫国(中国春秋战国时期诸侯国), 卫国(北卡莱罗纳州大学彭布罗克分校教授), 卫国(黑龙江省五常市卫国乡)。

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