


1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……


1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……


1. 莫 [mò]2. 莫 [mù]莫 [mò]不要:~哭。没有,无:~大。~非。~名其妙(亦作“莫明其妙”)。不,不能:~如。~逆。~须有。~衷一是(不能得出一致的结论)。爱~能助。古同“漠”,广大。姓。莫 [mù]古同“暮”。……


1. 邪 [xié]2. 邪 [yá]3. 邪 [yé]4. 邪 [yú]5. 邪 [xú]邪 [xié]不正当,不正派:~恶(è)。~念。~说。中医指引起疾病的环境因素:寒~。风~。迷信的人指鬼神给予的灾祸:中(zhòng)~。妖异怪诞:……



汉语拼音:gān jiāng mò yé




汉赵晔《吴越春秋》卷四 记载,吴国人干将善作剑,越王献吴王三把宝剑,吴王叫干将改制成两把,一名干将,一名莫邪(干将妻 子的名字)。后即用“干将莫邪”泛称宝剑。莫邪也作镆铘。将(jiāng)。邪(yé)。



  • 【解释】:干将、莫邪:古代宝剑名。锋利的宝剑的代称。
  • 【出自】:《战国策·齐策五》:“(苏秦说齐闵王曰)今虽干将莫邪,非得人力,则不能割刿矣。”


  1. Is a legendary stem Mo Xie Shen's sword, will be automatic to suddenly and violently rise to harm a person?


  1. 安来到我们队给我们增加了一员干将。

    Ann will be a very useful addition to our team.

  2. 白宫首席战略专家兼得力干将卡尔。罗夫将于本月底离职。

    Chief political strategist and righthand man Karl Rove will be leaving his post at the White House by the end of month.

  3. 他们将干重活。

    They will do the heavy work.

  4. 永远干你说你将干的事吧。

    Always do what you say you are going to do.

  5. 我可以想像他将干得不错

    I can see him doing really well

  6. 也可将干花椒直接加入汤中调味。

    Can also be dried pepper seasoning directly into the soup.

  7. 他干坏事将受到报应。

    His evil doings will rebound upon himself.

  8. 将干酵母和温水混合, 等酵母泡开之后加入面粉。

    Dissolve the yeast in the water, then add in flour.

  9. 将干辣椒片放入温热的油中,使辣味进入油中。

    Put the red pepper flakes into the heat oil to infuse the heat into the oil.

  10. 请勿将干电池与硬币或其他金属物品混在一起携带。

    Do not carry the dry batteries with coins or other metallic objects.

  11. 将干红枣洗净后用温水浸泡, 花生米略煮, 去皮备用。

    Will immerse with Wen Shui after Gan Gongzao is abluent, pignut is boiled slightly, flay reserves.

  12. 评干工作将于今天下午三点进行。

    We will make an appraisal of the officials at three o'clock this afternoon.

  13. 将干香菇浸泡在温水中, 变软后, 去掉根部, 切成薄片。

    Soak dried shiitake mushrooms in lukewarm water to soften them. Cut off the stems and cut the mushrooms into strips.

  14. 他仓促地开始准备混和快干混凝土将洞口补上。

    He hurriedly prepares the hole and begins mixing the concrete.

  15. 她干过将水果装瓶或做果酱之类的活计吗?

    Did she do things like bottling fruit or making jam?

  16. 如果你只是为了一个女人, 和博勒达干, 将失去部落的民心。

    If you fight with Bleda over a woman, the tribe will turn its back on you.

  17. 在小碗中将两个蛋的蛋白打稠, 但不发干, 将之倒入面糊中。

    Beat egg whites in a small bowl until stiff but not dry Fold whites into batter.

  18. 如果我能干, 我将帮助你。

    I'll help you if I'm able.

  19. 凭他的才干,他将大有作为。

    With his gumption he will make a success of himself.

  20. 他干的坏事将受到报应。

    His evil doings will rebound on himself.

  21. 她将面团干开。

    She rolled out the pastry.

  22. 用毛巾将手拭干。

    Dry your hands with the towel.

  23. 人们热火朝天地干着然后将成果一扫而光。

    We huddle over the warmth of our progress, and we gobble it up.

  24. 你继续这样干下去你将对这项工作越来越熟练。

    You will get more skillful at this job as you go along.

  25. 无法料及他们下一步将会干什么。

    There's never any predicting what they will do next.

  26. 之后用纸巾将油吸干,并将食用糖粉撒在上面。

    Drain on paper towels and dust with confectioner's sugar.

  27. 我不管他们说什么,我将照样干下去。

    I don't care what they I shall go on just the same.

  28. 意大利面煮熟以后立即将水沥干。

    Drain the pasta as soon as it is cooked.

  29. 一个炎热的夏天可以将大地干透。

    A good hot summer could dry the ground out.

  30. 我们现在将接着干下面的一件事。

    To We will now proceed to the next business.




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