






1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……


1. 汗 [hàn]2. 汗 [hán]汗 [hàn]由身体的毛孔排泄出来的液体:~水。~流浃背。出汗,使出汗:~颜(因羞惭而出汗;泛指惭愧)。~马功劳。~牛充栋。汗 [hán]〔可(kè)~〕见“可2”。……



汉语拼音:chéng jí sī hán






  1. Genghis Khan "s outstanding way of thinking and his leadership in both strategy and tactics has made him a conqueror of the world. "


  2. It all started when Temujin (who was later known as Genghis Khan), vowed in his youth to bring the world to his feet.


  3. Genghis had "no trouble at all overrunning the place, " and his descendants would build wide-ranging kingdoms using Afghanistan as a base.


  4. Eight hundred years after he declared the Great Mongolian State in 1206, Genghis Khan rides again, all 250 stainless-steel tons of him.


  5. Genghiz Khan decided to leave southern China alone and swing westwards, through central Asia, to- wards the rich Moslem kingdom of Persia.


  6. "It was as if you put Venice in Kansas, " says Don Lessem, producer of a new Genghis Khan exhibit touring the country now.


  7. I once heard someone say that Genghis Khan was a Buddhist, and I thought what a great advert for Buddhism he was.


  8. As the legend of the Condor Heroes of the last generation of overlord, Cheng Jisihan can only occupy a small plot of land at your back.


  9. Genghis Khan, whose name means "Universal Ruler, " conquered as much for the sheer fun of it as for the spoils.


  1. 蒙古文学与成吉思汗

    Mongol Literature and Genghis Khan

  2. 丘处机与成吉思汗

    Qiu Chuji and Genghis Khan

  3. 成吉思汗的两匹骏马

    Two Thoroughbreds of Genghis Khan

  4. 成吉思汗用人政策探微

    Research on the Policy of Genghis Khan Choice Talents

  5. 成吉思汗任命木华黎为千户。

    Genghis Khan appointed Mu Huani as a high official in the army.

  6. 成吉思汗任命木华黎为千户。

    Genghis Khan appointed Mu Huani as a high official in the army.

  7. 铁木尔汗是成吉思汗的第七世孙。

    Temur Khan was the 7thgeneration descendant of Genghis Khan.

  8. 成吉思汗在世的时候征服了半个地球。

    Genghis Khan conquered half of the world in his lifetime.

  9. 第一次的结果说明他是成吉思汗后裔。

    The first was being told he was descended from Genghis Khan.

  10. 元朝的成吉思汗还一直打到莫斯科郊外。

    And the troops of Genghis Khan had fought all the way to the outskirts of Moscow.

  11. 一代天骄,成吉思汗,只好骑马往回飙!

    Genghis Khan, Genghis Khan, had no choice but to Biao horse back!

  12. 成吉思汗与六盘山国际学术研讨会综述

    General introduction to the international symposium of Genghis Khan and Liupan Mountain

  13. 这些乌兹别克士兵祈求成吉思汗的宽恕。

    The Uzbek soldiers claimed mercy from Genghis Khan.

  14. 这些乌兹别克士兵祈求成吉思汗得宽恕。

    The Uzbek soldiers claimed mercy from Genghis Khan.

  15. 这些乌兹别克士兵祈求成吉思汗的宽恕。

    The Uzbek soldiers claimed mercy from Genghis Khan.

  16. 一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。

    The great man, Genghis Khan, only knew how to shoot eagles with an arrow.

  17. 西夏传到10世,成吉思汗5次发兵才灭了西夏。

    It was not unitl ten generations later that the Kingdom of Xixia was finally conquered by Genghis Khan after a series of five expeditions.

  18. 成吉思汗没有灭掉它,这侥幸中也有注定。

    Genghis Khan didn't destroy it, this was by luck medium to have already destine as well.

  19. 被誉为一代天骄的成吉思汗,他是崇信萨满的。

    Jenghiz khan, who was thought to be god's favored one, believed in Shaman very much.

  20. 傅满洲寻求成吉思汗的权杖, 所以他能统治亚洲。

    Fu Manchu seeks the sceptre of Ghenghis Khan so he can rule Asia.

  21. 一位大学教授的生活和成吉思汗的生活肯定是大相径庭。

    The life of a university professor couldn't be any further from that of Genghis Khan.

  22. 元朝时期成吉思汗完成对天山南北的政治统一。

    The founder of the Yuan Dynasty, Genghis Khan, completed the political unification of the regions north and south of the Tianshan Mountains.

  23. 成吉思汗的军队所过之处都被烧杀抢掠光了。

    Genghis Khan's armies destroyed everything in their path.

  24. 一统中亚各部落后,成吉思汗将注意力转移它处。

    Having united the tribes of Central Asia, Genghis Khan turned his attention elsewhere.

  25. 蒙古人得第一位伟大得战斗首领,也称大汗,是成吉思汗。

    The first great warrior leader of the Mongols? or Great Khan? was Genghis.

  26. 蒙古人的第一位伟大的战斗首领,也称大汗,是成吉思汗。

    The first great warrior leader of the Mongols ? or Great Khan ? was Genghis.

  27. 成吉思汗在东胜的陵寝成了今日蒙古族青年的拜谒之地。

    Genghis Khans Mausoleum in Dongsheng has become a shrine for Mongolian youth.

  28. 你怎么让计算机明白某个人是不是成吉思汗的后代呢

    How would you tell a computer to see if someone a descendant of Ghengis Khan

  29. 从此之后,所有的蒙古人只承认一个祖先,就是成吉思汗。

    Since then, all of the Mongols is only one ancestor, that is Genghis Khan.

  30. 尽管成吉思汗的手段残忍,他却不是个逞一时之快的杀手。

    Despite his ruthless methods, Genghis Khan was not an impulsive killer.


  1. 问:成吉思汗拼音怎么拼?成吉思汗的读音是什么?成吉思汗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成吉思汗的读音是Chéngjísīhán,成吉思汗翻译成英文是 Genghis Khan , born Temüjin, was the founder of th...

  2. 问:成吉思汗法典拼音怎么拼?成吉思汗法典的读音是什么?成吉思汗法典翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成吉思汗法典的读音是,成吉思汗法典翻译成英文是 Yassa

  3. 问:成吉思汗涮涮锅拼音怎么拼?成吉思汗涮涮锅的读音是什么?成吉思汗涮涮锅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成吉思汗涮涮锅的读音是chéngjísīhán shuàn shuàn guō,成吉思汗涮涮锅翻译成英文是 Genghis Khan Shabu-shabu

  4. 问:成吉思汗的后代拼音怎么拼?成吉思汗的后代的读音是什么?成吉思汗的后代翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成吉思汗的后代的读音是,成吉思汗的后代翻译成英文是 Storm Over Asia

  5. 问:成吉思汗国际机场拼音怎么拼?成吉思汗国际机场的读音是什么?成吉思汗国际机场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成吉思汗国际机场的读音是,成吉思汗国际机场翻译成英文是 Chinggis Khaan International Airport

  6. 问:成吉思汗陵旅游区拼音怎么拼?成吉思汗陵旅游区的读音是什么?成吉思汗陵旅游区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成吉思汗陵旅游区的读音是chéngjísīhánlínglǚyóuqū,成吉思汗陵旅游区翻译成英文是 Genghis Khan's Mausoleum Tourist Area



“成吉思汗”是个多义词,它可以指成吉思汗(2012年中国书店出版图书), 成吉思汗(龚禺铭编著图书), 成吉思汗(德国流行乐队), 成吉思汗(俞智先等编著图书), 成吉思汗(1987年萧笙监制、万梓良主演TVB电视剧), 成吉思汗(勒内·格鲁塞等编著图书), 成吉思汗(1987年李兆华监制、刘永主演ATV电视剧), 成吉思汗(桌游英雄杀人物), 成吉思汗(网络游戏), 成吉思汗(蒙克演唱歌曲), 成吉思汗(张蝶演唱歌曲), 成吉思汗(林子祥演唱歌曲), 成吉思汗(单机游戏)。

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