






去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……


去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……



汉语拼音:lái lái wǎng wǎng








  1. They stood together on the bottom step and stared at each other, surrounded by oblivious strangers.


  2. There are many people coming and going on street but a few greet you, not to mention chatting or dinning with you.


  3. Villagers have no business temporarily Villagers who have no business temporarily are squatting by the road and looking at tourists.


  4. The men that breed from them they traffic up and down, but cling to their cities' hem as a child to the mother's gown.


  5. Soon all over the mountains and plains carried the basket, with bags, baskets and arm are often buy chicken man.


  6. The file is accessible to all users on the system, meaning workers across the enterprise could view the login name and password.


  7. Rose is her colour, she saw the men came and went, they smiled warm to her and then were lost in the crowd.


  8. Sure, I used to be a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds, especially the girls.


  9. Throughout the history of the Catholic Church, thousands of saints have come and gone.


  1. 她经常来来往往。

    She was always coming backwards and forwards.

  2. 卡车来来往往, 装运货物。

    Trucks are coming and going to load and unload goods.

  3. 小船来来往往地穿梭。

    Small boats busied to and fro.

  4. 汽车来来往往,小贩整天沿街叫卖。

    Cars run to and fro, and hawkers hawk along them all day long.

  5. 王渊源货物来来往往的还挺繁忙的。

    The port is quite busy handling both incoming and outgoing cargos.

  6. 一队小拖轮来来往往忙个不停。

    A fleet of small tugs fussed up and down continually.

  7. 女人们来来往往,还有许多赤脚的仆人。

    While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

  8. 她站在窗边, 望着来来往往的人们。

    She stood by the window, watching people passing by.

  9. 抗议集中营的人一整天都是来来往往的。

    There have been big crowds all day long at this protest camp.

  10. 重型卡车的来来往往扰乱了这一带的安宁。

    Heavy truck traffic disturbed the neighborhood.

  11. 农场的货车载着粮食不停地来来往往。

    There was a continual come and go of farm wagons bringing food.

  12. 就算到郊外也总能看到来来往往的汽车。

    Even to the suburbs are always coming and going to see cars.

  13. 安装在小船的船尾上。大船小船来来往往吗。

    Mounts at stern of small boat. Ships and boats are coming and going.

  14. 这些孩子来来往往, 很难跟得上他们得行踪。

    It's hard to keep track of the children's and goings.

  15. 我们来来往往很多次把孩子们都送回家了。

    After much toe and fro we get all the children back to their home.

  16. 这些孩子来来往往,很难跟得上他们的行踪。

    It's hard to keep track of the children's and goings.

  17. 每天,大宾馆里来来往往得客人有好几百。

    Hundreds of persons arrive at and depart from a large hotel daily.

  18. 每天,大宾馆里来来往往的客人有好几百。

    Hundreds of persons arrive at and depart from a large hotel daily.

  19. 大型年度庆典来来往往,但像这样的时刻很出现。

    Big anniversaries come and go, but moments like this arise only rarely.

  20. 她站在窗前, 注视着街道上来来往往的汽车。

    She stood at the window, watching the cars along in the streets.

  21. 两只小猫坐在草地上, 看着来来往往的车辆。

    Two cats sitting in the grass, watching the cars passing by.

  22. 他上周买了一辆自行车, 这使他来来往往更加方便了。

    He bought a bicycle last week, and it makes it easier for him to get round.

  23. 坐在车里看着来来往往的行人,我感觉很惬意。

    I was comfortable just sitting in the car checking out the comings and goings of everyone.

  24. 总有来来往往离开的人,所以我们得学会忘记和铭记。

    People always leave, so we have to learn to forget and remember.

  25. 他们开着汽车在我家门前环湖车道上来来往往。

    They drive up and down Lake Shore Drive in front of my house.

  26. 码头上重卡来来往往, 噪音和废气令戴邵帅感到头昏。

    Heavy trucks come and go on the wharf. The noise and exhaust can make Dai dizzy.

  27. 她一醒来就听到外面林荫道上来来往往的卡年轰隆声。

    She could hear the roar of the truck motors outside on the mall.

  28. 刘易斯在苏黎世和伦敦都设有办事处,来来往往是家常便饭。

    Lewis had offices in Zurich and London, and his comings and goings were casual.



“来来往往”是个多义词,它可以指来来往往(《儿女情更长》主题曲), 来来往往(汉语成语), 来来往往(濮存昕主演电视剧), 来来往往(池莉著小说)。

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