


1. 羊 [yáng]2. 羊 [xiáng]羊 [yáng]哺乳动物,反刍类,一般头上有一对角,品种很多:绵~。黄~。羚~。~羔。~毫。~肠线。~肠小道。姓。羊 [xiáng]古同“祥”,吉祥。……


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:yáng shuō






  1. 人名。即 屠羊说 。

    《庄子·让王》:“ 楚昭王 失国, 屠羊説 走而从於 昭王 。 昭王 反国,将赏从者,及 屠羊説 。 屠羊説 曰:‘大王失国, 説 失屠羊;大王反国, 説 亦返屠羊。臣之爵禄已復矣,又何赏之有!’” 陆德明 释文:“ 屠羊説 音悦,或如字。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·嘉遯》:“ 羊説 安乎屠肆, 杨朱 吝其一毛。”参见“ 屠羊説 ”。



  1. The wolf said to the lamb that if you did not appear quickly, the flamen would catch hold of you to give to the God .


  2. Said a gracious wolf to a simple sheep, "Will you not honour our house with a visit? "


  3. " Then he called out to the lamb, " How dare you muddle the water?


  4. " I love you" sheep moment think not, directly said out, it is the response to the wolf only effort to take the phone to keep sheep on.


  5. The sheep said, "Please! Save me, Mr. monkey! "


  6. He thus addressed him: "Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me. "


  7. I have a problem, "Hsiao Yang said. " I don't know what to give the baby king.


  8. The fox said to the lamb , "Uh oh, everyone recognized you by your voice. " B:


  1. 他说养羊不赚钱。

    He says that sheep farming doesn't pay.

  2. 如果主把我们叫作是羊, 他想说的到底是什么?

    If God calls us his sheep I wonder just what hes trying to say

  3. 这正是我想要得, 你说这只羊需要很多草吗?

    That is exactly the way I wanted it! Do you think that this sheep will have to have a great deal of grass?

  4. 这正是我想要的,你说这只羊需要很多草吗?

    That is exactly the way I wanted it! Do you think that this sheep will have to have a great deal of grass?

  5. 有人说羊年不吉利。

    Some people think the Year of Goat is a jinx.

  6. 撒上254大卫在旷野听见说拿八剪羊毛。

    And David heard in the wilderness that Nabal did shear his sheep.

  7. 不管怎么说,一只羊的眼睛就像一个孩子的眼睛。

    Anyway, a goat's eyes are like a child's eyes.

  8. 他没有等羊羔再说什么, 抓住羊把它吃了。

    And he did not wait for any further reply, but he caught the lamb and ate him up.

  9. 你说,这只羊需不需要喂很多草给他吃呢?

    Do you think that this sheep will have to have a great deal of grass

  10. 我说孩子们, 看好羊羔。

    Then I said dear children watch the lamb.

  11. 他说他知道半人羊的下落。

    He said he knows the faun.

  12. 这话我可不是逢人就说羊绒袜才配得上你的脚踝。

    Well, I don't say this to every man, but you've got the perfect ankles for cashmere.

  13. 我的朋友布拉德凯斯勒说直到我们开始养羊我们才成为人。

    My friend Brad Kessler says that we didn't become human until we started keeping goats.

  14. 听听, 说说白羊座

    Listening and Speaking Aries

  15. 听听,说说白羊座。

    Listening and Speaking Aries.

  16. 牧羊女毫不犹豫地说。

    The Shepherdess said with no hesitation.

  17. 要说宠物嘛,牧羊狗最好。

    As for pets, sheepdogs are the best.

  18. 耶稣对他说,你喂养我的小羊。

    He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

  19. 大卫继续说它们将变成好吃的羊排。

    They become lamb cropschops Testy once Tasty ones, says Daivd David Johnson.

  20. 说着猛扑上去咬下了羊的一条腿。

    spoke swoop up a bit off the sheeps leg.

  21. 牧羊人看了看年轻人,然后看着羊群说可以。

    Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh.

  22. 看看你的的四周?说你看到羊齿和竹子没有?

    Look around, He said. Do you see the fern and the bamboo?

  23. 他一直都相信羊儿能够听懂他说什么。

    He had always believed that the sheep were able to understand what he said.

  24. 羊仔气愤地说你为什麽想偷袭我呀!

    Sheep indignantly said that, Why do you want to sneak attack me!

  25. 他还说,这不是让你科学地定义一只羊。

    And he says, It's not about a scientific rendering of a sheep.

  26. 扫烟囱的说, 把牧羊女带到壁炉的门前。

    The Chimney Sweeper said and took the Shepherdess to a gate in the fireplace.

  27. 可惜小黑羊说从相中看好像未贴墙纸一样喎!

    When petit Mouton Noir looked at this picture and he said too bad!

  28. 我哥在山上照看我们的羊,现年40岁的罗斯汉说。

    My older brother is watching our sheep in the mountains, said Los han,40.

  29. 我哥在山上照看我们得羊,现年40岁得罗斯汉说。

    My older brother is watching our sheep in the mountains, said Los han, 38.

  30. 信使回来向国王汇报了牧羊人女儿所说的话。

    And the messenger returned to the king and spoke the words of the shepherd's daughter.

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