




向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……





汉语拼音:chā jìn qù



  1. I separate her legs, trying to turn little boy slipped, but strong is the entrance fee for a long time.


  2. The best way to ask the boss for a rise is to catch him off his guard and just slip it into the conversation.


  3. Works on all devices, but must be held into position for the devices which push the plug out a little after insertion.


  4. Ream the little hole with a larger bit, then a larger bit, until you can put the tip of a funnel into the hole.


  5. SMOKEFREE inside a micro-ventilation and ignition device inserted into a cigarette to go smoke cigarettes by combustion method.


  6. So you come out here, right? You clear it all out, you stick your ruler in and you record? -And I record.


  7. Take out the cigarette lighter and plug into the Golf Car, the shining indicator light of the Golf Car shows it's working.


  8. Every night he plugs it in but his hands are shaking.


  9. Creating the battery: Insert a penny into a cut on one side of the lemon. Push a galvanized nail into the other side of the lemon.


  1. 把钉子插进去

    to infix a nail

  2. 我会把它插进去

    I'm gonna angle this into here.

  3. 总统阁下,把插头插进去。

    Madam president, plug the cord into the wall, please.

  4. 我们应该找些锋利的东西插进去。

    We should find something sharp and stick it into it.

  5. 我们应该找些锋利得东西插进去。

    We should find something sharp and stick it into it.

  6. 我们应该找些锋利的东西插进去。

    We should find something sharp and stick it into it.

  7. 好了,德温,我们一把管子插进去

    Okay, Devin, once we get this tube in.

  8. 你把铁丝从这里插进去, 它会从那一头出来。

    You feed the wire in here and it come out at the other end.

  9. 能够使得另一个板插进去的板上的一个矩形槽。

    a rectangular groove cut into a board so that another piece can fit into it.

  10. 我本想插进去帮忙,结果却被踢倒在地。

    I waded in to help, but got kicked to the ground.

  11. 他把棍子深深地插进去,但是并没有动物出来。

    He poked the stick in a long way, but no animal came out.

  12. 然后慢慢地, 细心地将钥匙插进去, 给老钟上发条。

    And then, I slowly, carefully inserted the key in it to sound the clock.

  13. 我深信那是一只聪明的老浣熊故意插进去的。

    I was firmly convinced that a smart old coon had deliberately poked that stick in rny trap.

  14. 我泄了气, 放弃了把小弟弟给她插进去的打算。

    I leaked the gas, she slipped to abandon a plan to put bub.

  15. 他在围墙上凿些洞孔,把枪插进去,枪口朝外。

    He holes the wall and his guns in them.

  16. 这块肉很硬, 我们得先把刀插进去才切割得开。

    This meat is so hard that we have to dig the knife in before cutting it.

  17. 然后在围墙上凿些洞孔, 把枪插进去, 枪口朝外。

    Now he made holes in the wall and placed his guns in them, pointing outwards.

  18. 他拿起只笔捅了捅那只手,证明没有能插进去手的口儿。

    He pokes the hand with a pen to demonstrate the absence of a handhole.

  19. 一切正在顺利进行时,为什么他一定要插进去把事情弄糟呢

    When everything is running smoothly, why must he step in and foul thing up?

  20. 辛迪筹备这台戏时, 把她的朋友简安插进去担任一个角色。

    When Cindy was planning the show, she worked a part in for her friend Jane.

  21. 开车的人即使自己不换油料也知道如何拔出量油尺,将它擦净,插进去,再拔出来观看其水平。

    Motorists who don't change their own oil still know how to pull out a dipstick, wipe it clean, slip it back in, pull it out and observe the level.

  22. 我把笔猛地插了进去。

    I poked it in with my pen.

  23. 我把笔猛地插了进去。

    I poked it in with my pen.

  24. 我一句话也插不进去。

    I could not get a word in edgewise.

  25. 我几乎连一句话都插不进去。

    I could scarcely edged in a word.

  26. 她要从我腿部插导管进去 直通心脏?

    And she's really gonna thread a catheter up my leg, all the way to my heart?

  27. 他在混凝土凝固之前把金属棒插了进去。

    He sank the metal rod in before the concrete set.

  28. 她讲话时滔滔不绝,你一句话也插不进去。

    She talks a mile a minute that you can't get a word in.

  29. 她老是讲个不停, 我一句话也插不进去。

    She talked all the time and I couldn't get a single word in.

  30. 那些石块层层相叠, 中间连一片薄薄的刀刃也插不进去。

    The stones are soplacedthat not even a thin knife blade will fit between them.

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