













汉语拼音:hēi tiān é shì jiàn



  1. It's hardly as if a penalty shootout in the World Cup were a "black swan" event that nobody could have planned for.


  2. The rise of the Internet, the personal computer, World War I, and the September 11 attacks are given as examples of Black Swan Events.


  3. What does the business term "black swan event" refer to?


  4. Talib, who's a Wall Street professional, talks about these black swans as being the real story of finance.


  5. That applies to official policy as much as to "black swan" events like volcanic eruptions.


  6. He advocates building a society that can limit the damage of Black Swan events once they inevitably occur.


  7. "Financial markets are not only vulnerable to black swans but have become the perfect breeding ground for them, " says Mr Guldimann.


  8. While we can't prevent a black swan event, we can take steps to minimize its impact.


  9. A black-swan event, according to Mr. Taleb, is something that is extreme and highly unexpected.


  1. 商业术语黑天鹅事件是指什么?

    What does the business term black swan event refer to?

  2. 你是我的黑天鹅。

    You are my black swan.

  3. 你无法预测出黑天鹅。

    You cannot predict a black swan.

  4. 黑天鹅也不少,更醒目。

    There have some black swans, even more outstanding.

  5. 黑天鹅的饲养繁殖与人工育雏

    Feeding, Breeding and Young Bird Caring of Black Swan.

  6. 她出演黑天鹅时的表现令人惊叹。

    She did an amazing job portraying her character in Black Swan.

  7. 第二,最小化对负面的黑天鹅的风险暴露。

    Number two, minimize your exposure to negative black swans.

  8. 他梦见一只黑天鹅和几只燕子在空中飞翔。

    He dreamed a black swan and several swallows flying in the sky.

  9. 黑天鹅高雅富贵,然而它们小时候是全身白色的。

    Black Swans look elegant and rich, but they are white kid.

  10. 当白天鹅靠近妮娜的时候,黑天鹅的隐秘躲在暗处。

    While the White Swan comes easily to Nina, the dark mysteries of the Black Swan evade her.

  11. 他们生活在格兰达尔。斯达为黑天鹅做肖像。

    They live in Glendale, and Starr does portraits on black velvet.

  12. 黑天鹅是一部关于芭蕾,青春期和精神病的电影。

    Black Swan is a film about the ballet, adolescence and psychosis.

  13. 黑天鹅之所以具有吸引力,正是由于它们似乎非常罕见。

    Black swans were thus fascinating precisely because they seemed so rare.

  14. 潘金莲要和西门庆在黑天鹅宾馆开房乐。

    Beverly Pan and Jerry Macquire is gonna make out in the Black Swan Hotel!

  15. 流氓交易员也是一种黑天鹅现象,罕见却极端危险。

    Rogue traders are rare but can be extremely dangerous.

  16. 但事实上, 确实存在黑天鹅你也许最终会看到一只。

    But, in fact, there are and you might finally see one.

  17. 然而,澳大拉西亚的探险给欧洲人带来了黑天鹅。

    However exploration of Australasia introduced Europeans to black swans.

  18. 游泳或站立时, 疣鼻天鹅和黑天鹅往往把一只脚放在背后。

    Swimming or standing, Mute Swan and Black Swan are to be placed one foot behind.

  19. 他救护了一只挨黑枪的天鹅。

    He helped a swan that had got shot.

  20. 他救护了一只挨黑枪的天鹅。

    He helped a swan that had got shot.

  21. 黑羽红嘴的澳大利亚大型天鹅。

    Large Australian swan having black plumage and a red bill.

  22. 当时事态用慕尼黑事件来比拟最为贴切。

    Munich was the nearest analog to what was happening then.

  23. 我认为这次会议是又一次慕尼黑事件。

    I would say that the conference is a Munich.

  24. 当时事态用慕尼黑事件来做比拟最为恰当。

    Munich was the nearest analogue to what was happening then.

  25. 他不再是只黑灰丑陋的鸟,他竟然是一只天鹅!

    I never dreamed that I could be so happy when I was the ugly duckling!

  26. 同样,从一付牌中抽牌,抽到黑桃么,就是一个事件。

    Similarly, if we are drawing from a deck of cards, selecting the ace of spades would be an event.

  27. 如同德黑兰事件中的情况一样,切碎文件可能是徒劳的。

    Like the Tehran experience, the shredding may be all for naught.

  28. 微软黑屏事件, 一定意义上和养猪场的行为有相似处。

    The Microsoft black screen event, in certain significance and the pig farm behavior has the similarity.

  29. 最近在耶鲁中心校园的纽黑文高街都有枪击事件报道。

    Recently there was a shooting incident on the high street of New Haven which is extremely close to Yales central campus.



黑天鹅事件(Black swan event)指非常难以预测,且不寻常的事件,通常会引起市场连锁负面反应甚至颠覆。从次贷危机到东南亚海啸,从9.11事件到“泰坦尼克号”的沉没,黑天鹅存在于各个领域,无论金融市场、商业、经济还是个人生活,都逃不过它的控制。

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