








1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:mù zhī suǒ jí






  1. Ahead of him, as far as he could see, was the pine plain.


  2. Everything that you saw made for greatness and freedom, and unequaled nobility.


  3. Guys constantly rib me about it, asking if or assuming every Asian woman within view is attractive to me.


  4. Its broad acres, with abundant crops, running water and fine timber, stretch away as far as the eye can see.


  5. For everywhere we look, there is work to be done. The state of our economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act. . .


  6. The wormwood's gray wool covers the ruins as far as the eye can see.


  7. Far away is truth. What they see and what they hear is the real world.


  8. all you see is you and me


  1. 在他前方, 目之所及, 就是松树平原。

    Ahead of him, as far as he could see, was the pine plain.

  2. 目之所及, 遗迹被这种艾草属植物灰色的绒毛所覆盖。

    The wormwood's gray wool covers the ruins as far as the eye can see.

  3. 目之所及,遗迹被这种艾草属植物灰色得绒毛所覆盖。

    The wormwood's gray wool covers the ruins as far as the eye can see.

  4. 你们看到我力之所及了吧!

    See what I have been able to effect!

  5. 你可能认为现在的工作就是你能力之所及。

    In your current job, you think that this is as far as you can go.

  6. 渴望一处我们目不能及的掩蔽处。

    Longing for shelter from all that we see.

  7. 莫干山广翅目昆虫及一新种记述

    Megaloptera of Mount Mogan with One New Species.

  8. 睡房乃睡眠及休息之所,与客厅设计及命局有所不同。

    Bedrooms is sleep and the rest, and sitting room design and different life innings.

  9. 公司修订帐目及报告规例

    Companies revision of accounts and reports regulation

  10. 簿册纪录资本要求帐目及审计

    Books, records, capital requirements, accounts and audit

  11. 受人目及位空缺目出重大的原因。

    Reasons for significant changes in the number of persons engaged and vacancies.

  12. 此课程包含完整的参考书目及所有的课业。

    This course includes a complete bibliography and all assignments.

  13. 此课程包含完整得参考书目及所有得课业。

    This course includes a complete bibliography and all assignments.

  14. 月未时候, 冲销过期帐目及未使用得担保预定。

    At month end write off over dues after department and guaranteed no show accounts.

  15. 这些牌目及玩法就很像今天的麻将牌了。

    These cards like head and playing on the tiles today.

  16. 提交总结报告时须一并提交经审计帐目及审计师报告。

    Please additionally submit an Audited Account of the Project supported by an auditor's report.

  17. 月未时候,冲销过期帐目及未使用的担保预定。

    At month end write off over dues after department and guaranteed no show accounts.

  18. 负责船员得薪酬帐目及休假事宜,并与船员家属联络。

    Looks after wages account, shores leaves and liaises with crews family.

  19. 负责船员的薪酬帐目及休假事宜,并与船员家属联络。

    Looks after wages account, shores leaves and liaises with crew's family.

  20. 亲缘关系一般认为泽泻目。水鳖目及茨藻目为近缘。

    Close predestined relationship concerns Think lustre purge order, forgbit eye and Ci alga eye are close predestined relationship commonly.

  21. 座囊菌目及相关类群属间关系的系统学初探

    Preliminary study on relationships of Dothideales and its allies

  22. 它的准确性视乎你是否已输入正确的收入及受养人数目。

    Its correctness always depends on whether you have entered the correct income figure and dependant number.

  23. 目地提高对附睾及睾丸鞘膜血管平滑肌瘤地认知水平。

    Objective To improve the level of understanding in angioleiomyoma of epididymis and tunica vaginalis.

  24. 课程当中会使用课堂讲义及所有的阅读书目。

    Lecture notes and a bibliography of all readings are available for this course.

  25. 本书收录文学作家,文艺思潮,文学流派及各国文学条目。

    Readers Encyclopedia of Eastern European Literatureed. by Robert B. Pynsent.

  26. 诳骗字符图象在水平及笔直标得目得得投影息为特征。

    Use character in horizontal and vertical direction of projection.

  27. 治疗方法得选择及目得依据肝性脑病得程度而定。

    Treatment options and goals depend on the acuity of hepatic encephalopathy.

  28. 经管及支出帐目

    charge and discharge account

  29. 有形及无形贸易合并帐目

    Combined visible and invisible trade account

  30. 变形虫羸小而目所难及。

    Amoebas are too small to see.



mù zhī suǒ jí

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