







汉语拼音:tū yīng



  1. Bambiraptor had a keen sniffer similar to that of a modern-day turkey vulture.


  2. I called my two daughters to come see it, but by the time they got to the window a hawk was shredding the poor thing to pieces.


  3. I had a sort of vague premonition that I would not reach the Bastille without being taken in tow by one of these buzzards.


  4. "There's Baldy, " he said, pointing to a bald eagle circling low, keeping an eye on the rack, looking to snag any fish before Turner did.


  5. However, when I'm out on the boat, horse flies will descend like vultures.


  6. They attack it, like a vulture on prey. As soon as something look like it's about to go awry they are on top of it to squash it.


  7. Asian vultures have declined rapidly over the last eight years due to the use of a livestock drug called diclofenac.


  8. The condor is a strong and dynamic evolution, especially by removing what looked like a dog collar around its neck.


  9. Lead ammunition left behind in carcasses by hunters has been proven to be a deadly hazard for condors that rely on this food source.


  1. 老鹰和秃鹰

    The Eagle and the Buzzard.

  2. 秃鹰在高空翱翔。

    Buzzards soar overhead at a great height.

  3. 秃鹰象征了美国。

    The bald eagle represents the United States.

  4. 秃鹰七十二小时

    There Days Of The Condor

  5. 秃鹰美韩军事演习

    Fall Eagle exercise

  6. 秃鹰是美国的标志。

    The bald eagle is the emblem of us.

  7. 秃鹰是美国得象征。

    The bald eagle is a symbol of the United States.

  8. 秃鹰是美国的象征。

    The bald eagle is a symbol of the United States.

  9. 秃鹰是美国的象征。

    The bald eagle is a symbol of the United States.

  10. 秃鹰是美国的国徽。

    The bald eagle is the national emblem of the United states.

  11. 秃鹰是美国得徽标。

    The bald eagle is the emblem of US.

  12. 秃鹰是美国的徽标。

    The bald eagle is the emblem of US.

  13. 秃鹰也吃动物得尸体。

    Eagles also eat dead animals.

  14. 秃鹰也吃动物的尸体。

    Eagles also eat dead animals.

  15. 广场上喂食的是秃鹰

    In the square the oral administration is a condor

  16. 在冬天, 秃鹰是群居的。

    Bald eagles live together in groups in winter.

  17. 你必须集合许多秃鹰吗?

    Do you have to assemble many Condor?

  18. 看看这只垂头丧气得秃鹰。

    Check out this lappetfaced vulture.

  19. 看看这只垂头丧气的秃鹰。

    Check out this lappetfaced vulture.

  20. 我开始今天驾驶秃鹰机器。

    I got to drive the Condor Machine today.

  21. 把他留给蚂蚁和秃鹰。

    And leave him to the ants and the buzzards.

  22. 你们这些秃鹰,快滚,走开!咻!

    Get outta here, ya scavengers. Go on! Shoo!

  23. 我喜欢像打秃鹰保龄球一样。

    I love this! Bowling for buzzards.

  24. 金字塔和秃鹰是国玺得两面。

    The pyramid and the bald eagle are both parts of the Great Seal.

  25. 金字塔和秃鹰是国玺的两面。

    The pyramid and the bald eagle are both parts of the Great Seal.

  26. 为什麽会有秃鹰在上空盘旋?

    Why are there vultures circling overhead ?

  27. 让我们去对秃鹰的希望最好。

    Let's go wish the best to the Condor.

  28. 这孩子像个秃鹰似的在盘旋。

    This girl is circling like a vulture.

  29. 你认不认识海边走私大王秃鹰?

    Do you know the king of smuggling condor?

  30. 她现在正在为秃鹰感到苦恼不已。

    She is in much trouble about the buzzard


  1. 问:秃鹰拼音怎么拼?秃鹰的读音是什么?秃鹰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秃鹰的读音是,秃鹰翻译成英文是 caracara

  2. 问:秃鹰的拼音怎么拼?秃鹰的的读音是什么?秃鹰的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秃鹰的的读音是,秃鹰的翻译成英文是 vulturous

  3. 问:秃鹰类拼音怎么拼?秃鹰类的读音是什么?秃鹰类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秃鹰类的读音是,秃鹰类翻译成英文是 buzzard

  4. 问:秃鹰似的拼音怎么拼?秃鹰似的的读音是什么?秃鹰似的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秃鹰似的的读音是,秃鹰似的翻译成英文是 vulturine

  5. 问:秃鹰军团拼音怎么拼?秃鹰军团的读音是什么?秃鹰军团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秃鹰军团的读音是,秃鹰军团翻译成英文是 Condor Legion

  6. 问:秃鹰投资者拼音怎么拼?秃鹰投资者的读音是什么?秃鹰投资者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秃鹰投资者的读音是Tūyīng tóuzīzhě,秃鹰投资者翻译成英文是 vulture capitalist, also known as 兀鹫投资者

  7. 问:秃鹰式导弹系统拼音怎么拼?秃鹰式导弹系统的读音是什么?秃鹰式导弹系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秃鹰式导弹系统的读音是tū yīng shì dǎo dàn xì tǒng,秃鹰式导弹系统翻译成英文是 Condor Missile System



“秃鹰”是个多义词,它可以指秃鹰(远程管理软件), 秃鹰(大兀鹰)。

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