






1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……


1. 并 [bìng]2. 并 [bīng]并 [bìng]合在一起:~拢。合~。兼~。一齐,平排着:~驾齐驱。~重(zhòng )。~行(xíng )。连词,表平列或进一层:~且。用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样:~不容易。……



汉语拼音:gōng sī hé bìng



  1. Newly established merge refers to two or more companies merge into one new company with the dismissal of each original party of the merge.


  2. On June 12th the company sent out a 38-page document to highlight the advantages of its proposed marriage with the Russians.


  3. David: So this is all just a coincidence?


  4. The integration issues described in this article are not unique to the insurance industry or to company mergers.


  5. The husband wanted her to incorporate to reduce their income, thereby allowing the son to qualify for more aid.


  6. In 1981, as the roof was caving in, it seemed to our company a merger might be the only way out.


  7. News of the merger probably did not lead to standing ovations at global distribution system companies and online travel agencies.


  8. Pfizer was just ordered to divest its swine vaccine business as a condition to the approval of its merger with Wyeth.


  9. The combined entity would be the world's biggest producer of iron ore, copper and aluminium, and a major player in coal, zinc and diamonds.


  1. 那两家公司合并了。

    The two companies united.

  2. 股份有限公司合并, 分立的

    Where a company limited by shares is merged or divided

  3. 她被迫同意将公司合并。

    She was pressurized into agreeing to a merger.

  4. 将两家公司合并成一家

    consolidate two companies into one

  5. 我们乐于与你们公司合并。

    We are happy to amalgamate with your company.

  6. 这家公司与别家公司合并了。

    The firm incorporated with others.

  7. 这公司将要与其母公司合并。

    This company is about to incorporate with its parent company.

  8. 他们公司正计划同我们公司合并。

    Their company is planning to amalgamate with ours.

  9. 股东们将投票表决公司合并问题。

    Shareholders will be voting on the merger of the companies.

  10. 一家种子公司合并了几家小农

    A seed company consolidated few small farms.

  11. 该公司被一家大公司合并。

    The firm was annexed to a large corporation.

  12. 这只是个巧合两公司合并的事?

    David So this is all just a coincidence

  13. 因公司合并或者分立需要解散的。

    Dissolution is necessary due to a merger or division of the company.

  14. 他的公司最终与时代华纳公司合并。

    His firm eventually merged with Time Warner.

  15. 他们决定把两个公司合并成一个。

    They decided to merge the two companies into one.

  16. 这两个公司合并以求更大效率。

    The two companies consolidated for greater efficiencies.

  17. 这两家公司合并成一家大公司。

    The two companies combined to make a large one.

  18. 他们商号将与一家美国公司合并。

    Their firm will be amalgamated with an American company.

  19. 他们已决定把那些小公司合并起来。

    They have decided to merge those small firms together.

  20. 有很多公司合并,而分立的却很少。

    Many companies merge and few demerge.

  21. 这两家公司合并,变得实力更强。

    The two companies merged to become stronger.

  22. 你关于最近的手机公司合并怎么看

    GS What are your thoughts on recent mobile mergers and acquisitions

  23. 你最好把你的公司与我的公司合并在一起。

    You'd better integrate your company with mine.

  24. 这家公司现在已与当地一家公司合并了。

    The company has now amalgamated with another local firm.

  25. 那些公司合并在一起成立了一个大公司。

    The companies merged to form a large corporation.

  26. 约翰逊先生的公司已决定和母公司合并。

    Mr Johnson's has decided to merge with the parent firm.

  27. 拟定公司合并, 分立, 变更公司形式, 解散的案

    To draft plans for merger, division, change of corporate form and dissolution of the company.

  28. 公司是由三家小公司合并组成的。

    The company was formed by merging three smaller firms.

  29. 两家公司合并成立了一家跨国集团。

    Two CLS company merge found a CLS international corporation These two companies merged and founded one international corporation.

  30. 韦尔斯公司马上就要同国家钢铁公司合并。

    Wells and Company are about to incorporate with National Steel.



公司合并是指两个或两个以上的公司依照公司法规定的条件和程序,通过订立合并协议,共同组成一个公司的法律行为。公司的合并可分为吸收合并和新设合并两种形式。吸收合并又称存续合并,它是指通过将一个或一个以上的公司并入另一个公司的方式而进行公司合并的一种法律行为。并入的公司解散,其法人资格消失。接受合并的公司继续存在,并办理变更登记手续。新设合并是指两个或两个以上的公司以消灭各自的法人资格为前提而合并组成一个公司的法律行为。其合并结果,原有公司的法人资格均告消灭。新组建公司办理设立登记手续取得法人资格 。

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