






1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……





汉语拼音:gōng sī zhòng zǔ



  1. On such a basis has the question of restructuring the company been raised.


  2. Business Transfer is also an important form of the Company's Reorganization.


  3. It sets the tone of how the company's reconstruction and transformation message is received.


  4. Corporate restructuring, wage competition and a revolution in information technology boosted profits.


  5. Some of its local papers will probably be combined as a result of the restructuring.


  6. Straightforward bankruptcy is usually the most efficient way to allow floundering firms to restructure or fail.


  7. A bail-out would either delay inevitable restructuring or (worse) put Congress in charge of it. The bail-out's advocates will try again.


  8. Dissident creditor Carl Icahn agreed to support MGM's restructuring after the studio made several changes to its reorganization plan.


  9. The picture is much different in the U. S. , where aggressive corporate restructuring efforts have led to a surge in productivity growth.


  1. 公司重组影响了我的收入。

    My pay was affected by the reorganization of the business.

  2. 显然, 航空公司重组更引人注目。

    Apparent, aviation Gong department recombines Geng conspicuous.

  3. 是啊,我们正在进行公司重组。

    Yes, we're in the midst of some corporate restructuring.

  4. 如果我们不想破产,我们就必须对公司重组。

    We must reorganize the company if we don't want to go under.

  5. 虽然缓慢且不尽完美,但公司重组正在推进。

    Jobs, sacrosanct in Japan, were eventually shed.

  6. 当公司重组时,她机敏地为自己制造了一个岗位。

    She cleverly created a job for herself when the company was reorganized.

  7. 这给公司重组及转制的说法如何被雇员接受定下了基调。

    It sets the tone of how the companys reconstruction and transformation message is received.

  8. 公司是武进柴油机厂改制后的重组公司。

    Wujin diesel engine plant is restructuring after the reorganization of the company.

  9. 上级研究决定,下一步要对公司进行重组。

    The higher authorities decided that the next step is to restructure the company.

  10. 上级研究决定,下一步要对公司进行重组。

    The higher authorities decided that the next step is to restructure the company.

  11. 加强制度建设促进证券公司购并重组的发展

    Strengthen the System Construction to Promote the Development of Acquirement and Reorganization of the Securities Corporate

  12. 一种可能的公司税重组是公司和个人所得税的完全重组。

    One possible corporate tax reform is full integration of the corporate and personal income taxes.

  13. 美国联合投资股份公司与上报公司的重组协议和计划。

    Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between American Unity Investments, Inc. And the Registrant.

  14. 对于公司的重组之举, 部分券商给出了积极的评价。

    For the company's restructuring moves, some brokers are given a positive assessment.

  15. 合并之后的公司要进行重组。

    The company will be retooled after the incorporation.

  16. 公司重大资产重组事项尚存在重大不确定性。

    Major asset restructuring company matters at surviving significant uncertainty.

  17. 第 34。1 章, 对收购 子母公司分拆重组得衡。

    Myers. Leverage Buyouts, Spinoffs, and Restructurings. Chapter 34.1.

  18. 第 34。1 章,对收购 子母公司分拆重组的衡。

    Myers. Leverage Buyouts, Spinoffs,and Restructurings. Chapter 34.1.

  19. 如果你的公司要改革重组, 你就得另谋生计。

    Your company may restructure, and you will have to survive.

  20. 天业股份今日披露了公司重大资产重组的进展。

    Tianye shares of the company today revealed a significant asset restructuring progress.

  21. 他管理上的重大失误使公司陷入亟须重组的境地。

    His gross mismanagement left the company desperately in need of restructuring.

  22. 重组对公司的运作所作的改革,通常是为了改组并提高效率。

    Restructure A change made to a company's operations, generally to reorganize and improve efficiency.

  23. 公司在完成了重组转型之后,定位是很明确的。

    The company was being finished after recombining transition, fixed position is very clear.

  24. 这家钢铁公司已将他们重组操作的计划付诸实施。

    The steel company carried through their plan to restructure all of their operations.

  25. 天津宝鼎化工有限公司由原宝鼎化工厂改制重组而成立。

    Tianjin bonding Zhongxin Chemical Co.chemical plant restructuring and reorganizing the original bonding Zhongxin set up.

  26. 沃诺克先生辞职了,因为公司放弃了一项资金重组计划。

    Mr. Warnock resigned as the company abandoned a plan to recapitalize.

  27. 雅虎还说该公司还在继续就重组的具体条款进行讨论。

    The company also said then that it was engaged in ongoing discussions regarding the terms of the restructuring.

  28. 在重组后,新公司宁波钢铁将增加投资和扩大股份。

    After the restructuring, the Ningbo steel company would further increase capital and expand shares.

  29. 涉及转让方因兼并,合并或其他重组而产生的任何公司。

    any corporation resulting from any merger, consolidation or other reorganization involving the assigning Party, and.

  30. 美国公司立刻对队伍进行了重组。

    The American company immediately restructured its team.




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