






1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


相接:~日。~夜。~年。~亘(接连不断)。~襟(姐妹的丈夫之间的亲戚关系)。~载。~缀。~理。烽火~天。~篇累(lěi )牍。带,加上:~带。~坐(一个人犯法,他的家属、亲族、邻居连带受处罚)。就是,既使,甚至于:~我都不信。联合:外~东吴……



汉语拼音:jǐn mì xiāng lián



  1. China faces the possibility of a second downturn with its fate still wedded to that of the West.

  2. It is not so much a question of decoupling as [these markets] do not appear to have been tightly linked in the first place.

  3. Price said the G8 made a strong link between the emissions-reduction goal and developing a new generation of environmental technologies.

  4. Capital -markets activity tends to be closely linked with overall economic growth .

  5. Isolated as the figures seem to be, as a matter of fact, they are connected to one another closely.

  6. Dai pointed out that against the backdrop of the deepening globalization, the fate of nations has never been so closely linked.

  7. In the long history of mankind, the destinies of countries have never been so closely linked as they are today.

  8. Throughout the long history, human communities have never been so closely interconnected in interests and destinies.

  9. Alongside it, a tight-knit, if highly competitive, band of fine wine traders and brokers has grown up.


  1. 这两门学科紧密相连。

    The two subjects are closely connected.

  2. 那两个过程紧密相连。

    Those two processes are very closely interlinked.

  3. 和我们的食物链紧密相连。

    connects to our own pyramid of life.

  4. 音乐与宗教信仰紧密相连。

    Music was closely bound up with religious beliefs.

  5. 我和她的命运紧密相连。

    My fate was bound up with hers.

  6. 他和她的命运紧密相连。

    His fate was closely entwined with her.

  7. 顾客与我们的关系紧密相连。

    Long live the relationship between you and me.

  8. 毕竟,在水和渔业 紧密相连。

    After all, there's a strong correlation between water and fishing.

  9. 我们的命运好像紧密相连, 难分难解。

    Our fates seemed inextricably intertwined, ie linked.

  10. 我们得命运好像紧密相连, 难分难解。

    Our fates seemed inextricably intertwined, ie linked.

  11. 有许多事,可以让朋友们紧密相连。

    There are many things that bind friends together.

  12. 有许多事,可以让朋友们紧密相连。

    There are many things that bind friends together.

  13. 他的事业与公司的命运紧密相连。

    His career is bound up with the fortunes of the enterprise.

  14. 他们的命运与我们的命运是紧密相连的。

    Their destiny is tied up with our destiny.

  15. 在这种情况下,供应需求紧密相连。

    In this case, supply right next to demand.

  16. 经济的发达与教育的发展紧密相连。

    Economic progress is closely bound up with educational development.

  17. 结果颈总动脉与 颈内 静脉紧密相连。

    Results The internal jugular vein and the common carotid artery join tightly to each other.

  18. 我们紧密相连的程度远胜于我们所了解的。

    We are more connected than we realize.

  19. 继承权恢复制度是和继承权丧失紧密相连的。

    Restoration System of Inheritance is connected with the loss of Inheritance.

  20. 正是这种同情,让我们与其他人紧密相连。

    So it's empathy that makes us connect to other people.

  21. 女性主义的观点与哲学思想是紧密相连的。

    Feminist ideas are interrelated with philosophical ideas.

  22. 音韵和音素意识和阅读能力是紧密相连的。

    Phonological and phonemic awareness phonological and phonemic awareness are closely associated with reading ability.

  23. 而且某种程度上,渔业和啤酒 也紧密相连。

    And for some, there's a strong correlation between fishing and beer.

  24. 它的生发与语言修辞赖以生存的语境紧密相连。

    It is closely related to the rhetorical context.

  25. 在这个紧密相连的世界中,这是很难预测的。

    And in a tightly coupled world, that's very hard to predict.

  26. 卖淫和贩卖儿童现象都与贫困和无知紧密相连。

    Prostitution and trafficking in children were both closely linked to poverty and ignorance.

  27. 福音是关于神在粪堆中与我们紧密相连在一起。

    The gospel is about God joining us in the muck.

  28. 他们不再怯懦, 软弱, 犹豫, 恐惧。他们与全能者紧密相连。

    They have come into possession of a sense of power hitherto undreamed of.

  29. 物流系统是一个与设备环境紧密相连的开放型系统。

    Logistics system is an open system which is connected closely with equipment enviroment.

  30. 人类的生存和发展与技术紧密相连,须臾离不开技术。

    There is a close relationship between existence and development of human and technology.


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